Kryy Vitaan

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Kryy Vitaan
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

14 ABY (age 35)

Physical Description





1.93 m (6ft 3)


94.2 kg





Personal Information

Misourae Vitaan

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):

Form Zero

  • Vibrorapier
  • Lightsaber
  • Dual 434 DeathHammer Blaster Pistols
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Fallen Jedi



Personal Ship:

Fury Class Interceptor "Misourae"

Known masters:


[ Source ]

"One day I shall become a great Jedi Knight just like you!"
― Kryy Vitaan to Rykus Thorn

"Kryy Vitaan" is a member of the Order of the Dark Jedi choosing to walk the Dark Path, as well as member of House Karness Muur in Clan Plagueis. He currently holds the rank of Hunter, having completed the Test of Lore and steadily progressing through the Shadow Academy's archives, earning the Dark Maven degrees for lore and galactic history. Accompanying this, Kryy achieved two Dark Pundit degrees and a Dark Savant's degree in history and lore combined. With 62 academic credits, 2xPoB, 1xCI and 65xCE, the once young initiate had proven himself to be a formidable apprentice under the tutelage of the late Callus Bo'Amar prior to Bo Amar's death. Vitaan is a member of the Grand Master's Royal Guard (second rank), and is a Senior (rank V) of the Shadow Academy Society. His personal motto is "'Verd ori'shya beskar'gam'" which can be taken from the Mandalorian phrase meaning "A warrior is more than his armor"

Character History

Early Life (14 ABY - Present)

Born in 14 ABY on the planet Caltinia, a lush Human-inhabited homeworld of House Elegin in the Senex Sector of the Mid-Rim, famous for its hundreds of dueling fields surrounded by numerous mausoleums. Kryy was taken from his parents at infancy to train as a Jedi at the Jedi Temple. Whilst many resent the concept of "kidnapping" force sensitive children, the council believed it was a must and the only way to keep Force sensitives safe, whilst giving them a place to train and strengthen their connection to the force and their skills as Jedi. Thus, Kryy remembers very little of his past and his family. It can be said that taking a child at infancy helps reinforce the Jedi's belief in detachment from emotion. During his time as a Jedi, Kryy made many friends within the Order, one of note was the Jedi Knight Rykus Thorn. A skilled Knight and a loyal friend, Rykus taught Kryy much of what he knows and would see his dear friend through many battles along their path as Jedi. It would also be Rykus who would meet his unfortunate fate at the hands of the Sith.

Beginning of the End

Into the first few months of the Yuuzhan Vong War the Vong managed to take many influential star systems and planets along their trade routes. Including managing to infiltrate a refugee camp on the planet of Dantooine and lead a full scale attack on the planets surface. Aspiring Knight, Kryy, one of the Jedi on the planet at the time studying inside the Jedi Enclave as the Vong descended from the skies.Fighting alongside Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa they managed to hold off the Vong's assault. As the melee raged on, many New Republic soldiers and refugees were slaughtered, leaving a plague of death about the surrounding area. Admiral Traest Kre'fey arrived with a fleet of warships, escorting the survivors to safety abandoning the planet to the Vong. It can be said that Kryy left Dantooine a different person than the one he knew previously. The skirmish had left a mark on him.

The Fall

Overcome with horror and grief after the Battle of Dantooine Kryy never quite felt the same. He relived each moment of the skirmish. Feeling saddened by his inability to save those that had been slain, Kryy made a vow to become stronger, to be able to stop anything and anyone from this he had formed a cold and headstrong attitude towards the battlefield. This crave for power and blind confidence would prove to be his downfall as Kryy became easily susceptible and vulnerable. It wasnt until his best friend Rykus and himself found themselves investigating a strange phenomenon on the planet Korriban that Kryy met a formidable force that surpassed his own power.. Alongside their masters in a Jedi strike team, the Jedi ran into the Dark Lord Darth Krayt former Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett,. The strike team were ill equipped and unprepared to face a Dark Lord of the Sith and his dark servants. The Jedi were forced to engage the Sith in an open battle, Kryy setting into his “Crypt Aspect” suppressing his mind and body and focusing solely on his anger and hatred to run head on with the Sith Lord. The battle resulted in numerous casualties on both sides, the masters were slain in the effort and the Padawans taken slave as pupils of the Dark Side.

Advancing the Ranks

Upon arriving at the Academy, Kryy held the position of Initiate (INI) after taking the Test of Lore. Kryy took immediately to the Journeyman Hall absorbing all the knowledge of the Brotherhood and Galactic history. Before long Kryy advanced to the rank of Apprentice (APP) and was placed under the guidance of Callus Bo'Amar. Kryy dedicated all his time to the Shadow Academy, further advancing from Apprentice to Novice (NOV). Before long the Headmaster at the time, Dacien Victae had taken notice of Kryy and his progress through many of the Shadow Academy's exams. Kryy "steamrolled" his way through the Journeyman Hall, advancing from Novice to Proselyte, and Acolyte to Protector (PRT). After advancing from a Neophyte to the rank of Acolyte (ACO), Kryy simply vanished. Leaving all traces of his existence and disappearing into unknown regions of space. Many months passed until, Vitaan returned home to his master at last. Finding his master, Callus Bo'Amar dead, Kryy was placed under Battlelord Va'nia Drellik where in but a week he would be elevated to the rank of Hunter and on his path to becoming a Knight of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

An Old Apprentice and His New Master

Much changed during Kryy's absence for the Brotherhood, including the death of his master, Callus Bo'Amar. an Epicanthix from the planet Hoth. During a skirmish between his master and Teylas Ramar, his master had fought defiantly to his eventual death causing the now rogue Vitaan masterless. Kryy wondered the unknown regions for many months, his whereabouts and happenings unknown. As sudden as he vanished, the acolyte returned to the Brotherhood with newfound determination and eagerness. This was quickly halted as the former apprentice to Bo'Amar met his new master, Va'nia Drellik. The Human female was much stricter, and far less soft as Callus had been and made sure Kryy saw to his training diligently and efficiently. Within a week the acolyte had made great progress as he worked towards becoming a Knight and getting ready to take on an apprentice of his own.

Physical Description

Kryy is of average height standing at 6"3. He is of an average build. His muscles are not those of a hardened veteran, but he has spent years honing his mind to be just as strong his physical stature. With naturally brown hair during his service as a Jedi, the need to rebel against the order set Kryy on having his hair colored red. His brown eyes had been considered roguishly handsome for a Human male. He is known to wear elaborate robes with matching tunics, otherwise often seen in battle sporting light to little armour at all, this is due to his headstrong and often cocky persona, often running head first into battles that many others wouldn't dare attempt.


  • Fearless
  • Stealth
  • Affinity to the Force


  • Cockiness
  • Brash decision making
  • Often selfish