Template:Obbie charinfo
- "Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate."
- ―Kresh'taa
Character History
Kresh'taa is a Gen'Dai, humaniod but not one to be mistaken for human. Born approximatly 2100 years Before the Battle of Yavin on a world lost to the tides of history, Kresh is a solitary person who seems out of place in a brotherhood of Jedi.
Early Years
It was obvious from a young age that something was different about Kresh'taa. He never liked being around any other people, including other Gen'Dai, even his family. He left his nomadic family behind at the age of 19, having been trained as a pilot. After many years of aimless roaming, Kresh'taa got work as a long haul freighter pilot, thankful that he could now earn enough to support his existence through a job that kept him away from others most of the time.
The life of a shipping pilot was solitary, and even when he did reach his destination most of his interactions were with droids or a comlink. No longer would the oppressive feeling that weighted on him whenever he was in another's presence haunt him. He worked his long life away, moving from one company to another over hundreds of years as the economics of business changed the shape of the cargo market.
Brush with the Force
One day as he dropped out of hyperspace to make a course correction, his ship was affected by a strange energy field, causing him to crash on a planet in the minimally traveled system. His ship in shambles, Kresh'taa recuperated from his injuries for months.
After spending weeks exploring the uninhabited world, Kresh'taa came upon another wrecked ship. It turned out that its pilot was a Jedi, and he had been marooned there the same way. Also, the man sensed that Kresh'taa had the touch of the force, and it was why he felt the weight of the minds of others around him. In the months that passed, he taught Kresh'taa some of the techniques of the Jedi, and Kresh'taa made small steps to being able to control his powers.
Descent into Darkness
Once they were finally rescued, Kresh'taa and the Jedi parted company as each returned to their respective lives. As time went on, however, Kresh'taa’s personality became more and more dark, his ability to tap the force clouded by centuries of hate for others in the galaxy. When the dark side finally claimed him, he shucked off the life of a trader and became a mercenary, causing as much death as he could. In a galaxy never short of war, Kresh'taa was never idle for long. Throughout the Clone Wars and later the Galactic Civil War, Kresh'taa worked for those that would pay his modest fee and allow him to kill for them.
The Dark Brotherhood
When working for the Emperor’s Hammer, he was drawn into the Dark Brotherhood by one of its warriors. A member of Clan Taldryan, he studied for many months before the great schism that split the Brotherhood in twain. Being a relatively new member, Kresh’taa stayed with the brotherhood in the Minos Cluster.
But, as the years went by and he became more and more disenfranchised with the Hammer and its 'Jedi', he was approached by a member of the one true Brotherhood. Finally deciding to leave the pretenders and journey back to his true brethren. He has been expanding his formalized training in the dark side ever since.
Having found it hard to find his place within the Brotherhood, Kresh has bounced from clan to clan. He has served in Taldryan, Plagueis, and has now seemingly found a home in Arcona.
Personal Information
Wanting to divorce himself from the world, Kresh wears clothing that is designed to hide what lies beneath, rather then style or protection. He wears the standard black jedi robes, but also wears a black body suit underneath that covers him from below the chin to his feet. He also never removes the heavy black leather guantlets that cover his hands. To cover his head Kresh wears a N'Noch mask, and attached to the mask is a tight coif made of a simmilar material to the body suit. The N'Noch is a specialized mask created by an unknown race. It fits the wearer's facial features snugly, but outwardly revealed nothing of the actual shape of the face. Kresh wears it to cover facial features considered monstorous by other humanoids.
Kresh'taa tries to stay away from the focus of attention, keeping to dark corners. Most always he moves with a purposeful stride, moving from place to place and rarely dawdling. He rarely sits, prefering to stand in a rigid, upright posture. He speaks in a tight, clipped form. Most of the time his voice lacks much inflection or feeling, leading people to consider him distant and unconcerned. Given the effort he has to maintain to shield himself from the minds of others, he dislikes being around other people, except for a select few. Even those that he speaks with are people that he tolerates, not those that he has close friendship with.
Having such a long lifespan, he cares little for the changes and events that many others consider important. For example, during the Sixth Great Jedi War, he cared little for which of the Grand Masters were the true leader of the Brotherhood, knowing that in the long term, it mattered little who was controling the Brotherhood for this short period of its history.
Personal Craft
Cutlass-9 Fighter: "Ghest" - This starship was developed by SoroSuub during the last decades of the Old Republic. Measuring twelve meters in length, the Cutlass-9 was designed as a patrol fighter. The Cutlass-9's shape resembles the skull of a bird of prey, with a sloping nose and a pair of jaw-shaped wings at each side. A pair of laser cannons are mounted alongside the cockpit, and a proton torpedo launcher was situated on the nose.
Kresh aquired the craft during his days fighting in the Clone Wars, and has been making changes and upgrades to it ever since. A more recent addition to the craft was a small hyperdrive unit and a A-wing type NavComp that can store the coordinantes of up to five different jumps. While the craft is an outmoded design, it can still hold its own in combat with newer starfighters in the hands of a competent pilot.
- The character of Kresh'taa was originally created in response to another, in an effort to show a powerful character type within the bounds of sense and established Star Wars continuity.
- The name "Kresh'taa" is derived from the language of the Goa'uld on the Stargate TV series, where it means "Outcast".
For more info see his dossier