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Following the Return of the Light event, the defeat of Cy Thuron and the liberation of New Tython in 37 ABY, the Jedi of Odan-Urr initiated a gathering of the people that fought alongside them: Harakoan Tribal Alliance, Tythonian Colonial Alliance and Independent Colonies in Menat Ombo, the capital city of the Tythonian Colonial Alliance. They negotiated a treaty that would guarantee peace and harmony between the alliance of the four nations in New Tython. The pivotal treaty was signed in 38 ABY and is now known as the Treaty of Menat Ombo.
Provisions of the Treaty
The Four Nations
The Treaty of Menat Ombo
Henceforth from the liberation of New Tython from the clutches of the False King, Cy Thuron, the free and autonomous peoples of the planet shall abide by the laws of this Treaty. These laws shall be divided into four sub-sections, these known hereafter as "the Four Nations," as well as other sub-sections regarding defense and Treaty expansion. First and foremost, native to the planet and original possessors of its lands, shall be recognized the peaceful and law-abiding tribes of New Tython. These shall form the Harakoan Tribal Alliance, hereafter referred to as "Harakoans."
Next shall be recognized the human-majority colonies of Menat Ombo, Tanduran, and Vard Mislu, united under a democratic umbrella government and possessing of those lands agreed upon by, and surrendered to them by, the Harakoans in times modern and past, in accordance with current boundaries and dictates. Henceforth, these shall form the Tythonian Colonial Alliance, hereafter referred to as "Tythonians."
Next shall be recognized the colonies of non-human majority and autonomous leadership, referring initially to the Dac Compound, the Bothan settlement of Rashk, and the Wookiee city-grove of Gradrrbecca. These colonies shall remain in loose alliance and under the same portions of international laws as governed by the Treaty, said laws hereafter referred to as "The Law," and shall self-govern and possess lands and territories currently owned, granted, and surrendered to them in accordance with lawful negotiations with the Harakoans and Tythonians, in accordance with both past and present. These shall form the Independent Colonies of New Tython, henceforth referred to as "Independents."
Next shall be recognized the Jedi of Odan-Urr, whom shall reside within the Arca Praxeum and conduct their duties as a religious order with dedication to the Force. They shall hold, as a nation, no lands or territories not already existing or granted to them by Harakoans, Tythonians, or Independents. They shall form a self-governing order of peacekeepers, with provisions within The Law to allow them to investigate and enforce the Treaty unless they themselves are in violation. They shall hold no part, as a nation, of governance over Harakoans, Tythonians, or Independents. These shall form the Disciples of Odan-Urr, henceforth referred to as "Jedi."
Harakoan Tribal Alliance
Henceforth, the tribes of New Tython, referred to henceforth within this subsection by its ancestral name, "Harakoa," shall come under one banner of international law and shall be known as the Harakoan Tribal Alliance. Governed by a council of elders and representatives chosen by each tribe, according to their own custom, the Tribal Alliance will be headed in international matters by an elected council overseer. Each tribe shall possess its own ancestral lands and territories, according to laws past and present and with exemption only for territories lawfully surrendered, wrongfully acquired by use of force or manipulation, or granted to individuals and groups deemed worthy by the Harakoans. Each tribe shall govern itself within its own lands, in accordance with its own customs, barring only the following laws from alteration:
- The Harakoan Tribal Alliance shall make no move to conquer, capture, annex, or repossess any lands held lawfully by the other nations.
- Harakoan tribesmen shall not wrongfully injure or kill members of another nation or allied tribe.
- Harakoan tribesmen shall not attack non-signatory tribes, hereafter referred to as "Tribals," or other groups pre-emptively or without provocation.
- Harakoan tribesmen shall allow free trade between Harakoans and Independents, Tythonians, and Jedi, if ever individuals should wish to engage lawfully in such practices.
- Harakoan tribesmen shall not be mandated by their nation to trade with other groups, and are free to refuse such trade as individuals.
- Harakoan tribesmen shall allow individual Harakoan persons, and other accepted members of their nation, to depart for other nations or groups should they freely desire to.
