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Latest revision as of 15:45, 29 July 2024

Asani Vosa
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

14 ABY

Physical Description





1.68 M


54 KG





Personal Information

Lokasena Corvinus, Impetus M'nar, Eludajae M'nar, Archangel


Lazarus Concordance, Yuuzhan Vong

Lightsaber Color(s):


Chronology & Political Information

exogeology, exobiology, behavioral analysis


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]



Sundari is the third planet orbiting the star called Gariisa in the Garos system. The planet is covered by vasts deserts and sandstorms rage across the surface.

The planet was first explored shortly after colonists settled Garos IV around 4,000 BBY. No one believed that this hot, arid world was suitable for settlement … there was plenty of decent, arable land on Garos … why bother with Sundari. So those first explorers just mapped out the terrain.

But then, in the mountains just to the west of the desert region called Bergsta, they discovered an abundance of raw materials that could be cheaply mined. Seeing profit in exporting, the Sundar Corporation was born.

Sundari’s first settlement–the domed city of Bergsta–consisted of two thousand miners and their families. Operations expanded and thousands of Garosians migrated to the planet. Within five years, our small colony had grown to 40,000. Many companies came and went over the millennia. Today, six companies maintain mining operations here.


"I owe my entire existence to you…"
―Asani to Lokasena

Because of the lucrative mining operation, Sundari drew the attention of all sorts of businessmen. One such organization, the name not yet know at this time, planned to do a bit more than just driving a hard bargain. They wanted the planet for themselves.

After an economic boycott didn’t weaken the spirits of the Sundari people, they resorted to more aggressive measures. They released and army of wild animals onto the planet. These animals where an ecological menace. Large wolf-like creatures that attacked anything and anyone that came in their path.

The Sundari security forces resisted as long as they could. Bergsta was cordoned off and the dome was barricaded. But the foul creatures had multiplied at an astronomical pace. Within two months of introduction into the Sundari ecosystem, the Balvarines as they were called, destroyed all livestock and were ready to storm the city. The security forces attempted to evacuate all the surrounding mining companies in the Bergsta mountains, but could not get to all of them in time.

Many Companies stood along against the dreadful assault of creatures. So too, the company of the Vosa family. Meldrid Vosa, his wife Ishka and two daughters, Komari of fifteen and Asani of eleven, had only three days to prepare. A minor flaw in the Sundari communications network that would cost thousands of lives.

Meldrid had made a shelter for his family and had dusted off his old blaster rifle to keep them safe. Ten minutes after the first perimeter alarm went off, the wolves reached the House. Meldrid only got a few shots off before he was overrun. At this, Ishka had run out of the shelter, locking it tightly behind her. She had picked up her husband’s rifle. From the cracks in the door, the two little girls saw how their mother defended herself and the broken body of Meldrid. She had stood proud and fired true. No shot missed as she killed at least a dozen of those terrible creatures. It was then that not her courage faltered, but the power cell of the rifle.

The little girls looked horrified as their parents bodies were torn asunder by the Balvarines. With their acute sense of smell, it did not take the animals long to find the door behind which the two girls were hugging close together in fear. Seconds before the door was about to be broken down, Komari and Asani had heard the sounds of combat again. Not blaster fire, but the ringing of steel. After a while, the sounds died and they heard a voice call for them to come out of hiding. Several moments passed before either child dared to move.

As Komari opened the door to the shelter, her eyes fell upon all those Balvarine corpses surrounding a dark figure. He stood amid the carnage with a long black sword in his hands. It was a fairly young man, but his face revealed a hard life. He had been wounded and was in pain. Komari helped this stranger inside and tended to his wounds while Asani observed. He had been a member of the organization that had let loose these dogs of war.


The young man explained how he fought against the oppressive reign of the Lazarus Concordance for months. It had been sheer luck that he found the Vosa house. Or had it been something else…?

26 ABY

Asani was now 12 years of age. For five years she and her sister Komari had been safe, under the wing of Lokasena Corvinus, the man who had saved them. Realizing that their little family would soon break apart, Asani started to look to the future.

Fury 16

Lokasena had become somewhat of a mentor for the girls, teaching them to fight and survive on their own. Rumors had reached their little house, which was no more than a thatched barn which they had repaired and decorated. Rumors of a Dark cult, somewhere on the edge of the galaxy. Corvinus left to seek them out, wondering if this could be a new home or them.

Asani and Komari stayed behind and decided to split up. That way they could more easily avoid detection. They made a pact to reunite as soon as Sena returned. They both traveled to Corusant and while Komari went on to work in a more exotic environment, Asani was discovered by a small group of women. They claimed to be assassins in need of new blood. They accepted Asani into their midst and taught her how to be a killer.

Fiorina 1-6-1 (Fury 16)

The assassins cult, comprised entirely out of females, was quite successful. Because of her young age and fierce commitment, Asani earned the code name Fiorina 1-6-1. Fiorina because of the name of the cult, 1-6 because she was only 16 years old ( a lie, since she was only 12)and the final 1 stood for the precedent she had set by making her first successful kill at age 16.

Asani quickly became known in the underworld of Corusant. Her fiery red hair and flaring green eyes earned her another nickname among the criminals of the planet. She became known as Fury 16, even after she had reached 17 (13). Her Fiorina colleagues respected Asani and her targets feared her, for as long as they could.

As promised, Lokasena returned to them after several years. The three celebrated their reunification with a wild party that has become somewhat of an urban legend in the Corusant underworld. After the celebration, Lokasena took Komari to the Dark Brotherhood. Asani was left behind, deemed to young at the time (Sena knew her true age). Asani accepted her mentor and sister’s advice and waited patiently for her chance.

