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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|type= Obelisk
|order = Sith
|image= [[File:Kanis Da'uul.jpg|250px|]]
|firstname= Kanis
|firstname= Kanis
|lastname= Da’uul
|lastname= Da'uul
|homeworld= Coruscant  
|homeworld= [[starwars:Coruscant|Coruscant]]
|birth= 18 ABY
|birth= 19 ABY
|species= Human
|species= [[starwars:Human|Human]]
|gender= Male
|gender= [[starwars:Male|Male]]
|hair= Jet Black
|hair= Jet Black
|eyes= Gray
|eyes= Gray
|height= 5’10”
|height= 5’10”/178cm
|weight= 165 lbs
|weight= 165 lbs/75kg
|allies= Maa’ka Da’Rani
|allies= Maa’ka Da’Rani Erinos, [[Rrogon Skar]], Ayako Da'uul, [[Fet'ai'narun]], [[Kratus Vahillus]], Adi Ka `Taramas
|enemies= Jeran Aah’Valia
|enemies= Jeran Aah’Valia
|saber= Blue
|form= *Form 0/Banlanth
|form= *[[Djem So]]
|era= *[[Dark Brotherhood Era]]
|era= *[[Dark Brotherhood Era]]
|affiliation= *[[Clan Arcona]]
|affiliation= *[[Clan Arcona]]
|masters= OP Kratus Vahillus  
|masters=OP [[Kratus Vahillus]], DJK [[Fet'ai'narun]]
|apprentices=Adi Ka'Taramas, Ellie-Marie Kinsha
|dossier= [[dossier: 13458| 13458]]
|dossier= [[dossier:13458|13458]]

[[Kanis Da'uul]] is an Exiled Jedi Knight Padawan who fell to the Darkside after the untimely death of his fiance K'ara; He is now an [[Obelisk Templar]] of Clan [[Arcona]] and he is an active member of the sub-unit [[Qel-Droma]].
==The Beginning.==

==The Beginning.==
===The Birth===
[[File:Coruscant-AoTCW.jpg|thumb|150px|Right|Coruscant, The Planet Kanis was raised on.]]
Kanis Da'uul was born and raised on the Planet Coruscant, his parents were Karen and Aurelius Da'uul. At a young age Kanis' parents made the discovery that he was force sensitive just like his father, so they sent him to the Jedi Temple where he was taken in almost immediately, at the time he was only six years old. Upon being accepted into the New Jedi Order, Kanis was assigned to be the Padawan of Jedi Master Jeran Aah'Valia.

===A Padawan in Love===
===A Padawan in Love===
Kanis Da'uul at a young age was in training to be a Jedi, he knocked down any obstacle which confronted him, once he was paired up with a Master, he began to exceed each expectation that was set for him. Just as everyone does this young boy found love, his heart became attached to another. It was a secret love, but not to the point of where Kanis' master knew nothing. Since he saw highly of his Padawan, the Jedi Master said absolutely nothing in the way of protest against young Kanis Da'uul's relationship.

As days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to years, the bond between Kanis and K'ara (Care-Ah) grew in strength until the sunny day in an apartment on Coruscant when Kanis proposed to his lover in secrecy. With tears of joy in her eyes K'ara agreed with little hesitation to be recorded, it seemed almost story book, all ''too perfect'' to be true. Due to the sheltered life that the young Jedi Padawan lived, he really knew nothing much of pain, and loss, this fact would prove to be his downfall.  
Kanis would knock down any obstacle which confronted him, once he was paired up with a Master, he began to exceed each expectation that was set for him, and just as everyone does this young boy found love, his heart became attached to another. This was a factor that Master Aah'Valia did not go against, in fact he actually supported it, Kanis didn't show much social strength and this was the first person that he'd seen Kanis open up to, so with Master Aah'Valia's permission the relationship between Kanis and K'ara slowly began to bloom.
As days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to years, the bond between Kanis and K'ara grew in strength until one sunny day in an apartment on Coruscant when Kanis proposed to his lover. With tears of joy in her eyes K'ara undoubtedly agreed, it seemed almost story book, all ''too perfect'' to be true. Because of the sheltered life that the young Jedi Padawan lived, he really knew nothing much of pain, and loss, this fact would prove to be his downfall.  