- Harakoan tribes will maintain no more modern armaments than needed to arm twenty-five percent of any given tribe.
- Harakoan tribes will answer the call, and assemble the Harakoan Tribal Army to defend Harakoa and the other nations, whenever the call is put out.
Harakoans are a free people, and within their own lands will maintain their own laws, practices, and customs, insofar as they do not violate the aforementioned exemptions. Violators of Harakoan law will, while in the lands of Harakoans, be surrendered to the tribe that bears grievance for sentencing and punishment in accordance with Harakoan law. The Harakoans are welcome to invite any within other nations to live as part of theirs, though said migrant must then abide by and live under Harakoan law for the duration of their residency. At any time, any member of the Harakoans may contact the Jedi to seek mitigation, investigation, and enforcement of legal statutes and customs.
Tythonian Colonial Alliance
Henceforth, the human-majority colonies of Vard Mislu, Tanduran, and Menat Ombo shall unite as the Tythonian Colonial Alliance. United under one set of democratic laws, henceforth referred to as "Tythonian law," as well as under The Law as all nations are, they shall govern themselves democratically with the seat of primary governance located in the capital city of Menat Ombo. Ruled by a Prime Minister and Cabinet, each elected freely by any and every sane and adult citizen whom wishes to vote, regardless of species, the Tythonians shall abide by laws under constant review and rely on systems of free trade, judicial review, free and impartial trials, and a free press to exist and self-govern. They shall hold the lands of each colony currently held as part of the Tythonians, as well as any other lands legally granted or surrendered by the Harakoans, past and present. They shall surrender any lands or territories gained by wrongful use of force, unlawful manipulation, deceptive bargaining practices, and improper grant by illegitimate authorities. Tythonians will be governed by laws drafted, voted upon, and signed into law by the elected governments of Menat Ombo and the colonies, with exception to the following international statutes:
- The Tythonian Colonial Alliance shall make no move to conquer, capture, annex, or repossess lands held lawfully by other nations.
- Tythonians shall not wrongfully injure or kill members of another nation.
- Tythonians shall not attack Tribals, or other groups, pre-emptively or without provocation.
- Tythonians shall allow free trade between Tythonians and Harakoans, Independents, or Jedi, if ever individuals should wish to engage lawfully in such practices.
- Tythonians shall not be mandated by their nation to trade with other groups, and are free to refuse such trade as individuals.
- Tythonians shall allow individual Tythonian persons, and other accepted members of their nation, to depart for other nations or groups should they freely desire to.
- Tythonian colonies will maintain no more munitions or defenses than required to arm and outfit self-defense and security forces, and shall maintain no more than twenty-five percent of a given population as on-duty security forces in peacetime.
- Tythonians will answer the call, and assemble the Tythonian Security Corps to defend New Tython and the other nations, whenever the call is put out.
Tythonians are a free and democratic people, and within Tythonian lands will maintain their own legally, democratically ratified laws and customs, insofar as they do not violate the aforementioned exemptions. Furthermore, individuals of Tythonian legal status shall be free to practice their own cultural beliefs and customs, insofar as they do not violate the above laws and statutes. Violators of Tythonian law, while in Tythonian lands, shall be surrendered to their local judicial office and presented for legal prosecution in accordance with Tythonian law and The Law. The Tythonians are welcome to invite any within other nations to live as part of theirs, though said migrant must then abide by Tythonian legal practices and statutes for the duration of their residency. At any time, any member of the Tythonians may contact the Jedi to seek mitigation, investigation, and enforcement of legal statutes and customs.
Independent Colonies of New Tython
Henceforth, the Mon Calamari-majority Dac Compound, the Wookiee village of Gradrrbecca, the Bothan settlement of Rashk, and the Geonosian hive of Hununki Pi, alongside any other independent colonial bodies that sign the Treaty, shall be united under one banner of international law as the Independent Colonies of New Tython, referred to hereafter as "Independents." Governed independently of one another and maintaining their own legislative and judicial practices, the Independents will be represented in international matters by one of their respective leaders, as chosen by a quarterly vote among all such Independent governors. Each Independent colony, henceforth referred to as "City-States," shall maintain the lands it lawfully possessed prior to the false King Cy Thuron's rule, or those lands granted or entrusted to them by the four Treaty nations. Each City-State shall govern itself according to its own existing infrastructure and political system, barring only the following laws from alteration:
- The Independent Colonies of New Tython, and each City-State within, shall make no move to conquere, capture, annex, or repossess lands held lawfully by other nations.
