Kintocass: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
mNo edit summary
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Kintocass is an [[Acolyte]] in House [[Qel-Droma]] of [[Arcona]] within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He will stop at nothing to find and kill the one's that caused him the pain he now endures every night and day.
Kintocass is an [[Proselyte]] in House [[Deathwatch]] of [[Vizsla]] within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He will stop at nothing to find and kill the one's that caused him the pain he now endures every night and day.

[[Category: DJB Characters]]
{{Eras| (old|rise|reb|new|njo|djb|leg) }}
|type= Obelisk
|order = Sith
|firstname= Kintocass
|firstname= Kintocass
Line 20: Line 18:
|cyber= none
|cyber= none
|allies= Dark Jedi Brotherhood
|allies= Dark Jedi Brotherhood
|enemies= Bandits
|enemies= Bandits Traitors
Line 27: Line 25:
|era= Dark Jedi Brotherhood
|era= Dark Jedi Brotherhood
|affiliation= Arcona, EX
|affiliation= [[Vizsla]], EX
|masters= [[Ernordeth Puer-Irae]]
|dossier= [[dossier:13695]]
|dossier= [[dossier:13695]]
Line 39: Line 37:

=== After the Exile ===
=== After the Exile ===
At the age of 20, he was off-world, with a group known only as EX, a group of people that did the dangerous transport missions for the Sith escaping execution, When their convoy was ambushed by a group of Jedi Knights that had planned to eradicate all Sith and Dark Jedi from the Galaxy. The group was forced to land on the nearest habitable moon of Naboo for repairs. But the Knights were right behind them. When both groups landed a fight broke out, this was where everyone that Kintocass had called a friend was killed. The only reason he survived was because a group of people from the Clan Arcona intervened in the battle, he would later come to find out after joining the Clan that the Jedi Knights had escaped justice. He vowed from that day that he would become stronger and avenge all the ones he had lost from the day he was banished till the day he died.
From the time till he turned 16 he was on his own. He learned how to master Survival Skills quickly, he also learned how to dual wield the crudely made blades he found while exploring a crypt one day, he soon would be an expert at dual wielding.
He was quickly recognized as a powerful fighter by a watching Sith Lord, who Kintocass only knew as My Lord. My Lord trained Kintocass in the way of the Fighter, helped him improved his dual bladed fighting style and even help him increase his ability with the Force. He quickly learned to use Beast Control to influence the creatures of his homeworld to do his bidding. He also learned Force Cloak to hide him from the view of villagers as he entered and exited his old Hometown.
This went on for 2 years, until in True Sith Fashion, Kintocass took the life of his Master while he slept. but he didn't stop there he even went as far as to take the Sith's cloak and red crystal for his future Lightsaber. This was just the beginning of Kintocass's path down the dark side.
=== Enslavement ===
One day while he was hunting, he happened upon a battle between his life long friend Klienif and a group of bandits. He assess the situation quickly and learned that his friend was wounded. So he charged the bandits in the hopes of saving Klienif, but before he could even engage the nearest bandit his lifelong friend was killed.
After killing all the bandits and giving his friend a burial, he decided that it was time to get off world. Using his ability Force Cloak to sneak away as the Villagers started to show up, however he did not leave, he went to the village one final time to retrieve his credentials. once he had them he headed for the spaceport.
But before he could get to the shuttle to take him to the Capital World of Droumond Kaas, he was ambushed by a group of slavers preying on the locals. When he woke up he was in a slave collar, surrounded by guards, being put up for auction.
