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Exodus era.

The Yridian Revolt

Conflict: Disgruntled at Tarentum’s rule of Yridia, a small sector of the Yridian society revolts, hoping to topple the ruling government of Clan Tarentum.
Date: 18 ABY
Location: Yridia II, the Sword’s Sheath

Clan Tarentum

Rebellious Yridians, unknown Dark Jedi


Anshar Kahn Tarentae



Clan Tarentum (Dark Jedi, army, and navy)

Yridian Rebels


No major casualties

Undocumented large number of Yridians killed

[ Source ]

Occurring during the first tenure of Anshar Kahn Tarentae, the Yridian Revolt was a short lived attempt by some Yridians to abolish Clan Tarentum’s rule over the Yridia system. Despite allying with some non-Brotherhood Dark Jedi, the revolt collapsed due to a variety of reasons. In the end, the revolt only served to further solidify Tarentum’s control over the system.


Upon its initial settlement on Yridia II, Clan Tarentum (at the time, House Tarentum) had been limited to its castle as the Yridians insisted that what little dry land there was be left for their people. Over time, as Tarentum grew, it began to dominate the entire system, ultimately reaching the point of ruling the system through its feudal system. This remained true until Anshar Kahn made sweeping changes across Tarentum and Yridian Space that did away with that feudal system.

Many Yridians had come to accept Tarentum rule; indeed, many Yridians have prospered because of it. However, there had always been under currents of dissatisfaction, bringing together a group willing to do something to fix the perceived wrong. Though this group of like minded citizens never had a name, they did share the belief that Tarentum’s rule should be ended.

A Leader and Allies

It is surprising to many that the entire revolt was organized by one man: Joletha. Joletha was a highly successful Yridian businessman who did not seem like the type to rebel because his business had boomed due to Tarentum's growth.

Joletha spent a great deal of his own fortune in gathering weapons and ships. He was very adept at hiding these items, as there was little forewarning of the revolt from intelligence services. It is likely he spent some of his money on bribing port officials. It is known that he spent a large sum of money in hiring a treasure hunter to find the Kaiburr crystal, or at least what he claimed was a Kaiburr crystal.

Using this as bait, Joletha was able to convince a small band of Dark Jedi to join him. There is speculation that the group may have once been affiliated with Brakiss, but no one knows for certain. They were few in number and, ultimately, no match for Tarentum’s well trained members. In the end, it was a tenuous alliance at best, but it gave Joletha the extra advantage he thought he needed.

The Conflict

The Battle of the Sword’s Sheath

At least one DX9 was used by the rebels to attack the Sword's Sheath

The Yridian Revolt began with some staged riots and bombings. In response to these events, Anshar called in reinforcements from House Gladius, leaving the Sword’s Sheath lightly defended. Joletha and his allies, however, had anticipated this, and they immediately launched their invasion “fleet.” In reality, the fleet was nothing more than a hodgepodge collection of shuttles and antiquated transports. Nevertheless, with surprise on their side, the Yridians managed to land on the Sword’s Sheath and take control of large portions of it.

Joletha intended to have the Sword’s Seath serve as a feint while the majority of his forces launched an attack on Castle Tarentum. However, he seriously underestimated the ability of Tarentum to divide its attention. Anshar personally led the assault that retook the Sword’s Sheath. There were no survivors from the Yridian force, meaning they could not reinforce the attack on the castle.

The Battle of Castle Tarentum

Castle Tarentum remains largely hidden under the oceans of Yridia II; however, the top still breaches the surface, and Joletha believed he could take this facility as well. Gathering together a flotilla of surface going vessels, most converted fishing trawlers, the Yridians attack Castle Tarentum. The defense of the castle was led by Proconsul Welshman. At the same time of this assault, Joletha’s Dark Jedi allies abandoned him, though no one knows quite why. Unable to take Castle Tarentum, Joletha and his supporters holed up, vowing to fight to the death.

The End and the Aftermath

Joletha and his fellow leaders would ultimately be captured, but many of their followers were slain at the last stand. Joletha and the other leaders were interrogated before they were killed. The interrogations led to the executions of numerous other rebels at the order of Anshar. Anyone supporting or participating in the rebellion had their assets liquidated by Tarentum. However, it is acknowledged that some rebels likely slipped back into the normal population, so the clan has been on guard ever since. Shortly after the conflict, Anshar accepted the position of Headmaster, turning leadership of the clan over to Spears.

The reasons for the revolt’s failure are fairly obvious. Joletha attempted to wage a conventional conflict against a superior enemy. His allies were unreliable and he miscalculated Tarentum’s military response. Perhaps most importantly, however, was the fact that Joletha was leading a minority of Yridians in this revolt, and a small minority at that. Though he left no record, many assume he was hoping that his acts of resistance would inspire others to join the cause. They did not.