- Independents shall not wrongfully injure or kill members of another nation.
- Independents shall not attack Tribals, or other groups, pre-emptively or without provocation.
- Independents shall allow free trade between Independents and Tythonians, Harakoans, or Jedi, if ever individuals should wish to engage lawfully in such practices.
- Independents shall not be mandated by their nation, or City-States therein, to trade with other groups, and are free to refuse such trade as individuals.
- Independents, and City-States therein, shall allow individual Independent persons, and other accepted members of said City-States, to depart for other nations or groups should they freely desire to.
- Independent City-States will maintain no more munitions or defenses than required to arm and outfit self-defense and security forces, and shall maintain no more than the following:
- Thirty percent of a City-State's population as standing security forces during peacetime, if said City-State has a population below ten thousand individuals;
- Twenty-five percent of a City-State's population as standing security forces during peacetime, if said City-State has a population of or exceeding ten thousand individuals.
- Independents and City-States therein will answer the call, and assemble their militias and security forces to form the Independent Defense Coalition to defend New Tython and the other nations, whenever the call is put out.
Independent City-States are freely and independently governed, and within the respective land of each City-State will maintain their own laws and customs according to their own political structures, insofar as they do not violate the aforementioned exemptions. Furthermore, individuals of Independent legal status shall be free to practice their own cultural beliefs and customs, insofar as they do not violate international law nor those of their respective City-States. Violators of Independent law, while in Independent lands, shall be surrendered to the judicial authorities of the offended City-States and prosecuted in accordance with said City-State's laws and The Law. Independents and City-States therein are welcome to invite any within other nations to live as part of theirs, though said migrant must then abide by the legal practices and statutes of all concerned City-States for the duration of their residency. At any time, any member of the Independents may contact the Jedi to seek mitigation, investigation, and enforcement of legal statutes and customs.
Jedi of Odan-Urr
The Treaty of Menat Ombo was implemented by the Jedi, after fair review and revision by each signatory nation's representatives, as a standard for International law and to firmly establish, entrench, and protect the rights, freedoms, and borders of the planet's existing peoples following the fall of the Thuron Monarchy. Though ideas and provisions therein would be conceptualized by the Jedi almost immediately following the planet's first colonist-Harakoan skirmishes, it would not approach becoming actual law until after the Dark Jedi Brotherhood invaded the planet in 33 ABY. Following this event, and subsequent rebuilding, faith in the Jedi and each other would wax and wane between Harakoan, Tythonian, and other groups for years, often with results that ranged from unpleasant to outwardly violent and destructive. It was in this climate that the New Dawn, the terrorist movement from which the Monarchy would eventually spring, was able to take shape; the Treaty became a concrete document following said Monarchy's ascent, to be proposed prior to a revolution against Thuron's rule and to prevent future instability and chaos among the people of the planet.
First and foremost, the purpose of the Treaty is to protect the rights and freedoms of all the people therein; second, it prevents the conquest and destruction of any group on the planet, while allowing a framework to exist for legal, mutual growth and prosperity for each group; third, it allows all groups outside of the Treaty - be they Harakoan or alien of origin - to seek their fair chance at becoming part of one of the Treaty nations, or an Independent City-State therein; fourth, it was put into place to limit the political and military reach of the Jedi, thus preventing them from becoming a corruptive or tyrannical force, while also allowing them the privileges, protections, and capability to uphold the Treaty, protect New Tython, and defend freedom and justice on the planet; and finally, it provides framework for the nations to come together smoothly in a crisis, to prevent the planet ever falling again. It exists today as a gold standard among all Treaty Nations, a means of insurance that their rights - and those of their neighbors - will always be protected.
Planetary Ramifications