
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 13:06, 20 October 2011 by Korroth (talk | contribs) (Force Techniques)

Template:GJW X

I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid.
This article was originally created as an entry for a Tenth Great Jedi War competition and is not official DJB canon content. It is preserved here for historical purposes only.
File:Holocron Cube blue0000.jpg
The Founders Holocron
Production Information

Jedi Holocron


House Odan-Urr


35 ABY

Known Locations:

New Tython

Physical & Technical specifications


Chronology & Usage
  • Ancient Jedi Master Philosophies
  • Order Tenets
  • Lightsided Force Techniques

The Founders Holocron is a Holocron containing the core tenets of the three Jedi Orders (Consular, Guardian, and Sentinel), the philosophies of three Jedi Masters as well as two unique force powers adapted for use by the Disciples of Odan-Urr. Created in [Blank] ABY by the Founders Ji and Solari. This holocron stands as the heart of all knowledge of the Jedi Order on New Tython.

The Founders Holocron itself lies hidden away within the subterranean caverns deep under Ooroo Abbey in the New Tythonian capital of Menat Ombo. This holocron remains a source of clear contention with the outbreak of the Tenth Great Jedi War as Brotherhood forces seek to collect this Jedi Compendium.


  • Where, when, how and why was this Holocron created by Ji and Solari?


Jedi Orders


  • Insert small summary of Consular history, characteristics, and core values.
  • Include summary on Master Odan-Urr's Consular philosophies


  • Insert small summary of Guardian history, characteristics, and core values.
  • Include summary on Master Vodo-Siosk Baas's Guardian philosophies



A Jedi Sentinel is the name given to one of the three Jedi Orders, and is considered the middle ground to the other Orders. The philosophies behind this Order are often closely linked with Bastila Shan, a Jedi Sentinel famous for her use of Battle Meditation and was also closely associated with the Dark Lord Revan, whom she managed to both capture and redeem. Jedi Sentinels recieve adequate knowledge in both combat skills and knowledge of the Force, utilizing both skills when neccissary. This Order is also unlike the other two, realizing that the Force has limitations and are not blinded by faith. Oftentimes, it was common that they may learn a series of non-force associated skills such as security, demolitions or stealth techniques, as well as ingenuity. Jedi Sentinels often take on tasks not well suited to the other Orders, preferring to stay in one place for a long period of time. Jedi Sentinels also practised specialized techniques in the Force. A favored Force technique was a special form of Force Immunity that, combined with their increased mental conditioning, protected against outside mental influences, even Force-based attacks to protect them from effects such as fear or paralysis. Although not often lit unless neccissary in a situation, most Sentinels often utilize a yellow blade in their lightsaber although like the other Orders, they are free to choose whichever colour they feel best suited to.

Bastila Shan

Bastila Shan was a famous Human Jedi Sentinel who was responsible for using an ancient Force Power called Battle Meditation in the defeat, capture and redemtion of the powerful fallen Jedi, Revan. Born on the planet Talravin to parents Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, Bastila was separated from her family to join the Jedi Order during the Old Republic Era. She had served as a Jedi Knight during the Jedi Civil War and was found to have the extraordinary gift of Battle Meditation, which could affect the outcome to any battle. Battle Meditation created a boon to her allies morale, while demoralizing foes. Shan had chosen to side with the Jedi Council when Jedi Knights Revan and Malak rebelled, joining the Galactic Republic in it's fight against Mandolorian Neo-Crusaders in the Mandolorian Wars. The leader of a strike team tasked with capturing Revan after his return with Malak from the Unknown Regions of space as Dark Lord of the Sith and Malak at the head of a new Sith Empire, Bastila used her Battle Meditation to great effect and eventually cornered the Dark Lord, Revan on the bridge of his Flagship, the Leviathan. Revan's apprentice, Malak made an attempt to destroy Revan's Flagship to destroy both Revan and Bastila, nearly killing Revan. Bastila stabilized Revan, who was now near death, creating a bond between them and temporarily erased the Dark Lord's memories. The Jedi Council had placed their hopes on Revan revealing to Bastila, the location of the Star Forge, under control of Malak at the time. Bastila Shan was tasked to watch Revan closely, lest he fall to the Dark Side while they searched for the Star Forge. During this search, Bastila fell in love with Revan, who, dispite his past as a Dark Lord of the Sith remained loyal to the Jedi Code. After being captured and tortured by the new Sith Lord, Revan's former apprentice, Malak, Bastila fell to the Dark Side and became Darth Malak's new appentice. Confronting Revan on the Star Forge, Revan was able to redeem Bastila Shan and turned her back to the Light Side. In return, she aided the Republic in destroying the Star Forge while Revan vanquished Malak and went on to survive the Era of Strife following the Jedi Civil War while Revan went back into Unknown space to eliminate a hidden Sith Threat.

Force Techniques

Force Aware

The Force permeates all that surrounds us, it flows and eddies around every living being (with a few exceptions) and it connects every entity and event in the galaxy. A Jedi can use this universal perfusion to attune themselves with the environment around them, so that for a period of time their mind functions in harmony with the flow of the Force in their vicinity. This allows the Jedi to become supremely aware of all that occurs in their surroundings, much more so than if they were using just their bodily senses. In this attuned state the Jedi will also be able to react to any disturbances in the Force much more quickly than they would normally be capable of.

Since Force Aware draws solely on the light side of the Force, using this power near a dark side nexus will greatly reduce its effectiveness.

In addition, this connection puts a large strain on the mind of the user. Depending on the Jedi's experience, they will be able to maintain this Force awareness for a finite period of time. When they let go of the connection, they will feel mentally drained and their ability to draw on the Force will be severely depleted.

First Tier (Jedi Knight):

Second Tier (….?….):

Third Tier (.…?….):

Influence Alignment

Influence Alignment is an offensive power targeted towards Dark Jedi. It represses the strong emotions that are required to draw on the dark side of the Force, effectively suppressing the target's ability to use the Force. The magnitude and duration of the suppression is dependent on the user's rank: an inexperienced Jedi will only be able to reduce the Dark Jedi's ability to use Force for a short time, while a powerful Jedi may be able to prevent any interaction with the dark side of the Force for very long periods of time.

While dark side suppression is the power's main practical effect, Influence Alignment may also change the target's behavior, who, deprived of any intense passions, may be more easily swayed away from the dark side. This is, of course, a generalization which may not apply to all Dark Jedi.

Furthermore, an experienced Jedi can use Force Aware to increase considerably the effectiveness of Influence Alignment, because they will be more attuned to the flow of the Force around the Dark Jedi's emotions.

First Tier (Jedi Knight):

Second Tier (….?….):

Third Tier (.…?….):


  • Expand on the effectiveness of the two force techniques per each Rite

1st Rite

  • Ranks Apprentice, Novice, Acolyte

2nd Rite

  • Protector, Guardian, Jedi Hunter, Dark Jedi Knight

3rd Rite

  • All Equite ranks


  • Mastery Ranks


  • How would a Lightsided Grandmaster use these two techniques

Current Events

  • Current state of the Holocron throughout the Great Jedi War X.

Wiki Team