Chyron is the largest moon orbiting Perune. Chyron is similar to Coruscant in that its surface is entirely overgrown with city sprawl. Unlike Coruscant, city development is a recent endeavour and many sectors of the city are still swampland construction zones. It is however the most important financial and trading center in the system. Due to careless planning and poor soil many of the basic supplies to support its rather vast, but quickly growing population have to be imported.
Chyron is a budding ecumenopolis, all of its land masses have been covered by overlaying structures during the last decades and its bodies of water drained. Unlike the fully developed cities of Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa, the moon’s development is far from complete. This leaves both fully developed areas and construction zones at varying levels of completion to be the main terrain of the small moon.
The parts of the city that have been substantially developed were formed only over a handful of decades and its structures are of a typical Imperial style. Because of the labor intensive nature and economics involved in trying to expand the city over the moon’s surface, most of the current work is taking place in already developed sectors. Because of this most of the developed sectors have seen a more vertical expansion, with newer layers having been built on top of existing, older ones.
Because of the moon’s previous ecology, a relatively large food chain was present. Though many species have gone extinct over the years through a combination of causes that include ‘pest control’ and pollution from the evergrowing ecumonopolis. The Syndicate doesn’t concern itself much with what happens beneath the city. What is known is that underneath the cityscape, a boundless swamp stretches across most of the planet. Populated by various species of wild animals. Heavy blast doors and guarded stations have been set up in the more ‘’important’’ sectors, leaving the less fortunate at risk of being overrun by savage predators.
Because of the perilous nature of seas and lakes, most of these natural bodies of water have been drained, their water transported to artificial basins underneath the cityscape. These drained waterfloors have given way to naturally expanding marshlands. Even underneath the most developed sectors, you can still find vast swamps - the original terrain of the moon.
Chyron has been divided into several sectors each in turn making up several quadrants. The most developed ones of these quadrants can be found in the north-eastern parts of the world. The south-western parts are home to vast abandoned construction sites where parts of the swamp have slowly started to reclaim the artificial landscape.
In addition to the map-like sectors and quadrants, one could divide the moon vertically. This leads to three arbitrarily defined, yet distinct levels. From the ground up; the Under Level, which is often associated with the swamps underneath the cityscape; the Lower Level, also know as the primary level since it is the most commonly developed moonwide; and the Upper Level, which due to ongoing construction of the city can currently only be found in the Imperial Quadrant.
Because of the Imperialification policy set forth during the height of the Imperial Era, a series of orbital mirrors were put into place that reflected Perune’s warmth and light. Building a ‘’Little Coruscant’’ is however time consuming, labor intensive, and economically troubling, even for the Empire itself.
Because of this it lacks many of the ecological developments seen on Coruscant in many of Chyron’s sectors. Pollution is a frequent problem with thick bands of smog and acid rain showers occurring over the lesser-developed zones.
Because the moon ‘is’ the city, this proved to be quite the administrative challenge, even for well trained Imperial settlers. The city has been divided into several quadrants, each in turn further divided into sectors. Listed below are some of the more notable ones.
The Imperial Quadrant
political map of the Imerpial Quadrant
The Imperial Sector
Officially known as "Sector 001", the Imperial Sector was the primary focus during the formative years of the Imperial occupation. One of the few complete sectors on the moon, the Imperial Sector provided the Empire with a seat of power in the system. Since the Empire’s collapse and the occupying forces turning their attention to monetary gain, using the Clouzon-36 gas provided by Perune, it has turned into the primary location of the mysterious Caelus Cartel.
A heavily guarded Sector, not even members of Taldryan are allowed entry without proper summons from the Cartel leaders.
Consortium of free Merchants Sector
"Sector 003" is located near the shipyards and spaceports of the moon, where dozens of ships can be serviced on a daily basis, lies the CoFM Sector. Divided into several levels it is home to various entertainment venues which include night clubs, tapcafs, Local businesses line the sector streets owing to its nickname "Consortium of Free Merchants", a group of merchants from all over Outer Rim settling on Chyron when the system proclaimed its independence from the major parties. A large variety of goods can be found here, some more common - and legal - than others.
Despite officially falling under the jurisdiction of the moon’s security forces, the Consortium has its own security personnel in the form of mercenaries that may cause more harm than good.
The Junk Quadrant
map of the Junk Quadrant
Unlike the more prestigious Imperial Quadrant, the aptly named ‘’Junk Quadrant’’ was a downtrodden, heavily polluted area. Barely any city development has taken place here leaving it’s unfortunate residents close to the original marshland surface.
The Dark Sector
Criminality was nonexistent in the Imperial Quadrant, and with good reason. The Dark Sector, official ‘’Sector 999’’ - despite there being no more than xxx sectors - was the abode of those of a more criminal persuasion.
Notable Landmarks
Built shortly after the Empire re-discovered the moon and with aims to build a hub in the system, the spaceport has been built right on the edge of the Imperial Sector. Curiously, the syndicate allows it to remain a public space despite the secure nature of the aforementioned sector.
Chyron before the EmpireBefore the incursion of the Empire in the Caelus System, Chyron's surface consisted largely of jungles and oceans with predators roaming the seemingly endless wilderness.
Age of the Empire Era
At some point between the Battle of Yavin and the systems discovery, the local imperial leaders faced a shortcut in possible living space for the growing number of imperial workers and to counter that different plans were made, including the colonizing of one of the planet’s habitable moons. Analysis were made and with (moon) offering the most stable environment, the colonizing of the the moon was initiated. During the following years, the population continued to spread and so did the development of the city.
New Republic Era
Though by the time of the fall of the Empire large parts of the moon were covered by city sprawls these came at a high cost and to keep the cost in a foreseeable hight, most of the constructions were rushed and done with substandard materials causing signs of decay to dot the surface where no constant maintenance is warranted.
Thirty years after the Battle of Endor, when the second generation of local leadership took over, the city development was still far from being finished though several of the construction sites have been taken over by outside groups such as the the Consortium of free Merchants.
Behind the Scenes
Although original Imperial plans were to build a second, albeit smaller Coruscant. Unfinished construction projects and a non-developed surface lead to a planet that resembles Taris in a combination of both its pre-, and post destructed states following the Destruction of Taris more than it does a finished moon-wide city like Nar Shaddaa.