Sa Ool is a promising Jedi Knight that is in the only Light side House Odan-Urr of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
Character History
Younger years
Sa Ool's homeplanet Dorin Sa Ool was born on the planet Dorin to his parents Val and Kan Ool in the year of 11 ABY. His parents worked under the government, where they studied the weather to build more efficient satellites to better predict storms and their strength. At the age of five, Sa was sent to the Baron Do Sages to train under them because of his force sensitivity.
During the span of two years, Sa became one of the best students in his age group. Sa’s parents became well respected and well known for their knowledge in their field, which led them to leave Dorin to help other planets. Since his parents had started to be off world more often, Sa had been living with his aunt and uncle while his parents are away.
On one of the trips off world, tragedy struck Sa and his family. On Sa's parents last trip, a pirate ship and crew attacked the ship and killed everyone aboard. Once news hit Dorin and Sa's ears, he was devastated. Not being able to control his emotions, he let go with a large blast of the force, knocking his aunt and uncle’s house down and accidentally killing them. Not knowing what to do, Sa ran and went into hiding, living off of scraps. Sa lived for a month like this before he met his savior, T’la. He was a Kushiban Jedi Master from the Old Republic who was hiding from Order 66. Sensing Sa’s strong force connection, T’la made the move and asked Sa to become his apprentice.
Life as a Jedi
Sa was a quick learner under T'la's teachings, despite his anger issues. Over the next five years, the pair traveled to many planets and participated in many teachings. Near the end of this time, the Jedi traveled to Corellia, which T’la had claimed a pull to for some time. While walking along the streets of Doaba Guerfel, they saw a human do something only Force-sensitive beings could do. They trailed the kid, who they estimated to be about Sa’s age, until they finally confronted him. The kid ran off, the Jedi realizing he lived on the streets and had no real home. They spent the next few weeks following him, allowing him to see them. They gave him food and clothes to keep him well. Eventually, the boy warmed up to them, the pair telling him why they had been following and helping him. They discussed being a Jedi and the Force, and the boy, named Paet Silmians, agreed to become an apprentice under T’la.
The falling
Sa and Paet traveled with T'la for 6 more years, learning about the force and what it meant to be a Jedi. Under T'la's tutelage, they discovered that Sa was not only strong in the Force, but he also excelled at hand-to-hand combat and lightsaber combat. Paet, who had become Sa’s best friend, was found to be almost the exact opposite, excelling academically and preferring datapads to fighting.
By the time Sa was 18, he had traveled all across the galaxy. But, his journey with his Master would draw to an end. The last planet he would be with T’la or Paet was Naboo. T’la came to the conclusion he didn’t have much more to teach them, so he took them to Naboo to learn diplomacy from some of the greatest politicians. On a starry night, Sa and his two companions were camping away from the city, where T’la left Sa and Paet for a bit to go talk with their other teachers. Paet finally learned why Sa had left the Baron Do Sages and became T’la’s apprentice. Paet and Sa fought, which nearly killed them both. Sa was burnt by the campfire, while Paet lost part of his left arm and leg. He would have died had T’la not stepped in to defend him, driving Sa back from them.
the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
After the fight, Sa stumbled into the nearest city, only to run into another Force user. With his mind not being in the right state, he followed him, which led them to into a fight which Sa would lose. The man introduced himself as Balia Donos, a native from Naboo and a Dark Jedi on his path to being knighted. He offered Sa a chance to live, as long as he came back with him. With nowhere else to go, Sa accepted, leaving Naboo and his Jedi ways to start a new adventure.
Once the two arrived into Dark Jedi Brotherhood occupied space, Balia went back to his clan, Clan Tarentum, while Sa was shipped off to the Shadow Academy to learn and study the Dark Side. Sa endured the tests given to him and passed, leading him to be sent to Tarentum to become a member of one of its houses, House Gladius.
Sa quickly rose up its ranks, proving he was a worthy Sith despite his alien nature. In 30 ABY to 39 ABY, the Church of Infinite Perception invaded Yridia space, occupying Yridia IV. Demanding conquest against it, Sa was knighted. The invasion led to many deaths and changes in Tarentum. Balia Donos perished, leaving freshly knighted Sa Ool to take over Balia’s apprentice, Pendell.
The return to the light Side
- "How can one move forward if they can not look back?"
- ― Sa Ool's writer real life Grandfather
During his time as Pendell’s Master, Sa became a prominent member of Taretnum. He went on many missions, not expecting his past to catch up with him. While he and Pendell were on the planet of Adarlon hunting down the remnants of the Church of Infinite Perception, they encountered Sa’s old Master and fellow apprentice. After being convinced by T’la and Paet not to fight, the group talked. T’la and Paet told Sa they had forgiven him, also asking him to leave the Dark Side and join them and the rest of the Jedi Knights.
Sa sent Pendell back to Tarentum, allowing himself some time to think. After a month, Sa finally came to a decision. He contacted his old Master and told him he would join them, leaving the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and House Tarentum for good. T’la brought Sa to New Tython, explaining that the Jedi they were with called themselves the Disciples of Odan-Urr. After being accepted by the Grand Master, Sa finally felt that he had found a home worth protecting.
Sa Ool has some scars by his left eye left over from being burnt by a fire during his fight with Paet. Being a typical Kel Dor, Sa Ool needs to wear a breather mask and goggles in any of the atmospheres that he can not breathe in. Sa Ool has red-orangish colored skin and wears the typical garb of the Jedi Order, but in colors that are closer to black. As a Kel Dor Sa also only have a total of four fingers on his hands.
Sa Ool usually prefers to push the rules to the absolute limit. While he is unlikely to actually break rules or disobey orders, he toes the line between what is allowed and what isn't at every opportunity. When Sa Ool does things, he likes to make sure everything is done correctly, no matter how long it takes. While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Sa Ool's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. he becomes focused and quiet, with his smile replaced with a look of grim determination. Through a combination of preparing, studying, and analyzing, Sa Ool creates detailed battle plans and tries to think two steps ahead of the enemy.
Born with an intractable will and limitless courage, Sa Ool will stand in the face of insurmountable odds and never retreat. Despite the fact that such acts of heedless bravery are inspiring and will sometimes result in victories worthy of song, just as often they result in his allies getting wounded or killed. Sa Ool likes to wears out his opponents through use of the Force, agility, and evasion. Once he has sufficiently tired his foes through the use of the Force, physical, or mental assault, he quickly tries to find a means of cleanly and swiftly dispatching them.
DJB Facts
Sa Ool is one of the founding members of House Odan-Urr, the only light sided house currently in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Positions Held