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- "Wisdom is knowing what to do next; Skill is knowing how to do it, and Virtue is doing it."
- ―Kiritéa
Kiritéa Urkaira, born Tyre Arvalis, is a Gray Jedi in House Odan-Urr. Born into the slavery caste on Umbara, the young boy went from house servant, to gladiator, to bodyguard and ultimately Jedi. A committed member of the Lightwalkers, the young man has been given a tribal protectorate on Milil’ea due to his efforts in the tenth Great Jedi War.
Character History
Childhood {17 ABY - 29 ABY}
A portrait of Tyre - 29 ABY
The Arvalis family was one of renown and prestige in the old days though it has fallen considerably over the past centuries. The once noble Arvalis family was now nothing more than a slave family due to the ever-changing Umbaran society. Once they turned twelve, the men of the family were enlisted as gladiators in one of the many arenas around Umbara; the females and younger boys lived their life as house servants to their once fated rivals, the Nevral Family.
Tyre lived in the pits which was an adequate name for where the family lived, basically cell blocks under the Nevral mansion. There he spent time with his battle hardened father, a grand champion in the Arena and his mother, the primary maid of the Nevral mistress. From the day he could walk, his father prepared him for the future. Though too young to partake in the official trainings, his father made sure that Tyre knew the basics about combat from early on, intending to pass on his Grand Champion title to his decedents. While a common house servant he quickly befriended the Nevral heir,Karissa, a girl that was two years younger. Though chastised by their family for their friendship; the young children would always find a way to meet each other. Nothing remarkable happened in Tyre’s life in this stage, one thing of note was a fight in the pits with one of his cousins who was of the same age. Though the boys were considered equals when it came to fighting, the minor squabble quickly turned into a brutal beating, requiring both fathers to pull their children apart. Tyre was severely punished for his actions as his cousin was rushed to the medical facilities. Though not pleased with his son's actions, Tyre's father was proud of the seemingly one sided battle that he had seen; noting that Tyre had reflexes to the point where it seemed as if he could see the future. Knowledge of Force-sensitivity was lost in the Arvalis family when it fell from grace. Life continued in the pits. Over the course of a handful of years, Tyre received stricter and more brutal training from his father, and occasionally his grandfather who was the primary trainer for the gladiators. Tyre’s abilities as a fighter increased explosively, not only having a natural aptitude but also the Force to assist him.
His friendship with Karissa slowly faded as he started devoting more time to his combat studies.
Shadow Games {29 ABY - 32 ABY}
The Arena
- First fight
- Changes in the family
- More fights
- Additional training
Family on the Rise
- Family raises through the caste system at an explosive rate
- Detail caste system
- New tasks for the family
- Etc.
- Changes in the family
- First experience with flying
- Crash landing
- Found by the Jedi
Path of a Jedi {32 ABY - 35 ABY}
File:Tyre Profile.jpgTraining in the Jedi Arts - 34 ABY
- Initial training in the Jedi Arts
- Rising through the ranks of the Brotherhood
- Preparing for war
Great Jedi War X
- Name Change
- Details of events he partook in
- Impressions
- Post-war
Personal Information
Physical Appearance
- Robes
- Lightsaber
- Cybernetics
- Jewelry?
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Outstanding Achievements
- While Tyre has been a member of multiple Houses over the past two years, much of this is omitted for the sake of his story as a light Jedi.