As he looked Hutts, Rodians, and even Cathars, where bidding on his life. the ones that caught his attention were the 2 in the front. A rather large and ugly Hutt, that he would soon learn is called Nemro and his father. and for about ten seconds they made eye contact, and Kintocass saw desperation in his fathers eye's. that is when Kintocass heard the announcer state the starting bid of ten thousand credits. His father instantly doubled it, however Nemro also doubled it. the price being stated his father doubling it and then Nemro doing the same, lasted until the price hit one million credits, and when Kintocass made eye contact with his father all he saw in those eyes were despair. He was Nemro's now.
=== Life Under Nemro ===
Life under Nemro was actually peaceful, poor but peaceful. Nemro after learning what Skills Kintocass had, made him one of his personal bodyguards. which Kintocass would soon come to realize was very entertaining. Nemro took Kintocass to the armory and had his common  slave collar removed and one of his personal ones put in place. it was thin so it could easily be hidden under clothes, Nemro didn't like to show everyone that one of his bodyguards was in fact a slave. After the collar was in place Kintocass got to chose from a wide selection of weapons ranging from blasters to even a Training Lightsaber (no one is sure how he came by it). Kintocass picked as his weapons of choice a rather elegant pair of Cathar Honor swords.
Everyone that was approved to enter Nemro's Palace then had to be approved by Nemro's officers, if they were approved then the audience with Nemro continued, but if they were rejected, they were thrown out, and if they refused to leave, well then one of the bodyguards, usually Kintocass, was ordered to kill them. Being trained under a Sith, Kintocass was trained to resist pain, however punishment was never a problem, he obeyed every command without question or complaint. He really enjoyed the Killing commands though, partially because he was trained as Sith, and partially because he was a sociopath.
One day while walking through the Creature pins to return to his room, he happened to pass a rather small looking room labeled Rancor. Being curious since he has never seen one, he decided to take a look. What he found was a man sized beast, that he heard was gigantic. He would later find out that it was genetically inhanced to be the same size or smaller as it current owner. feeling for once in his life pity for something, he befriended the Rancor, with some Beast Control, to convince the Rancor he was it's only friend. With that his life with a friend started anew.
He never met a challenge that Nemro set before him until a member from the group called EX, came to visit, and upon seeing Kintocass immediately started attacking him. Kintocass would later come to learn that EX was hired by his father to free him from Nemro. The fight was fierce, each of Kintocass blades where having to hold back, the double whip attack from his opponent. When the Whip finally did get through, they instantly severed the collar from around Kintocass neck, and once the member of EX saw it hit the ground, he threw a flash grenade and commanded Kintocass to run, which he did gladly. they kept running until they were about a mile from Nemro Palace, when they came upon a speeder, the rest of EX and his father. before the two newcomers reached the group the member of EX turned to Kintocass and made him an offer, join EX or become a slave to his father, Kintocass chose Join, he would come to regret that decision, because when his father learned of his decision, he attacked his son, and to Kintocass great regret, he was forced to kill his own father. When the deed was done, he left Hutta with EX, for now.
=== Death of EX, Joining the Brotherhood ===
he was off-world, with a group known only as EX, a group of people that did the dangerous transport missions for the Sith escaping execution, When their convoy was ambushed by a group of Jedi Knights that had planned to eradicate all Sith and Dark Jedi from the Galaxy. The group was forced to land on the nearest habitable moon of Naboo for repairs. But the Knights were right behind them. When both groups landed a fight broke out, this was where everyone that Kintocass had called a friend was killed. The only reason he survived was because a group of people from the Clan Arcona intervened in the battle, he would later come to find out after joining the Clan that the Jedi Knights had escaped justice. He vowed from that day that he would become stronger and avenge all the ones he had lost from the day he was banished till the day he died.

