
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Anaxela Goura
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 BBY

Physical Description

Human (altered)






145 lbs





Personal Information

Severina, Sorcerors of Tund


Fallanassi, Keibatsu, Clan Naga Sadow

Lightsaber Color(s):


Fighting Style(s):

K'tara, Kartranin, Broken Gate

Chronology & Political Information

Force witch


Leader, True Brotherhood


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


True Brotherhood

Personal Ship:

Scalpel, Modified TIE Defender

[ Source ]

Anaxela Goura is the older sister of Macron Goura. She is cruel and mean but dedicated to her brother. Anaxela is also a powerful Force-sensitive and considers herself a witch of sorts. In later life Anaxela has become the leader of the third and final remnant of the True Brotherhood.


She was born approximately 15 BBY. Both she and Macron are reputed to be genetic "vat-grown" synthetic Humans. Somewhere in their genetic ancestry is the fearsome Darth Malak, explaining the sibling's connection to the Force. She is also ruthless and evil, like her brother. As well, her body is resilient and tough, resisting poisons and diseases much like Macron's does.

The young Macron learned how to hurt people from her, as well as rudimentary Force skills. They survived in the putrid filth of lower Coruscant by means of their wits and wickedness. The two became separated when they stowed away on Jib Kopatha’s interstellar pleasure craft. Anaxela had been a working lady, serving drinks and undoubtedly other unsavory whims of the patrons. They both needed the money to escape the dregs of Coruscant. When the Empire’s forces showed up and utterly decimated the Bothan’s spynet vessel, Macron thought his sister was dead.


Apparently, Anaxela is a Force user of great power and maintains an unusual view of the Force. Her Force abilities are comparable to a Master's, and she reputedly studied with the Sorcerors of Tund before the planet was destroyed. She may also have studied with the Fallanassi, but this is unconfirmed.


The woman is known to have extensive alchemical knowledge as well. She does not use a lightsaber, has been known to use Force Lightning, and has fearsome mental domination/mind trick abilities. Her mastery of illusions runs deep, perhaps beyond what one would expect from a person with her understanding of the Force.

Combat Training

Anaxela Goura has had extensive combat training at the hands of Mecrosa assassins. She is an expert in the arts of K'tara and Kartranin, is a crack shot with a blaster, and is known to use poisons and grenades as well as traditional assassin tools such as garottes. Although she does not use a lightsaber, she has been known to be proficient with the Sith Sword of Shar Dakhan which she stole from the planet Thule. Reputedly, the sword is an artifact from the time of Marka Ragnos, but this has yet to be proven.

Anaxela is reputedly an excellent starfighter pilot, and has been rumored to fly a modified TIE Defender named the "Scalpel". Anaxela will also use droids occasionally, the most common being YVH series droids and protocol droids.


She has been spotted on Ilum as well as Kyataru. Rumors abound that she has collaborated with the True Brotherhood and may have designs upon the Orian system. It is also rumored she may have an association with Set Harth, but this could be another one of the rumors that surround this mysterious and powerful woman.

Character Sheet

DJM Anaxela Goura

Anaxela's Sith Sword

Physical Attributes

Strength: (13/25)

Constitution: (18/25)

Dexterity: (16/25)

Mental Attributes

Intelligence: (17/25)

Wisdom: (19/25)

Charisma: (19/25)

Fighting Skills

Regular Weapons

Sword (5/5)

Garotte (3/5)

Blaster (5/5)

Hand-to-hand: (5/5)

Fighting Style(s) K'tara, Kartranin, Broken Gate

Piloting: (5/5)

Handedness; Right Hand: (5/5)

Handedness; Left Hand: (5/5)

Synthetic Body: (5/5) Anaxela was grown outside the womb from genetic material harvested in secret- a genetic "vat-grown" synthetic Human like Macron. Her body is resistant to and recovers quickly (lvl 5) from poisons, drugs, and disease due to the synthetic organs and other alchemical bodily modifications.

Fallanassi Flow Walk/Tund Sorcery (5) Anaxela's abilities with illusions and force-based stealth are borne from the Fallanassi and Tund Sorcery traditions. They are extremely potent, perhaps even more so than someone of her normal rank.

Sith Sword of Shar Dakhan (5/5) Anaxela wields an artifact-level Sith sword from the time of Marka Ragnos. Stolen from the museum on Thule, the sword deflects blasters like a normal Sith Sword. It is also unnaturally sharp, and is unaffected by lightsabers, can absorb Force Lightning, and may enhance her Dark Side skills.

Weapons: Artifact Sith Sword, poison, garrote, blaster pistols or rifle, regular Sith Sword