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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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The following years were filled with ancient tomes, crumbling grimoire, and old and faded scrolls. He was ravenous for every scrap of knowledge, every bit of wisdom. Priest and priestess alike were more than happy to oblige him his seemingly ceaseless thirst. It became quickly evident to him however, that though they taught their ancient arts to other children under their tutelage within the monastery walls… they were missing something vital. They spoke often of the greatness of their wisdom, the power of their arts, the truth behind all things; but Mune knew more than thought, that they were missing something important. A true understanding.
The following years were filled with ancient tomes, crumbling grimoire, and old and faded scrolls. He was ravenous for every scrap of knowledge, every bit of wisdom. Priest and priestess alike were more than happy to oblige him his seemingly ceaseless thirst. It became quickly evident to him however, that though they taught their ancient arts to other children under their tutelage within the monastery walls… they were missing something vital. They spoke often of the greatness of their wisdom, the power of their arts, the truth behind all things; but Mune knew more than thought, that they were missing something important. A true understanding.

When not ensconced in his reading, he was tutored personally by one of the elders in the art of sword dancing. A form of sword play using the Jian-style sword, focussed on grace and agility as opposed to strength and brute force. It was a style that suited his way of thinking.
[[File:jiansword.jpg|thumb|left|200px|Mune's Sword]]When not ensconced in his reading, he was tutored personally by one of the elders in the art of sword dancing. A form of sword play using the Jian-style sword, focused on grace and agility as opposed to strength and brute force. It was a style that suited his way of thinking.

He had quickly become accepted, his world changed drastically from what he had been accustomed to, though nightmares plagued him often in the night. He grew, his mind sharpened, and he was honed into everything the priests could ever hope for… a sorcerer that could bring them the notice of Government and garner them the power and respect they deserved. To his family, he was a mistake. To these people, a tool.
He had quickly become accepted, his world changed drastically from what he had been accustomed to, though nightmares plagued him often in the night. He grew, his mind sharpened, and he was honed into everything the priests could ever hope for… a sorcerer that could bring them the notice of Government and garner them the power and respect they deserved. To his family, he was a mistake. To these people, a tool.

Revision as of 14:58, 18 July 2016

Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
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Mune Cinteroph
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

3 ABY (age 31)

Physical Description





1m 70cm







Personal Information

Elincia Rei

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
  • Ataru
  • Soresu
  • Jian Sword
  • Throwing Needles
Fighting Style(s):
  • Shadow Step
  • K’thri
Chronology & Political Information
  • Assassin
  • Scholar
Known masters:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

" “We all chose the path we tread, you just chose the wrong one and now you have my sword to contend with…”"
― Mune Cinteroph

Krath Savant Mune Cinteroph has only just returned from places undisclosed, and thusly removed from the list of rogues to rejoin his former clan, Clan Scholae Palatinae. A native from a little known planet not even worth naming, he was previously a key member of the Isradia Family, a devoted scholar, quick calculating thinker and cunning assassin and graceful swordsman. Before his disappearance, he had been a member of Scholae Palatinae, leading House Acclivis Draco most notably for a time. He took on only a single student in in his time with the clan, Impetus M’Nar. His reasons or the how of his disappearance were never divulged, and even upon his return, remain veiled in secrecy.

Character History

Early Years

Snow & Ash

Echuna and her three moons.

The Imperial era went generally unnoticed on Echuna, a planet left mostly alone, deemed insignificant. Populated largely by humans, having taken to largely xenophobic outlooks. Traditionalists, slow to adaptation and stubbornly adhering to outmoded ways of thinking.

Visitors to the planet, by law, could only visit their capital city, Caeles Folor. It was here that the original experiments had begun, led by scientist Orrand Verr, unknown to any but the humans on Echuna, and those few “guests” having the privilege having met him. Here, it was always snowing… and a blend of snow and ash were constantly underfoot. The capital was home to government and the sciences alike, and, here too, many an atrocity were born by the ungentle hand of science on Echuna.