== Life in the Dark Brotherhood ==
== Life in the Dark Brotherhood ==
Under the tutelage of the members of the [[Shadow Academy]], Kintocass quickly learned the basics of The [[Dark Jedi Brotherhood]]. What it meant be a member of Clan [[Vizsla]] in House [[Deathwatch]]. He spent 2 weeks in the Academy constantly being ''Corrected'' if he was or did wrong. However that didn't last long as he quickly learned to do right. After surpassing the speed in which he usually went through school, he was out of the Academy, at least for now. after a few months of studies and combat, he heard from a friend in the group he was in before joining , he said that he tracked down someone that matched the description of his friend, that he thought dead. so without hesitation or warning to the brotherhood he was gone.
== Life away from the Dark Brotherhood ==
=== Hunt for a Friend ===
==== Tattoine ====
After collecting his items from his building, he went to the his fighter that he got from EX, once in space he contacted his informant inside EX to find where this person was, he was told two words the Huttt's. So off to Tattoine he went, it took him a total of a day and a half to arrive in Anchorhead. Once he landed after tricking the dockhand into thinking this was his hanger, and commandeering a  speeder, he set out to Jabba 's palace. he got about twenty feet in the dessert when he was attacked by Sand Raiders. he simply slowed the speeder down and then without waiting for it to stop jump off it. igniting his lightsaber as he went. after beheading one with a swing as he leapt over it. then landed in the middle of it. while one of the raiders he whistled and out of nowhere his mutated Rancor charged the group as well. after freeing his master from the one he was facing, it waited by his side for a command. Kintocass ordered it to kill, to which the rancor then charged the group and in a matter of minutes killed them all banthas included. once gone he then commanded it to follow and defend him. he then retrieved his speeder and continued for Jabba the Hutt. arriving at the entrance he was meet with a locked door and a mechanical voice to which he ignored and simply used the Force to throw the doors toward guards on the other side.
===== Jabba's Palace =====
Once inside he walked straight for the main room recalling the layout since it was similar to that of Nemro's. Once there he put his hands behind his back parting his cloak in the process to show he had his weapon on his belt clip and was not a threat. Jabba's second in command another Cathar came to him and demanded in their native tongue to explain why he just barged in unannounced. Kintocass laughed and once he stopped and just force choke the guard showing everyone that he was a Dark Jedi. Jabba Stared this Dark Jedi in fear and asked for his name. To which he simply put his hands behind his back after the guard went limp. Hearing the response Jabba pushed a button on the console next to him and when the room filled with guards he commanded them to kill the Jedi, as he was killing the guards he let out a crazed laugh because he had refrained from killing things, oh did he love the sound and smell of death. he spared the second in command because he had some questions. when he finally got a good look at the one he spared he suddenly gasped because the guard he spared was none other then Klienif his one true friend back on Cathar. after much catching up. Kintocass finally asked the questions he had intended to before he realized Klienif was the one he was going to question
==== Nar Shadda ====
After traveling for another day, Kintocass landed. Only to see that a gang war was going on in the ship dock area. so he set the autopilot, he opened the ramp and force leapt into the group igniting he saber as he did, after he landed he started killing people left and right. getting to the blast door he then used force push to knock the door open. seeing the battle going on in the hall to, he cursed in his native tongue, leapt into the fray once more, cutting down every gangster in the area. when he reached the guard post the guards there tried to thank him but were cut down just like the gangsters  getting on one of the speeders at the post speed off onto the nearest bar, he know his friend liked to drink.
===== Bleeders Pub =====
After entering the pub he went to the barkeeper and slip a credit chip for 100 credits, showing him a picture of his friend the barkeeper knowing the question simple pointed to a table in the far right side of the bar. As he approached the bar he say a rather drunk Rodian, he kicked him to wake him up and when Kintocass showed the picture all the Rodian did was open a map of the galaxy and pointed to one planet the one he never thought he would have to go to Cathar.
==Heading for home==
While on the way back home I got a message on the comms terminal it was an encoded message from Drommund Kaas. After about fifteen minutes I decoded the message.  it was from a rather high ranking officer in the Sith fleet, it stated that he was looking for four lightsabers to present to a Sith master, it didn't state which one. after another five minutes of thinking I decided to respond, that I would take care of the job. I had to go find a friend first. I went to the cockpit just in time to see Cathar come into view.
===Cathar Wilds===
