Michael Halcyon

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Jedi charinfo

Jedi Master. One of the oldest Elders, freed from the clutches of the Dark Side, now facing the monumental task to rebuild the Jedi Order far beyond the reaches of civilized space to battle the DJB's agents of destruction.

Character History

Early Years

21 BBY

Born in Bela Vistal, Corellia, Halcyon grew up the son of Jedi-in-hiding Aerick and his native Corellian wife and CorSec officer, Loira. His brother, Corran, had been given into custody into a monastry on Drall, their parents fearing they wouldn’t be strong enough to protect two children powerful in the Force from the hands of Darth Vader.

Even though Aerick would try to teach his remaining son the ways of the light, he never revealed himself to be the Jedi Master that he was. This secret resulted in a rift between father and son, allowing Imperial propaganda to sway the young Halcyon to the Empire’s cause.

Joining the Imperial Navy, Halcyon soon turned to be out a crack pilot – no doubt owning his success to his skills in the Force that still lay dormant. Rising through the ranks swiftly and eventually even serving under Captain Piett onboard the ISD Accuser, Halcyon declined the offer for a tour of duty in Death Squadron, Darth Vader’s personal fighter wing, in favour of a continued service with Piett with which he had become close friends. Halcyon and Vader never met in person, and as such, the Dark Lord of the Sith was unaware of his Force-sensitivity.

Mike Halcyon witnessed the Battle of Endor first hand from the cockpit of his TIE Interceptor. Taking out several Rebel craft, he was eventually hit by a rogue X-Wing after the destruction of Death Star II and the ensuing chaos. The laser blast hit the port wing stabilizers, forcing Halcyon to retreat to the nearest Imperial vessel. The scattered fleet made the jump to hyperspace, and the Empire was defeated forever.

Dark Jedi Brotherhood I

13 ABY

Serving as CAG under Admiral Pellaeon in the Imperial Remnant, the years went on. As fate would have it, however, Halcyon’s fighter – now a TIE Advanced – was crippled during a hit-and-run attack on a New Republic supply cache. Though the Remnant fleet had to retreat, it was a Brotherhood task force that hit the same cache just minutes after, finding no supplies but an untrained Force sensitive instead.

Halcyon was brought to Eos and inducted into the ways of the Dark Side. Joining the ranks of House Acclivis Draco of Clan Scholae Palatinae, he quickly showed great skills in wielding the powers of the Force. It was then that the young Dark Jedi discovered his heritage as a Halcyon.

TIE Corps

14 ABY

The calling of the vastness of space was stronger than the prospect of years of studying dusty books, and so Halcyon joined the Emperor’s Hammer’s TIE Corps onboard the SSD Avenger as a member of Stalker Squadron. Again, Halcyon displayed excellent performance, rising through the ranks as Squadron Commander of Shield Squadron onboard the ISD Relentless and eventually receiving an Admiral’s commission as Fleet Medical Officer, albeit under a different name: Mike Tolwyn.

Over the years, Tolwyn established the Fleet Medical Corps, rebuilding it to serve the pilots in a better way. He eventually was promoted to the rank of Fleet Admiral, earning a Grand Order of the Emperor and an Imperial Cross on the way.

Frictions between the Emperor’s Hammer’s commanding officers and the demise and eventual failure of the Medical Corps lead to Halcyon taking his hat and retiring from active duty, forever severing his ties with the Emperor’s Hammer.

DJB Facts

Important Achievements

Michael Halcyon worked on many important aspects of the DJB including:

Positions held

Halcyon held the following positions at one time during his career:

Dark Jedi Brotherhood:

TIE Corps:

  • Flight Leader, Stalker
  • Squadron Commander, Shield
  • Fleet Medical Officer


  • Served as OHC in the EHDB.
  • Sibling of Halcyon Rokir Arconae.
  • Has a foible for good-looking Twi'lek females.
  • The only recognized Jedi Master in the DJB.
  • Served on the Dark Council as the only Lord Marshal.
  • Former teacher and close friend to Reb Qel-Droma, now a Jedi Knight.
  • Recognized as one of the best saberists in the Brotherhood.
  • Halcyon heritage hampers his abilities in Telekinesis and all related Force powers (he is just able to lift his lightsaber if at all) but in turn makes him excel in mind affecting powers as well as absorbing and dissipating energy.
  • Fleet Admiral (ret.) of the TIE Corps.