===Knife Through the Heart===
===Knife Through the Heart===
[[File:Brunettes-black-red-pandora-hearts-alice-pandora-hearts-anime-girls-187883.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Kanis' fiance, murdered]]

Nearly two months after the proposal had been accepted and, Kanis and K'ara were wandering through one of the many market places located on the planet. The two were smiling and laughing, and Kanis was doing what he did each time they went out, which would be trying to further impress K'ara, which he usually performed a horrible fail in the process which only proved to make her laugh. It was merely a few hours into their venture that the Padawan's life would be changed forever; an assassin who had been slinking through the shadows following the life of Kanis' Master, he too discovered the existence of the Padawan's secret lover, and felt that striking the Master's Padawan may deliver an equal blow to the master himself.  
Nearly two months after the proposal had been accepted the pair were walking through one of the many market districts of Coruscant. They laughed and smiled together just as they always had, but as things are fate had different plans. An assassin after Master Aa'Valia decided to strike at the padawan in hopes it would create a large enough outcome to drive the master out into the open, so with a blade guided by sheer determination and hate. The assassin murdered young K'ara with a single stab wound to the center of the back before fleeing into the darkness. Young Kanis Da'uul was left in the streets on his knees holding his dying lover in his arms, this was the event which slowly began to break Kanis.

The assassin bolted from the shadows with a freshly sharpened Vibrosword which he thrusted deeply into K'ara's back without a sign of remorse. Stopping abruptly blood began to leak from the corner of K'ara's mouth, the only reason that Kanis had noticed that she'd stopped was that he'd been holding her hand and felt that she wasn't budging an inch. All the warmth and joy had quickly fleeted from K'ara's eyes, and Kanis couldn't believe what he was seeing. K'ara fell into his arms gurgling a tad on her blood. A red plume began to grow larger on her back dampening her shirt. There was nothing Kanis was able to do as he watched the assassin escape.
===The Corruption.===
Kanis' heart was crushed upon the death of his lover, followed by his master Kanis barged in unannounced to the meeting room occupied by the Jedi Council. Kanis brought up the murder of his fiance to the council, but they merely shook their heads and told him that it was merely a matter for the proper authorities. This rejection enraged Kanis further, thus he stormed out of the council room again followed by his master who attempted to calm him. Kanis expressed that he would find and kill the man responsible, and his master agreed with him, but brought up the point that holding a grudge and allowing himself to be over come with hate was a path that would lead him only to suffering.

==The Corruption.==
Kanis ignored the warnings his master gave him, and on one fateful day, after Kanis had finished gathering all the information he needed, the young Padawan set out and was unknowingly followed by his master. things only got worse once Kanis had discovered the Assassin in a local Cantina, the Assassin was slain, but not in honorable combat. Kanis merely stabbed him in the back and obliterated his heart in the process, he then began to kill anyone who went after him. At that his master had seen enough and decided to step in. The two battled for what seemed to be hours, they were both obviously well matched in the way of skill, but as the battle ended, Kanis light saber was destroyed and his master had received horrid burns. Instead of ending the life of his Padawan Kanis Da'uul, the Master Banished him from the planet of Coruscant because of the fact that his hate had driven him to the dark side, his is a story of hate and Vengeance
Kanis' heart was crushed upon the death of his lover, followed by his master Kanis barged in unannounced to the meeting room occupied by the Jedi Council. Kanis brought up the murder of young K'ara to the council, but they merely shook their heads and said that it was merely a matter for the proper authorities. This rejection enraged Kanis further and he stormed out of the council room again followed by his master who attempted to calm him. Kanis expressed that he would find and kill the man responsible, and his master agreed with him, but brought up the point that holding a grudge and allowing himself to be over come with hate was a path that would lead him only to suffering.
Kanis ignored the warnings his master gave him, and on one fateful day, after Kanis had finished gathering all the information he needed, the young Padawan set out and was unknowingly followed by his master. things only got worse once Kanis had discovered the Assassin in a local Cantina, the Assassin was slain, but not in honorable combat. Kanis merely stabbed him in the back and obliterated his heart in the process, he then began to kill anyone who went after him. At that his master had seen enough and decided to step in. The two battled for what seemed to be hours, they were both obviously well matched in the way of skill, but as the battle ended, Kanis lightsaber was destroyed and his master had received horrid burns. Instead of ending the life of his Padawan Kanis Da'uul, the Master Banished him from the planet of Coruscant because of the fact that his hate had driven him to the dark side, his is a story of hate and Vengeance

This is where Kanis' Chapter in The Dark Brotherhood begins.
This is where Kanis' Chapter in The Dark Brotherhood begins.