it was raining for what felt like the hundredth time in the last five days and Kintocass was starting to get angry that his search was going nowhere. He went into town for what felt like the thousandth time pulling his hood up so he wouldn't be recognized. he headed for the space port. he stopped when a ball landed in front of him, a young Cathar no more than eight years of age came up unafraid. Kintocass bent down picked up the ball and handed it to the child knowing that if he let his anger get the better of him and go on a killing spree that he wouldn't be able to save the person he had come to save. the childe grabbed the ball and ran back to the group of kids to continue their game. Kintocass for the first time since his exile showed a truly sincere smile as he remembered playing the exact game he saw the kids play, it then turned to a scowl as he heard a scream come from the space port.
====Space Port====
After entering the space port he headed for the docking bay that the screams were coming from his scowl got more intense as he realized it was the same one that he and his master had left in. upon entering he hid in the shadows watching the scene before him play out, he pulled out his crudely made lightsaber, ready to jump in any moment. after about five minutes he decided it was time to intervene. he creep up on the Bothan captain as he got close the Bothan turned around blaster in hand, only to have a lightsaber at his neck. this Bothan Kintocass realized was none other that Recco a spice runner for Nemro the Hutt. we just stood their weapons pointed at the other waiting for the other to make a move. Recco finally put his blaster down realizing who it was he was pointing it at. and they talked for a few minutes till Recco got Kintocass' blade through his skull. he was then off in a dance of death killing everyone but the prisoner. Once all bounty hunters or spice runners were dead he walked up to the prisoner, removed the hood the see that he just freed Dark. They looked at each other for thirty seconds before Kintocass replaced his hood and headed back to his ship. after a few minutes of being in shock Dark followed.
=====Hours later=====
Kintocass was enjoying a nap as Dark had offered to pilot the ship for a while. when he heard over the ships intercom that was a message from Drommund Kaas. he groaned as he went to his private terminal to receive the message. It was straight from the Dark Council. the message had five words, FIVE SITH CAPTURED RETRIEVE IMMEDIATELY! seeing this Kintocass realized that if he could save these Sith that he would be paid lot for the return of these Sith. Before he closed the terminal down another message appeared JEDI KNIGHTS HUNTING DOWN SITH BE CAUTIOUS!
seeing this Kintocass smiled knowing that depended on how many Jedi showed up he might be able to finish two jobs in one go. and again just as he was about to shut down the terminal another message showed up LAST KNOWN LOCATION TATTOINE. he waited five minutes the order Dark to set a course for tattoine, right as the ship landed in Docking bay 9 Mos Eisley a dockhand showed up and requested to Kintocass to move his ship as this was not a scheduled landing. He simply looked at the dockhand and using the Force convinced him that this was a scheduled landing. he then headed toward a hanger that the Force was telling him he could find his targets, and sure enough as he entered he saw the five Sith surrounded by four Jedi's, two of them were knights and two were masters. Kintocass using the shadows to his advantage snuck up behind one of the masters and before he could respond, Kintocass drove his lightsaber through his chest. the others realizing that another person had entered the fray turned to see a Cathar wielding a crudely made red glowing lightsaber. this temporary distraction was enough for the Sith to kill the remaining Jedi. once all the Sith were safely aboard his ship he used the Force to gather all the Jedi's lightsabers, then walked up the ramp commanding Dark to set a course for Drommund Kaas.
==Drommund Kaas==
After a about a week jumping in and out of hyper space to avoid Jedi and the Republic all together, the group arrived at Drommund Kaas space port. upon the ramp lowering Kintocass was greeted by two people a Sith Lord and the high ranking officer that had order the first job. Kintocass bowed toward the Sith and with so much as a nod handed the officer the lightsabers to which he then in turn handed them to the Sith. after the Sith grabbed them from the officer he turned around as if to put them in his cloak only to ignite his won saber and driving it through his chest. after ordering two of the dockhands to remove the body he then turned to Kintocass handed him a chip worth fifteen thousand credits, turned on his heel and walked away. after the Sith was out of sight, Kintocass turned to Dark and with a sad smile explained that he could not allow her to leave the planet alive ignited his saber. Dark knowing that this was going to happen just gave a sad smile and waited for death, to which came quick as Kintocass drove it through her chest. he then turned back to his ship. His jobs now complete, Kintocass headed back to the Brotherhood, and for the first time cried because he killed one of the two friends he had before the Brotherhood, vowing one day to find the other no matter what it took.
[[Category:Arcona members]]