In 3 ABY, Orrand, at the age of 35, and his young wife, became pregnant with their first and only child. Weak willed, the boy’s mother could not refuse the child to her scientist husband’s wicked machinations. Of course, he was not to be the madman’s only wicked deed, but by far the most shocking, twitching his own flesh and blood to no better means but genetic manipulation. It was then by no surprise that the child was born half human with numerous other genetics spliced in. These anomalies most notably resulting in canine-like ears, fangs, claws and tail. Papers on the experiments made confidential, like all others on Orrand’s work.

Orrand, unhappy with the results, chose to discard his own progeny as a failed project of science. It was only for his wife that the boy was not thrown to the furnaces as so many other failed projects, and made ash upon the street…


Rather than destroyed, he came to be reared by his mother’s sister. It was no mystery the child was unwanted, a black sheep within a family of intellectuals who sought respect and monetary gains for their family. A black sheep borne from their own weak blood, was the last creature they wished to give home, but, they did, for a time.

Double Helix

Mune remained uneducated, mistreated, and shunned by adult and children alike. He began to see himself much as others saw him, an oddity; a point driven home when his father paid a visit at the age of five. A point that drove him from what had been the only home he had so far known, when his aunt was told to get rid of the monstrosity. It was five days later, and Mune played by himself in a gazebo within his aunt’s garden. Spring flowers scented the air. He remembered those flowers for years after the flames engulfed them and his world was swallowed by fire. He saved himself from death, but barely, and, horrified at the demon before them, the family called for the authorities. It was not the authorities who came.

Drawn by child’s power, the priestesses came upon him and the ash of the garden. Soothing the rage the boy felt, they take him away from those that could never want him, nor understand him.

The Sound the Chimes Make

At the age of five, after the fire that nearly claimed his life, he was taken in by the Monastery at Deeplake, well beyond the influence of Government or the scientific community. Here, his education began.

The following years were filled with ancient tomes, crumbling grimoire, and old and faded scrolls. He was ravenous for every scrap of knowledge, every bit of wisdom. Priest and priestess alike were more than happy to oblige him his seemingly ceaseless thirst. It became quickly evident to him however, that though they taught their ancient arts to other children under their tutelage within the monastery walls… they were missing something vital. They spoke often of the greatness of their wisdom, the power of their arts, the truth behind all things; but Mune knew more than thought, that they were missing something important. A true understanding.

Mune's Sword

When not ensconced in his reading, he was tutored personally by one of the elders in the art of sword dancing. A form of sword play using the Jian-style sword, focused on grace and agility as opposed to strength and brute force. It was a style that suited his way of thinking.

He had quickly become accepted, his world changed drastically from what he had been accustomed to, though nightmares plagued him often in the night. He grew, his mind sharpened, and he was honed into everything the priests could ever hope for… a sorcerer that could bring them the notice of Government and garner them the power and respect they deserved. To his family, he was a mistake. To these people, a tool.

It came as no surprise then, the appearance of Orrand and his retinue of government officials.

Blood on the Snow

The Brotherhood




He is half-human, a hybridization come about through genetic manipulation and experimentation. His human father, Orrand Verr’s goals were uncertain, and all pertaining papers since classified or destroyed, and so remains uncertain. The results, however, only seem by all appearances, completely cosmetic.

Mune is somewhat short of average height for an adult human male, standing at 5’7” (170cm) and well-toned. He is by and large, mostly human in his appearance, with a few notable traits that mark him as not quite. These include his eyes, a startling ruby red in colouration, bright, intelligent, sharp and even shocking at first when one catches sight of the slit quality of his pupils. His teeth, or his canines more specifically come to the slightest points, barely noticeable and could only be described as dainty fangs. He has canine ears instead of human ones, though they afford him no better hearing then is to be expected of a human. His nails can only be described as claws, though only just… and no more dangerous then the next man deciding to glow his nails long. His hair is most short, with his bangs left long, dyed a soft powder pink that compliments the soft cream colour of the rest of his hair. Each ear is adorned with a single piercing.


DJB Facts

Positions Held Previously