Farrin Xies

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Nassin Zye
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description





1.67 meters


82 kilograms





Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):

Vim and CQB

Chronology & Political Information





Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Naga Sadow, House Marka Ragnos



[ Source ]

Nassin Zye is currently a member of House Marka Ragnos, Clan Naga Sadow. He holds the rank of Jedi Hunter, is an Initiate of the Antei Combat Center, and is undergoing the Trials of Knighthood under his Master, [[Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu|Shin'ichi Keibatsu Sadow]]. At 26, he is one of the youngest Jedi Hunters. His personal motto is Audentes Fortuna Iuvat - Fortune favors the bold.

Character History

Birth (3 ABY) Through Childhood

Nassin was born to Cristobal and Irena Zye in Coronet, the capital city of Corellia. His childhood was very happy as, with his being an only child, his parents constantly strove to provide the best of everything and, as fairly high-ranking Corellian Security Force officers, there were certainly credits to spare for the task. His early childhood was filled with toys and playdates with other children that lived in their apartment complex.

Teen (16 ABY)

Nassin's teen life was one of comfort. He attended some of the better public schools, was fairly popular amongst his peers, and continued to be well provided for by his parents. Nassin was a rather ambivalent member of COMPNOR's Sub-Adult Group during his childhood and continuing on during his teen years. When CorSec was dismantled in 7 ABY, his parents both joined its successor, the Public Safety Service. Nassin, like most children of CorSec parents, planned to continue the tradition by joining up, but the Empire offered him a position he simply couldn't refuse:

Adulthood (21 ABY)

Due to his membership in the Sub-Adult Group, unenthusiastic as it was, as well as his stellar marks in school, the Imperial Security Bureau sought Nassin to join their ranks. Due to the impressive signing bonus as well as the esteem he felt that they held, the decision was an easy one of Nassin's part. He eventually rose to become one of ISB Central Command, later followed by the Council of Moffs' most trusted couriers.

It was on a routine run for the Council of Moffs that Nassin's unmarked shuttle was disabled by New Republic forces an hour's flight outside Theed on the planet of Naboo. The flight crew and the four stormtroopers assigned to guard him were killed in front of him, but Nassin was taken for questioning. He endured days tortuous questions. After four days of this horrible treatment, trying to gain the information safely ensconced in his head, Nassin was reaching his breaking point.

Discovery of the Dark Side (27 ABY)

“4871256!” In the dark corners of the cell – its only source of Light being the single hanging bulb suspended eight feet above the floor – a pile of blood-stained rags moved and rose, coming to form as a hunched humanoid. The gender was likely male and the species was more than likely human, but more than that was difficult to tell; long, stringy hair covered most of his face, and what wasn’t covered was a motley shade of hues. The person shuffle-stumbled to the voice which, as he opened his eyes, he could make out to be one of the more sadistic guards in the complex. It appeared his daily beating was about to commence.

“Did I tell you to get up? No matter, you’ll be on the ground in a few moments…” the guard – a large, barrel-chested human – chuckled at his own joke, his meaty fingers wrapped securely around the handle of a cat o’ nine tails – his favorite weapon. His, actually, was a special variety, with jagged pieces of glass and rock tied into the rope. It was an ancient device, but it still served the guard’s purposes. One crack along his back was enough to bring prisoner 4871256 to the ground, just as expected. The second, third, and fourth were certainly more than enough to rip to shreds what little bit of covering the rags provided for his upper body. The guard paused for a minute to take a swig from his flask, and in the respite the prisoner tried to crawl to the safety of his corner. “Getting away, are we? I don’t –hicc- think so!” Another two cracks in quick succession laid him out on the ground, with the loss of blood to start to affect his consciousness. “I like it when my bosses let me play with a little bookworm courier like you. It means that you know something important, and I get to beat it out of you.” The guard reached down and grabbed the pile of rags on the scruff of the neck and raised him up, like a disobedient dog. He reared back and then suddenly flung the emaciated figure into the wall, a sick crunch audible as bones broke.

The sheer hate that the prisoner had for this man was immense. It swelled in him, and provided him the first spark of life that he had felt in the unknown months that he had been in captivity. Previously, he wouldn’t say that he had hated anyone, really. But this man… this one man… trying his best to ignore the pain that radiated literally everywhere in his body, he rolled to his side, facing the guard. The sadist took another long swig from his flask. He hated this man, with a passion he had never felt before in his life. He absolutely hated him with every fiber of his being. He wasn’t sure if it was blood or rage, but as the guard stepped across the small cell to pick him up again, his eyesight was crimson red. In seemingly slow-motion, the guard reached down and grasped him by his dirty hair. As he lifted him into the air solely by his hair, 4871256 finally lost consciousness, hatred flowing through his mind even as he did so.

He slowly opened his eyes, feebly wiping away the crust of grime, sweat, and blood that caked over his face. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light, he could see the hated guard lying a few feet from him, face down. Curious, he crawled over to him, almost debilitating pain washing through his body every inch he moved. Sure enough, his long-suffering torturer lie there, lifeless, his cat o’ nine tails wrapped tight around his neck. The prisoner scrabbled – painfully – away, and sat up against the wall opposite from the body. What… what had happened? The bulb above him flickered, and in his mind’s eye he could see… the guard picking him up by the hair… rearing back to shove him, face first, into the wall… him somehow grabbing the whip from the guard’s back pocket… he pushed his fingers through his hair, lice, dirt, and dried blood falling out as he did. How had he done that? As he sat there thinking, he realized that well of pure black hatred still sat in him, like a pit in his stomach. He mentally grasped at that hatred, a sense of power suddenly flooding into him. Could this be the Force he had read? An old friend of his from back on Corellia would know, he just had to find him. Getting uneasily to his feet, most of his pain washed away, he walked over to the dead guard and plucked his cell key from his pocketing. He turned to leave the cell, but paused, looking back at the corpse one last time. Spitting on the body, he snarled in a voice he hadn’t heard ever before, dark and full of menace, “My name is Nassin Zye.”

Based off accounts he had read, he realized that he had Force potential from this incident - that the well of anger he felt was actually the Dark Side of the Force - and so Nassin spent the next six months traveling the galaxy, looking for someone willing to show him the way of the Sith. He eventually found that opportunity on Antei, where a source had told him a powerful collection of Dark Jedi made their home...

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Shadow Academy Courses Completed

  • ACC Initiates
  • Chamber of Justice
  • Dark Brotherhood Basics
  • Force Philosophy
  • General Leadership
  • HTML Basics
  • Krath Core
  • Krath Grammar Studies
  • Krath Poetry
  • Leadership Fundamentals
  • Lightsaber Studies
  • Obelisk Core
  • Pre-Republic History
  • Runon Studies
  • Safe Computing
  • Test of Lore
  • Wiki Basics