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Seng Karash is the principle city of the Orian system and home to around three hundred thousand employees. The majority of the Dlarit Corporation's civilian employees can be found on Aeotheran in this city, and to a lesser extent the cloud city of San Korinar on Amphor. It is the only major population center on Aeotheran, with miners working shifts at the various mining outposts across the planet and traveling predominantly by shuttle to and from work, or in the case of the outposts nearest Seng Karash by a limited rail network.
The city of Seng Karash is the jewel of the Dlarit Corporation. While mostly prefabricated, its citizens are entitled to comfortable living conditions, despite the long hours and hard labour the mines demand. Between the commercial and entertainment districts, civilians are provided a range of opportunities, and support for spouses and families. The city was erected in a barren crater that marked the otherwise endless jungles of Aeotheran; the result of a ritual by Urias Orian that killed the planet's population and created the Star of Ombus. Seng Karash is protected by a heavily shielded city wall that rings its entire perimeter and is constantly patrolled by units from the Dlarit Army.
The greyer side of Seng Karash lurks beneath it in the Undercity. The main feature of the Undercity are the power and hydroponics facility, that provide energy and food for the population above ground. Mostly run by droids, the Undercity is a warren of empty corridors, with any crime having been forced below ground by the routine patrols of the Dlarit Police above ground.
Due to its relatively remote location just off the Hydian Way, during the long years of the Yuuzhan Vong War the Orian system became a common destination for refugee ships from the Core. Though San Korinar was designated to receive the majority of refugees, the population of Seng Karash has since spilled outside the city walls, resulting in a number of prefab buildings being hastily erected in what has been termed the Outercity.
The city of Seng Karash was built shortly after the Clans arrival in the Orian system, to provide a home and processing center for the Dlarit Corporations carbon mining operations on the planet Aeotheran. The city is owned by the corporation, and comes officially under the authority of the Governor of Aeotheran, usually the Quaestor of Ludo Kressh.
Because the city has not grown up naturally over a period of time, but was purpose built by the Dlarit Corporation, it has been designed in a regimented manner with separate districts designated for different purposes.
All areas of life in the city from accommodation to transport to commercial and leisure facilities are owned and run by the Corporation.
In an attempt to segregate the Clan military from the civilian population, Seng Karash is policed only by members of the Dlarit Security Force.
The Starport
Seng Karash Starport
The Starport is a large modern facility in the southern part of the city. It serves both passenger transport and freight use, shipping both commercial goods and resources into the city, and of course transporting the processed carbon out. The spaceport is not used for military craft, for which separate facilities are available. Immigration here is strict, and only official visitors with permits, Dlarit employees and their families are admitted to the city.
The Residential District
The north and east sides of the city house the Dlarit corporation personnel and their families. Ownership of property is rare here, instead most of the population live in pre fabricated rented accommodation provided by the corporation, size of dwelling and facilities being governed by ones status in the corporation. Medical facilities are provided locally for the employees and an efficient public transport system exists to take them to other sectors.
The Park
Seng Karash from above
In the northwest of the city between the Residential and Leisure districts lies the main park of Seng Karash. This large retractable dome covered area is protected against the elements when nessessary and hosts a pleasant variety of open lawns, wooded areas and a boating lake, as well as a band stand.
Special attention has also been given to several private relaxed and romantic areas, and a few pleasant cafes. At night discreet pleasant lighting illuminates the area for those wanting a moonlit stroll in safety. A selection of the planets less threatening bird and wildlife also live here and residents are also permitted to exercise domestic pets in designated areas. Gazebos, fountains and fish ponds also provide popular sights as well as artificial streams feeding to and from a waterfall that disappear into the ground at concealed locations around the edges.
There is also a fenced off wildlife zone where some of the planets more exotic creatures roam free in comfort where guests can observe them in safety from the monorail system above or protected speeders.
