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Colonel Ark Lassik currently serves as the commanding officer of the Taldryan Home Fleet that guards the Kr'Tal System. Surprisingly, he is one of the few non-natives of the system that serve in the Taldryan Naval Services in a leading role.
History Overview
Born on the tourist world of Adner, Lassik was forced to work in one of the many casinos in order to support his parents. Hailing from a poor family, he had little choice but struggle for his survival in the dangerous and crime-riddled world of gambling. As a boy, he had dreamed of becoming a big time sabacc player. Because Adner was annexed by the Galactic Empire, the young Duros was quickly pushed into a military career. Forced to enlist in the Adner Defense Force (ADF), it quickly came to light that Ark had no talent for flying - something rare for a Duros. This was however offset by his prodigal abilities in tactical analysis and naval strategies. This allowed the young Duros to enter multiple officer and leadership programs.
Most information on his military career with the ADF has however been lost, and Colonel Lassik seems unwilling to discuss why he left. Someway or another, the Duros ended up becoming a spacer with a lucrative gambling history. Though not the famous sabacc player he dreamed of being, he did rather well for himself - in his mind anyway. There is very little detail on how Lassik's life went as a spacer, or indeed, how he ended up in the Kr'Tal System.
However, the man serves as the current commanding officer of the Home Fleet that's charged with securing the borders of Taldryan's home. Many see the Duros as an outsider, and perhaps rightly so. Yet he seems to hold a level of loyalty to his new home that would put most patriots to shame.
Physical Description
Ark has deep blue skin and smaller-than-average red eyes. Standing at 175 centimeters (5'9"), Colonel Lassik is not the most imposing of military commanders, yet he holds a certain wiry strength and above average agility that has taken many drunken crew members by surprise.
Personality and traits
Perhaps uncommon for a commanding officer of his rank, Ark Lassik can be a very introverted person. Despite his blue skin and red eyes, he does not draw much attention to himself. Many have commented on the colones lack of courage and determination, only to be silenced when he steps unto the bridge of the Archanis' Redoubt upon which he becomes a fierce tactician and battle-hardened commander.
Behind the Scenes
This area will be filled with the details of who created the character's back story, etc.