From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 05:12, 21 August 2015 by Solari (talk | contribs) (EQ1)

JM8 (Knight/Professional/Captain) is the eighth rank in the Dark Brotherhood, which is awarded after completing the requirements of a JM7 (Hunter/Padawan/Yeoman/Lieutenant). At this Rank members may construct and wield a Lightsaber from the Lightsaber Creation Interface.

It is the last rank and culmination of the Journeymen class.

Sub-Unit-Quaestors have the authority to promote up to this rank.

The Requirements to be promoted past this rank are very different compared to previous Journeymen ranks, and it is determined by your Clan Summit when a promotion is warranted.

JM8 to Equite 1

Main article: [[Promotion Requirements|Promotion Requirements]]

The requirements for the promotion from JM8 are found at the above link, the completion of the above requirements will earn a promotion to Equite 1.

Upon promotion by your Clan Summit, you will reach one of three Equite ranks based on your Order.

JM7 (Hunter/Padawan/Yeoman/Lieutenant) JM8 (Knight/Professional/Captain)
Equite I