==Brotherhood Life==
==Brotherhood Life==
Kanis adapted quite well to his new setting, he spent quite a bit of his time loitering around a miscellaneous Cantina on Port Ol'Val.  
===An Interesting Encounter===
Kanis spent most of his time in Cantina's on the planetoid Port Ol'Val, while he would await his master's summons for him to come and train. Just as he would everyday at around the same time OP Kratus Vahillus summoned his apprentice, but once out of the Cantina a huge commotion erupted from behind the young man, Kanis having the type of attention span that he did at that point turned towards the commotion only to witness the impossible. A female of around average height and weight was taking down a foe that was almost over twice her size. The young Journey man was astounded by the sheer skill and wits of the woman in the fight.  

===An Interesting Encounter===
After the Cantina Brawl had been won, the girl gave Kanis a smile then disappeared almost without a trace.
Kanis had been spending most of the day in his usual Cantina, it was upon his exit that he ran into his master Kratus, the conversation between the two was less than lengthy, and it wasn't long before the young apprentice heard a ruckus behind him. Turning his attention back towards the Cantina, Kanis took note of a man flying past the entrance followed by yet another crashing sound which could have easily been a table breaking. The next sight was even more surprising, a woman whom bore no evidence of Brotherhood membership strolled past the entry way cracking her knuckles and boasting about how she'd fought tougher womprats. She dealt a little more damage to her opponent before she finally took notice to Kanis whom was now staring at her with his jaw close to dropped, with a smile and a quick giggle she vanished from the Cantina without a word spoken.

===A new Friend===
===A new Friend===
The girl from the Cantina had taken an interest in Kanis, so she began following him and studying him. Though fascinated by him she failed to become obsessed with the Obelisk Trooper.
The girl from the Cantina had taken an interest in Kanis, so she began following him and studying him. Though fascinated by him she failed to become obsessed with the Obelisk Trooper.
Over the next few months, the young Mandalorian female grew closer to Kanis as she worked alongside him during different assignments.
===Maa'ka Da'Rani Erinos===
[[File:LadyFett-byKorris.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Maa'ka Battle Dress]]
[[File:BushiObeliskBlue.png|thumb|100px|right|Light Saber given to Kanis by Quaestor Legorii Kryotek Entar]]
Kanis Fought tooth and nail against the One Sith in the Dark Crusade. The young Human Male was forced to hit the ground running as the Shadow Clan was constantly going to war. Kanis remained motivated. He'd seen his fellow Arconans Achieving his goal, reaching Knighthood and it was no secret that he longed to be like them, he craved power even if it wasn't that much more than he already had, but most importantly he longed to have a light saber of his own instead of the armory issued saber he'd been hauling around since his promotion to Protector.
After his actions in the length of the Crusade and his willingness to go to the front lines and cause hell for his clan, Kanis finally achieved his goal, He was finally a Dark Jedi Knight; however he had no time to rest as the Crusade was hardly over just yet and his career in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood was just beginning.
===The Dark Crusade===
Kanis felt a strong sense of defeat when the Shadow Clan lost the Battle for the Planet Krayiss II, but he used the sensation he felt then to fuel his determination to ready himself for the next time he hit the battlefield, He wanted to win more than anything, that was one of the many things that he'd picked up after joining the brotherhood it was a known fact that Kanis hated to lose a fight and that is one of the many things that made somewhat of a valuable asset.
Following his crash on the icy planet Rhelg. Kanis was stranded for close to Three months with a member of the One Sith who called herself Rei'ana; however nearing the end of this nightmare Rei'ana became extremely paranoid and attacked Kanis, the Guardian fought back without hesitation. The bought was short lived however as Rei'ana lost her double-bladed saber in the conflict as well as a hand and her head. Standing in the mouth of the cave was Kanis companion who'd received the signal of his distress beacon.
The Crusade took Kanis to Svolten, a Planet with an atmosphere that was deadly to oxygen dependent life forms, the planet's atmosphere held a parasitic element that would take over one's mind turning them into a crazed zombie like life form.
Kanis job on this planet was to infiltrate a One Sith Mining platform alongside his battleteam, the young Coruscanti planted IED's on each and every anti-aircraft battery on the east wing to clear things up for void squadron. After which he made his way deeper into the platform where he set up IED breaching charges to make an entry for the Soul Fire strike team whenever Loki D'Tana knocked out the power.
[[File:Hands making a heart in the sunset-t2 (1).jpg|thumb|150px|left|"Love Is..."]]
===Whole Again===
Kanis Da'uul and [[Maa'ka Da'Rani Erinos]] had been fighting alongside each other since Kanis' entrance to The Dark Crusade, they'd known each other for nearly more than a year since then, but what they did not know is that they both felt the same for each other.
Rrogon Skar went out on a limb and talked to the young Mando'ade Maa'ka about her "'Obvious'" feelings for the Dark Jedi Knight and in turn she ended up punching him. A short while later the Kaleesh ended up talking to Kanis about his "'Obvious'" feelings for the Mandalorian. This time he wasn't attacked.
Rrogon Skar had been triumphant in his main task which was to get the two young warriors together since he was tired of seeing their "'Obvious Attraction'" go unnoticed by one another.
Kanis was devastated a few years back by the death of his fiancee K'ara, but now another heart was filling the emptiness left by the tragedy that now felt so far away.
When K’ara was murdered Kanis became bitter and closed off, but now because of Maa’ka he is starting to open up again which could lead to many different things including worry. There’s a war going on around them and they have no clue if they are going to live through it or not, all they are able to do is rely on each other and fight for their lives through the remainder of The Dark Crusade.
It is common knowledge to anyone who knows the Coruscanti that he'd been disowned by his family and banished from all Jedi controlled territory on the capital planet of Coruscant following the feat he performed upon falling to the Dark Side after the traumatic death of his fiance K'ara. He accepted that he no longer had any family members to turn to, The young human tended to spend most of his time in a cantina or back at his apartment studying. In 37 ABY the Dark Jedi was located by his younger sister Ayako Da'uul who'd been searching for him for two years. Kanis accepted her plea to stay at his side as she'd left their family behind by choice to pursue her goal of finding her older brother.

