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Laren Uscot
6 ABY, 28 years old
75 kg
- DC-17 blaster pistol
- Dagger
Teylas Ramar
Laren Uscot was a male Pantoran mercenary in the employ of Hyperdyne Industries, under the shadow-control of Clan Plagueis. His role was unofficial, as his specialty of work was as a bounty hunter. Laren could be described as a witty, somewhat annoying sentient. Laren used his understanding of social skills and his wit at inappropriate or pressured situations to distract his enemies from his true goals and abilities. His primary advantage was seemingly being harmless, yet clearly not unintelligent. In battle or when hunting a target, he was passionate and utterly ruthless. His traditional Mandalorian training had given him an understanding that the hunt for his victims was a challenge he had to overcome and learn from, no matter the consequences to those around him.