Latest revision as of 16:06, 29 July 2024

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Kintocass is an Proselyte in House Deathwatch of Vizsla within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. He will stop at nothing to find and kill the one's that caused him the pain he now endures every night and day.

Republic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

29 ABY

Date of Death:


Physical Description





1.5 meters


52.6 kilograms







Personal Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood


Bandits Traitors

Fighting Style(s):

Broken Gate

Chronology & Political Information

Sith Marauder


Dark Jedi Brotherhood


Vizsla, EX

Known masters:

Ernordeth Puer-Irae



[ Source ]

The Early Years

The Exile

Kintocass is a Cathar born in 29 ABY. He stands at 1.5 meters tall and weights about 52 kilograms. Being the smallest person in his hometown he was always the target of bullies. That all changed one day at the age of 12 when one particular bully decided to pick on one of his best friends. The last thing that anyone remembers was the bully gasping for air as Kintocass unknowingly Force choked the life out of the him. That was when everyone realized he was force sensitive. He was immediately banished from his own town for murdering one of his own kind.

After the Exile

From the time till he turned 16 he was on his own. He learned how to master Survival Skills quickly, he also learned how to dual wield the crudely made blades he found while exploring a crypt one day, he soon would be an expert at dual wielding.

He was quickly recognized as a powerful fighter by a watching Sith Lord, who Kintocass only knew as My Lord. My Lord trained Kintocass in the way of the Fighter, helped him improved his dual bladed fighting style and even help him increase his ability with the Force. He quickly learned to use Beast Control to influence the creatures of his homeworld to do his bidding. He also learned Force Cloak to hide him from the view of villagers as he entered and exited his old Hometown.

This went on for 2 years, until in True Sith Fashion, Kintocass took the life of his Master while he slept. but he didn't stop there he even went as far as to take the Sith's cloak and red crystal for his future Lightsaber. This was just the beginning of Kintocass's path down the dark side.


One day while he was hunting, he happened upon a battle between his life long friend Klienif and a group of bandits. He assess the situation quickly and learned that his friend was wounded. So he charged the bandits in the hopes of saving Klienif, but before he could even engage the nearest bandit his lifelong friend was killed.

After killing all the bandits and giving his friend a burial, he decided that it was time to get off world. Using his ability Force Cloak to sneak away as the Villagers started to show up, however he did not leave, he went to the village one final time to retrieve his credentials. once he had them he headed for the spaceport.

But before he could get to the shuttle to take him to the Capital World of Droumond Kaas, he was ambushed by a group of slavers preying on the locals. When he woke up he was in a slave collar, surrounded by guards, being put up for auction.

As he looked Hutts, Rodians, and even Cathars, where bidding on his life. the ones that caught his attention were the 2 in the front. A rather large and ugly Hutt, that he would soon learn is called Nemro and his father. and for about ten seconds they made eye contact, and Kintocass saw desperation in his fathers eye's. that is when Kintocass heard the announcer state the starting bid of ten thousand credits. His father instantly doubled it, however Nemro also doubled it. the price being stated his father doubling it and then Nemro doing the same, lasted until the price hit one million credits, and when Kintocass made eye contact with his father all he saw in those eyes were despair. He was Nemro's now.