The Brotherhood

Asani joined 2 years (she was now 15) after her sister did. Following her path to the Dark Side. Like Komari, she joined the House Ektrosis of Taldryan. With the exception of her sister and Lokasena Corvinus, Asani had no friends at all. After Komari died in the last Great Jedi War, Asani was grief stricken. She dealt with many accusations from her peers in clan Taldryan.

Asani Vosa

Although Lokasena fought for her in word and deed, he could not convince Asani to stay. For the longest time she disappeared between the Rogues of the Brotherhood. Taking the time to quietly meditate on all that had happened, Asani grew in the ways of the Dark Side.

Still befriending Lokasena Corvinus, Asani joined a new clan and House. A House of which she had heard much. Many of her late sister’s old friends were there. And so it came to pass that she settled in House Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinea. Here, she quickly made friends and allies.

It would be here that she would further her development into the Dark Side.

But even the Caliburnus House was not a safe haven for long. During the feud with clan Arcona, one of Asani’s oldest and dearest friends in the House betrayed her. This hurt Asani deeply from within. She felt hate, fear and despair.

And in her despairation, Asani turned to a man she had know for a long time, but no longer understood. Asani traveled to Taruma, to speak to her old mentor.

The voyage was uneventfull and the welcome by Taldryan security forces had been far more friendly than she had expected. Maybe because she had once been one of them, maybe because Sena had warned them in advance. Even in the halls of Ektrosis, there were no problems with security. She reached the quarters of Lokasena Corvinus and knocked on the heavy wooden door. The door had been unlocked and she stepped inside.

Corvinus’ quarters were dimly lit and bigger than her own, at Caliburnus. Perhaps due to his rank or former positions as Tetrarch. He had used the space quite efficiently. Although it seemed a bit cluttered at the moment. Books and data padds covered most of the table and desk, even the bed and floor. There were various shelves that held jars of specimens. Asani didn’t concentrate too much on what was inside them.

Corvinus was sitting in an old fashioned rockingchair, reading a book. As he looked up from the heavy volume, he stared at her face. His voice as calm as ever. “Why so serious?” he had asked, and Asani started crying. He walked over to her and cradeled her for a few moments. Then, he ha brought her to her feet and straightened her shoulders. Lokasena looked in her bright green eyes, which were still filled with tears, and he smiled at her. “Come on, little one. Let’s put a smile on that face!”

Asani could still see the remnants of the young, attractive man she knew. But there was a thin layer of madness that covered his eyes now. Asani did not care, she knew she would be safe with him. Safer than with anyone else.

After spending several weeks with Sena, she felt better again. He had reminded her of all the things that were truly important. He had never disapointed her before, and she doubted he ever would.

With new found vigour, Asani returned to her own clan and House Caliburnus. Stronger and more resolved then ever. Now she was ready to further her career and make her way towards the trails of knighthood.

Back Home

When betrayal follows you , everywhere you go. When people that you thought were close to you, simply leave you to die. Who then, can you trust.

This was a question that Asani had to ask her self during the Ninth Jedi War. Clan Scholae Palatinea had become a powerhouse of abuse and mistreatment for the young woman. Not even her friends helped her. They had either joined the party line or moved to other clans of their own accord.

Asani found herself alone and surrounded by enemies. People who wished her nothing but harm and suffering. In her desperation, she thought again of the one person who had always been there for her. He was the only one who ever exepted her for who she was. He shared her freedom of thought and was not bound by the parameters of narrow vision and box-like views of the universe.

Asani Vosa would go back to House Ektrosis of Taldryan, and she would be welcome there.

Of foxes and dark manes

"That Corvinus fellow who helped you, who helped all of us… Don’t trust him, Fox! He is a dangerous man and would not hesitate to kill you and all of your friends, if he thought that it would help him."
―Eludajae M’Nar

Anyone who knows Asani, know that she has a partner. A relationship that was literally forced with fury dedication. The beginning, as all beginnings are, was not at all easy. Rough patches were spread along the way. But Asani and her partner Eludajae , overcame them. There exists a love between the two that is seldom seen by agents of the Dark Side. Or perhaps it is the Dark Side that makes this ferocious love possible, who knows.

What is known, is that it is unwise to stand between the two, unless you’re invited. It would be wise, for all whom encounter the two together, to remember that Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.

Vosa’s appearance

"She’s a white flame, when perceived through the Force."

Her outward appearance is that of a young and very shy girl. But beware… Behind the innocence of her face, hides a great fury. There is no anger that burns more pure than the flame of Asani’s passion.

More than once, she has been warned that her emotions will consume her. With most Sith, it is just a saying, but Asani can take the comment quite literally. Whether this great waterfall of strong emotions is a result of her traumatic childhood, only Asani knows.

On her home world of Sundari, the Vosa women were known to be strong and passionate in mind, spirit and deed. Although her physical appearance may be less than impressive, her keen mind and burning soul are the source of Asani’s strength.

In Caliburnus she has many friends, but trusts only a few, even including those she converses with on a daily basis are not part of her innermost circle. Those that are are her Master, her lover, her mentor and her best friend. Names shall not be given, for these people know what they are to Asani. She would trust any of them with her life, and she would burn down the galaxy itself should they ever need to be avenged.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Junior Senator in the Clan Senate Member of the Serpent's Fang


  • Helping House Caliburnus attain victory in the Feud.
  • Serving her Clan as junior Senator


  • The name Vosa was taken from the game Star Wars; Bounty Hunter.
  • In Real Life I am a behavioural annalist for Dutch law enforcement.