
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 10:58, 16 May 2009 by Zentru'la (talk | contribs) (Colonel Soren moved to Soren: Rank no longer appropriate)
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:


Physical Description





1 meter 65





Personal Information

Impetus M'Nar

Chronology & Political Information

Master Tactician and Strategist


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Plagueis

[ Source ]

Master Tactician and Strategist, twenty-five year-old human Colonel Soren was the Deputy Commander of Scholae Palatinae’s Praetorian Regiment, but now serves as an advisor to Impetus M'Nar, of Clan Plagueis.


The Rhymel Mercenaries

In the year 4 ABY a small group known as the Rhymel Mercenaries led by their Commander, a veteran human soldier named Rhymel Qualsiri, were hired for a rather low paying job of investigating and shutting down the headquarters of a small pirate organization near the city of Salis D’aar, Bakura. While the Rhymel Mercenaries totaled only a mere eight in number, the briefing they had received informed them that the pirates they targeted didn’t have much more.

The Rhymel Mercenaries completed their mission without any casualties. However, the presence of a small and mysterious child looked to make this mission far from the ordinary. The child, less than a year old, was only identifiable by the name tag in his clothes, ‘Soren’. After a brief discussion, they decided to take the child in and care for him. Perhaps he could become useful. ‘Useful’ turned out to be a horrific understatement.

The young Mastermind

By the mere age of five, everyone in the group had seen the young child’s potential. Soren wasn’t strong; in fact, he was rather weak and frail. While agile and nimble, Soren lacked the stamina to really be able to use it usefully. Quite simply, the kid was a genius. In terms of mathematics, logic, understanding of emotions, mastery of Galactic Basic, no-one had seen any child progress so quickly.

As he reached what the mercenaries had called his sixth birthday (a date made up out of no better option), Deputy Commander Sigrun began teaching him battle tactics. With Soren, this was hardly a chore for the woman. To her, the only disappointment was that by the time Soren reached the age of ten, he had surpassed Sigrun in terms of battle tactics, and at such a young age, he was planning real battles, working with her to invent real, effective strategies for the missions of the Rhymel Mercenaries.

A change of pace

Sigrun was killed in battle when Soren was fourteen, leaving him in charge of the Rhymel Mercenaries’ battle tactics and strategies entirely by himself. From that point on, for the next nine years, the Rhymel Mercenaries never lost a man or failed a mission.

It was in the year 27 ABY that the Rhymel mercenaries took on a curious task from a planet no-one seemed to have heard of. A Dark Jedi clan known as Scholae Palatinae had heard the rumours of a perfect band of mercenaries, and sought them out in the reclamation of their homeland, Judecca, over-run by Yuuzhan Vong. Their first task was simply to take a moderately important building that was under Yuuzhan Vong control. None of the group had ever faced such an opponent, and yet only one member of the group was killed, the first in nine years, thanks mainly to the meticulous planning by Soren.

Proconsul Lucien Kaeth personally recognised the skill, valour and courage of the Rhymel Mercenaries, and offered them a permanent job (with a rather lucrative contract) in the clan’s military. Thinking this would be more interesting, and better paid, than completing small time tasks for however many more years, Rhymel Qualsiri accepted their offer, and they were assigned to the Praetorian spec-ops regiment, where each of the group played a similar role to what they had played for years.

Rapid climb in prestige

However, Soren himself wouldn’t be able to stay with the group for long, his successful strategies had earned him promotion after promotion across the next two years. By the year 29 ABY, Soren had reached the rank of Colonel. He had been assigned Deputy Commander of the entire Praetorian regiment, under the command of Lieutenant General Impetus M’Nar.

Since the twi’lek was too busy fighting with Souls of Darkness to be a constant presence in the Praetorian Regiment, Soren took personal command of the unit, relaying Impetus’ orders to the rest of the regiment and combining them with his own strategies to make the Praetorian Regiment one of the most effective special operations forces in the Galaxy.

A Leader Worth Dying For

Soren and Impetus established an exceptional working relationship while he was her deputy commander, with a vast amount of mutual respect between the two. Impetus and Soren's command over the Praetorian Regiment became luminary, an ever-growing sucess story with every campaign. Unfortunately, however, the political climate on Judecca would cause the story to stop sharply.

Impetus left Scholae Palatinae near the start of the Rise of the Rebellion, during a meeting with the Praetorian Regiment. The ten divisional directors of the organisiational structure Impetus had invented scattered, some remaining in the military, others persuing other life paths. Soren maintained exceptional loyalty, not the Scholae Palatinae, but to Impetus, who he considered worthy of unquestioned trust. He travelled with her to Plagueis, where he would serve as a personal advisor.