Life Under Nemro

Life under Nemro was actually peaceful, poor but peaceful. Nemro after learning what Skills Kintocass had, made him one of his personal bodyguards. which Kintocass would soon come to realize was very entertaining. Nemro took Kintocass to the armory and had his common slave collar removed and one of his personal ones put in place. it was thin so it could easily be hidden under clothes, Nemro didn't like to show everyone that one of his bodyguards was in fact a slave. After the collar was in place Kintocass got to chose from a wide selection of weapons ranging from blasters to even a Training Lightsaber (no one is sure how he came by it). Kintocass picked as his weapons of choice a rather elegant pair of Cathar Honor swords.

Everyone that was approved to enter Nemro's Palace then had to be approved by Nemro's officers, if they were approved then the audience with Nemro continued, but if they were rejected, they were thrown out, and if they refused to leave, well then one of the bodyguards, usually Kintocass, was ordered to kill them. Being trained under a Sith, Kintocass was trained to resist pain, however punishment was never a problem, he obeyed every command without question or complaint. He really enjoyed the Killing commands though, partially because he was trained as Sith, and partially because he was a sociopath.

One day while walking through the Creature pins to return to his room, he happened to pass a rather small looking room labeled Rancor. Being curious since he has never seen one, he decided to take a look. What he found was a man sized beast, that he heard was gigantic. He would later find out that it was genetically inhanced to be the same size or smaller as it current owner. feeling for once in his life pity for something, he befriended the Rancor, with some Beast Control, to convince the Rancor he was it's only friend. With that his life with a friend started anew.

He never met a challenge that Nemro set before him until a member from the group called EX, came to visit, and upon seeing Kintocass immediately started attacking him. Kintocass would later come to learn that EX was hired by his father to free him from Nemro. The fight was fierce, each of Kintocass blades where having to hold back, the double whip attack from his opponent. When the Whip finally did get through, they instantly severed the collar from around Kintocass neck, and once the member of EX saw it hit the ground, he threw a flash grenade and commanded Kintocass to run, which he did gladly. they kept running until they were about a mile from Nemro Palace, when they came upon a speeder, the rest of EX and his father. before the two newcomers reached the group the member of EX turned to Kintocass and made him an offer, join EX or become a slave to his father, Kintocass chose Join, he would come to regret that decision, because when his father learned of his decision, he attacked his son, and to Kintocass great regret, he was forced to kill his own father. When the deed was done, he left Hutta with EX, for now.

Death of EX, Joining the Brotherhood

he was off-world, with a group known only as EX, a group of people that did the dangerous transport missions for the Sith escaping execution, When their convoy was ambushed by a group of Jedi Knights that had planned to eradicate all Sith and Dark Jedi from the Galaxy. The group was forced to land on the nearest habitable moon of Naboo for repairs. But the Knights were right behind them. When both groups landed a fight broke out, this was where everyone that Kintocass had called a friend was killed. The only reason he survived was because a group of people from the Clan Arcona intervened in the battle, he would later come to find out after joining the Clan that the Jedi Knights had escaped justice. He vowed from that day that he would become stronger and avenge all the ones he had lost from the day he was banished till the day he died.

Life in the Dark Brotherhood

Under the tutelage of the members of the Shadow Academy, Kintocass quickly learned the basics of The Dark Jedi Brotherhood. What it meant be a member of Clan Vizsla in House Deathwatch. He spent 2 weeks in the Academy constantly being Corrected if he was or did wrong. However that didn't last long as he quickly learned to do right. After surpassing the speed in which he usually went through school, he was out of the Academy, at least for now. after a few months of studies and combat, he heard from a friend in the group he was in before joining , he said that he tracked down someone that matched the description of his friend, that he thought dead. so without hesitation or warning to the brotherhood he was gone.

