Remalia Manvar

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Exodus era.New Order era.
Remalia Manvar
Biographical Information

Gilssan IV

Date of Birth:

20 ABY (age 23)

Physical Description

Echani-Human Hybrid






160 Lbs




Bioluminescent Red

Personal Information

Vilyra Manvar


Unknown Human


Tant Zenov

Lightsaber Color(s):

Light Blue

Lightsaber Form(s):

Djem So


Canes, Blaster Pistols, One-Handed Lightsabers

Fighting Style(s):

Asynchronous dual wielding, chaotic brute force, overwhelming aggression

Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:

Doon Sulvir



[ Source ]

Remalia Manvar, or Remy, is a female half-Echani, half-Human hybrid jedi aspirant from Gilssan IV, one of several ice ball planets in the mapped but unexplored Gilssan system. Born to be a subject in an illegal super soldier program, she is biologically augmented to be physically larger and more powerful than the galactic standards for either of her parent species, as well as psychologically conditioned to be perfectly obedient and without emotion. Although the conditioning was never finished she believes it to have been completed, and as such doesn't understand many concepts that most would consider standard. Because of this, she often comes across as cold, overly formal, militaristic, and generally a bore.

She has dedicated her life to the pursuit and destruction of Tant Zenov, the head scientist in charge of the program that created her. Despite her obsessive search for power and revenge, she has actually decided to follow the path of the Jedi, mostly through scrolls and other readings she hunted down in ruins and curiosity shops in the time since her liberation. While she does not follow all Jedi teachings, finding much of it to be superstition and dogma, she has tried to integrate the Mantra into her life.