The park is therefore a popular venue for citizens of Seng Karash and visitors to the city and is well maintained making it a source of great pride for the city and the Dlarit Corporation.
The Commercial and Leisure District
The western side of the city hosts the commercial and recreational faculties for two hundred thousand employees. A selection of bars, clubs, casinos, sporting arenas, shops and markets selling everything from food, drink, clothing and exotic goods shipped into the spaceport from all corners of the universe. All facilities are owned and operated by the Corporation and private business is heavily discouraged. Though a blind eye is usually turned to the black market of goods, as it has been deemed unprofitable to attempt to eradicate this fully, steps are taken to at least limit this to a minimum.
Towering over the Leisure District is the newly built Dystopia, Seng Karash's fastest growing nightspot.
The Industrial District
The eastern side of the city hosts the carbon processing plants into which raw carbon ore is brought in from the Dlarit corporation mines scattered around Aeotheran, and pure carbon is sent to the spaceport for transport across the galaxy.
The Government District
In the center of the city lies the Government district, containing the City Hall and the central Police Headquarters.
The City Hall is a modern ten storey building, and home to the civilian administration, lead by Mayor Arik Shathis, who manages the day to day running of the city and answers directly to the Governor, freeing up the latter for more important issues.
The Police Headquarters is a large compound with accommodation for four thousand officers, with training and exercise facilities and administration and forensic science, as well as the city penitentiary where suspected criminals are held awaiting trial and deportation. Naturally the Corporation does not waste resources incarcerating prisoners long term but simply dismisses and expels them from the Orian system along with their families.
Smaller police facilities are found in other sectors of the city for local enforcement and response.
The Hydroponic Facility
One of the key needs for Clan Naga Sadow and Dlarit was to develop self sufficiency. With this in mind before the pre fabricated city of Seng Karash was created, an immense crater was hollowed out of the earth, in which was build the Hydroponic Facility, a series of vast farms where food is grown and livestock is raised under artificial light, and water is extracted and purified, both for the citizens of Seng Karash and to feed the men and women of the Dlarit military. Though more exotic foodstuffs are shipped into the Orian system, the majority of the systems food orginates here.
Because the city of Seng Karash was built over the Hydroponic Facility it is the most protected part of the city, ensuring that in the event of the system being under attack, or in the event of civil unrest, the tunnels leading to the facility can be sealed and protected, ensuring the continuity of the food supply.
Marakith Skyhook
Above the Government District an immense skyhook hovers, supported by its own experimental repulsor engines. This is the official residence of the Governor of Aeotheran and his staff, with hangars available for small to medium ships. Despite its size the skyhook boasts discrete lighting, compensating for the shadow such a large floating structure ought to cast over the city.
Access to the residence is highly restricted, visitors only by appointment when summoned by the Governor. These visitors are further restricted to only a small portion of the skyhook designed for official entertaining and accommodation for visiting diplomats and business associates.
The rest of the skyhook is in every way out of bounds, even to the Dlarit Police forces and Mayor. Within security and maintenance is purely droid operated, for this is the home of the Dark Jedi members of House Ludo Kressh. Along with the apartments and offices of the Quaestor, Aedile, and House Envoy are rooms decorated for the personal taste of each member, training facilities, laboratories, recreational facilities, and a private hanger for members ships.
The security of the Marakith Skyhook, or simply Marakith as it is known the members, is essential to the House and Clan. The official reason for the high security is that it contains many of the senior directors of the Dlarit Corporation and it is for their safety.
In fact it is to conceal the presence and nature of the Clan from the Aeotheran population. Though Clan members do visit the public areas of Marakith the wearing of robes or the carrying of light sabers in these areas is forbidden for obvious reasons.
Rumor has it that if necessary Marakith can leave the atmosphere in an emergency and has basic hyperspace capability. This drastic action would only be used in the likelihood of the planet Aeotheran being overrun by a hostile force. It is also rumored to have extensive defense capabilities though the nature of these are highly classified.