Life away from the Dark Brotherhood

Hunt for a Friend


After collecting his items from his building, he went to the his fighter that he got from EX, once in space he contacted his informant inside EX to find where this person was, he was told two words the Huttt's. So off to Tattoine he went, it took him a total of a day and a half to arrive in Anchorhead. Once he landed after tricking the dockhand into thinking this was his hanger, and commandeering a speeder, he set out to Jabba 's palace. he got about twenty feet in the dessert when he was attacked by Sand Raiders. he simply slowed the speeder down and then without waiting for it to stop jump off it. igniting his lightsaber as he went. after beheading one with a swing as he leapt over it. then landed in the middle of it. while one of the raiders he whistled and out of nowhere his mutated Rancor charged the group as well. after freeing his master from the one he was facing, it waited by his side for a command. Kintocass ordered it to kill, to which the rancor then charged the group and in a matter of minutes killed them all banthas included. once gone he then commanded it to follow and defend him. he then retrieved his speeder and continued for Jabba the Hutt. arriving at the entrance he was meet with a locked door and a mechanical voice to which he ignored and simply used the Force to throw the doors toward guards on the other side.

Jabba's Palace

Once inside he walked straight for the main room recalling the layout since it was similar to that of Nemro's. Once there he put his hands behind his back parting his cloak in the process to show he had his weapon on his belt clip and was not a threat. Jabba's second in command another Cathar came to him and demanded in their native tongue to explain why he just barged in unannounced. Kintocass laughed and once he stopped and just force choke the guard showing everyone that he was a Dark Jedi. Jabba Stared this Dark Jedi in fear and asked for his name. To which he simply put his hands behind his back after the guard went limp. Hearing the response Jabba pushed a button on the console next to him and when the room filled with guards he commanded them to kill the Jedi, as he was killing the guards he let out a crazed laugh because he had refrained from killing things, oh did he love the sound and smell of death. he spared the second in command because he had some questions. when he finally got a good look at the one he spared he suddenly gasped because the guard he spared was none other then Klienif his one true friend back on Cathar. after much catching up. Kintocass finally asked the questions he had intended to before he realized Klienif was the one he was going to question

Nar Shadda

After traveling for another day, Kintocass landed. Only to see that a gang war was going on in the ship dock area. so he set the autopilot, he opened the ramp and force leapt into the group igniting he saber as he did, after he landed he started killing people left and right. getting to the blast door he then used force push to knock the door open. seeing the battle going on in the hall to, he cursed in his native tongue, leapt into the fray once more, cutting down every gangster in the area. when he reached the guard post the guards there tried to thank him but were cut down just like the gangsters getting on one of the speeders at the post speed off onto the nearest bar, he know his friend liked to drink.

Bleeders Pub

After entering the pub he went to the barkeeper and slip a credit chip for 100 credits, showing him a picture of his friend the barkeeper knowing the question simple pointed to a table in the far right side of the bar. As he approached the bar he say a rather drunk Rodian, he kicked him to wake him up and when Kintocass showed the picture all the Rodian did was open a map of the galaxy and pointed to one planet the one he never thought he would have to go to Cathar.

Heading for home

While on the way back home I got a message on the comms terminal it was an encoded message from Drommund Kaas. After about fifteen minutes I decoded the message. it was from a rather high ranking officer in the Sith fleet, it stated that he was looking for four lightsabers to present to a Sith master, it didn't state which one. after another five minutes of thinking I decided to respond, that I would take care of the job. I had to go find a friend first. I went to the cockpit just in time to see Cathar come into view.

Cathar Wilds

it was raining for what felt like the hundredth time in the last five days and Kintocass was starting to get angry that his search was going nowhere. He went into town for what felt like the thousandth time pulling his hood up so he wouldn't be recognized. he headed for the space port. he stopped when a ball landed in front of him, a young Cathar no more than eight years of age came up unafraid. Kintocass bent down picked up the ball and handed it to the child knowing that if he let his anger get the better of him and go on a killing spree that he wouldn't be able to save the person he had come to save. the childe grabbed the ball and ran back to the group of kids to continue their game. Kintocass for the first time since his exile showed a truly sincere smile as he remembered playing the exact game he saw the kids play, it then turned to a scowl as he heard a scream come from the space port.

