Nightfall (battlecruiser)

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 22:50, 5 September 2018 by Ragnar Kul (talk | contribs)
Production information

Kuat Drive Yards


Imperial II-class Star Destroyer


Star Destroyer

Technical specifications

1,600 Meters

Engine unit(s):
  • KDY Destroyer-I ion engines
  • Cygnus Spaceworks Gemon-4 ion engines
Hyperdrive rating:


Power plant:

Solar ionization reactor


Deflective Shield Generator Dome

  • Taim & Bak XX-9 heavy turbolaser batteries 60
  • Borstel NK-7 ion cannons 60
  • Dual heavy Turbolaser turrets 6
  • Dual heavy ion cannon turrets 2
  • Quad heavy turbolasers 2
  • Triple medium turbolasers 3
  • Medium turbolasers 2
  • Phylon 07 tractor beam projectors 10
  • TIE/ln space superiority starfighters 72
  • Lambda-class T-4a shuttles 8
  • AT-AT walkers 20
  • AT-ST or AT-DP walkers 30
  • Imperial Troop Transports 15
  • Officers 9,325
  • Enlisted 27,850
  • Stormtroopers 9,700

Orbital Bombardment


Iron Throne

[ Source ]

Nightfall is the primary asset of 2nd Task Force and premiere force projection platform of the unit. She was once the first and only of the custom built Brotherhood-class Star Battlecruiser class and formed the core of the Nightfall Strike Group. However, an extensive retrofit modernized her and standardized her load-out to better facilitate logistical support and maintenance cycles.

Vessel Info


In 25 ABY the keel for Nightfall was laid at the Kuat Drive Yards facility at Xa Fel in the Kanchen Sector. Primary construction was completed two years later and the vessel was surreptitiously transferred to Roche where Verpine engineers installed several advanced warship systems enhancing target acquisition and countermeasures.


Nightfall orbiting Antei.

During the Ninth Great Jedi War, Nightfall was crucial in supporting combat operations in the reclamation of Antei for the Dark Brotherhood. Together with Lord Sarin's Dark Council, Nightfall's officers handled C2 functions for the entire theater of war at Antei. Concurrently, her formidable compliment of attack craft conducted thousands of successful sorties as well as providing logistical support and CSAR operations across the planet's surface.

Nightfall was heavily damaged during the war when Omancor Crask directed a strike against the ship using unconventional guided meteoroids. Admiral Joss Malin successfully defended the ship and her crew though he died in the action. Grand Master Sarin appointed then Captain Ganrea Beeliz to Admiral giving her command of Nightfall and all Brotherhood naval forces.


  • Admiral Joss Malin, 27 ABY - 30 ABY
  • Admiral Ganrea Beeliz, 30 ABY - 35 ABY
  • Current Commander TBD


Nightfall served as the mobile operations center of the Iron Throne and Dark Council following the Battle of Antei. As part of Task Force 61, under Joint Task Force Rancor, she was also tasked as the Armed Forces of the Iron Throne's primary planetary assault element. Nightfall supported I Legion, 13th Starborne Division of the Army of the Iron Throne.

Currently, Nightfall serves as the main asset of the 2nd Task Force. In this role, the vessel serves as the quick reaction force for the Arx System. In the event of enemy incursions the venerable craft is always on a war-footing with a full compliment of personnel and surge capacity to handle any exigency.


Vessel Complement

Dependent upon her role, Nightfall's air and ground compliment varied greatly. When configured for planetary assault the vessel was laden with two full wings of starfighters in order to protect both the ship in orbit and descending transports as landings were effected. Originally Nightfall was rarely at full strength for crew or embarked air and ground forces given its massive size and the Brotherhood's relatively small military, but more recently the expansion of the Navy has lead to few crew shortfalls.