Space Port

After entering the space port he headed for the docking bay that the screams were coming from his scowl got more intense as he realized it was the same one that he and his master had left in. upon entering he hid in the shadows watching the scene before him play out, he pulled out his crudely made lightsaber, ready to jump in any moment. after about five minutes he decided it was time to intervene. he creep up on the Bothan captain as he got close the Bothan turned around blaster in hand, only to have a lightsaber at his neck. this Bothan Kintocass realized was none other that Recco a spice runner for Nemro the Hutt. we just stood their weapons pointed at the other waiting for the other to make a move. Recco finally put his blaster down realizing who it was he was pointing it at. and they talked for a few minutes till Recco got Kintocass' blade through his skull. he was then off in a dance of death killing everyone but the prisoner. Once all bounty hunters or spice runners were dead he walked up to the prisoner, removed the hood the see that he just freed Dark. They looked at each other for thirty seconds before Kintocass replaced his hood and headed back to his ship. after a few minutes of being in shock Dark followed.

Hours later

Kintocass was enjoying a nap as Dark had offered to pilot the ship for a while. when he heard over the ships intercom that was a message from Drommund Kaas. he groaned as he went to his private terminal to receive the message. It was straight from the Dark Council. the message had five words, FIVE SITH CAPTURED RETRIEVE IMMEDIATELY! seeing this Kintocass realized that if he could save these Sith that he would be paid lot for the return of these Sith. Before he closed the terminal down another message appeared JEDI KNIGHTS HUNTING DOWN SITH BE CAUTIOUS! seeing this Kintocass smiled knowing that depended on how many Jedi showed up he might be able to finish two jobs in one go. and again just as he was about to shut down the terminal another message showed up LAST KNOWN LOCATION TATTOINE. he waited five minutes the order Dark to set a course for tattoine, right as the ship landed in Docking bay 9 Mos Eisley a dockhand showed up and requested to Kintocass to move his ship as this was not a scheduled landing. He simply looked at the dockhand and using the Force convinced him that this was a scheduled landing. he then headed toward a hanger that the Force was telling him he could find his targets, and sure enough as he entered he saw the five Sith surrounded by four Jedi's, two of them were knights and two were masters. Kintocass using the shadows to his advantage snuck up behind one of the masters and before he could respond, Kintocass drove his lightsaber through his chest. the others realizing that another person had entered the fray turned to see a Cathar wielding a crudely made red glowing lightsaber. this temporary distraction was enough for the Sith to kill the remaining Jedi. once all the Sith were safely aboard his ship he used the Force to gather all the Jedi's lightsabers, then walked up the ramp commanding Dark to set a course for Drommund Kaas.

Drommund Kaas

After a about a week jumping in and out of hyper space to avoid Jedi and the Republic all together, the group arrived at Drommund Kaas space port. upon the ramp lowering Kintocass was greeted by two people a Sith Lord and the high ranking officer that had order the first job. Kintocass bowed toward the Sith and with so much as a nod handed the officer the lightsabers to which he then in turn handed them to the Sith. after the Sith grabbed them from the officer he turned around as if to put them in his cloak only to ignite his won saber and driving it through his chest. after ordering two of the dockhands to remove the body he then turned to Kintocass handed him a chip worth fifteen thousand credits, turned on his heel and walked away. after the Sith was out of sight, Kintocass turned to Dark and with a sad smile explained that he could not allow her to leave the planet alive ignited his saber. Dark knowing that this was going to happen just gave a sad smile and waited for death, to which came quick as Kintocass drove it through her chest. he then turned back to his ship. His jobs now complete, Kintocass headed back to the Brotherhood, and for the first time cried because he killed one of the two friends he had before the Brotherhood, vowing one day to find the other no matter what it took.