Over the next few months, the young Mandalorean female grew closer to Kanis as she worked along side him during different assignments.  
===A strange Pair===
A few months after Kanis and Marrek found the Cathar Adi Ka'Taramas, Kanis found himself paired up with her in a master and apprentice relationship, but it was possibly one of the most odd match-ups he'd ever seen, Kanis wasn't a very ''happy'' person one could say, and his apprentice was a kind, fun-loving girl of the age of twenty-six, for the first few months all they did was argue and disagree on every possible point, but starting on the later months they began to see eye to eye, but at a very slow pace.

===The Disappearance===
====Without a Trace====
[[File:The fang.jpg|thumb|150px|Left|The Fang]]
Kanis and Maa'ka for the first time since they'd met failed to go on a certain assignment together, reason being because Maa'ka went to hunt down a mark somewhere in another region of the Core Worlds, while Kanis embarked on a journey to the icy surface of Rhelg where he engaged in Air to Air combat, after losing control of his ship his signal was masked by a heavy snow storm which had previously been playing hell with his sensors. The young Guardian was now lost to the outside world, however he was far from alone, before the massive storm had rolled in he was locked in combat with a female of the Order of The One Sith, however his occurrence was not the only one, other crashes Planet side had been recorded, however the crash sites were too far apart for the survivors to regroup and devise a plan so it was officially every man for him/her self.
Around the time the Dark Crusade began going into closing, [[Ernordeth Puer-Irae]] Quaestor of House Qel-Droma alerted Kanis of his acceptance into the secret organization belonging to the House, this group was known formally as the [[Nexum]]. Acceptance into this elite organization granted him access to use a blade known as the Fang, Essentially a standard issue knife of sorts that is handed off to all members who are accepted into the Nexum.

=====After the Crash=====
The wind blew heavily and small shards of ice flew through the air with near pin point accuracy, the story had escalated so badly that Kanis could not see past his hand, his only chance at survival was to work cooperatively with the One Sith member he was recently engaged in combat with, as they say "Desperate times call for desperate measures."
[[File:StormObeliskCloak.jpg|thumb|150px|left|Kanis' armor for the GJW]]
Kanis is depicted clothed in storm trooper armor bearing the insignia of his clan on the right shoulder of his armor and his Battle Team's logo on the left shoulder, a tabard draped from his belt down to his knee on the right hand side and is identical to his war banner in appearance.

Kanis tripped over a rather over sized lump of ice and passed out face first in the snow, he would have frozen to death if not for Reina Thont.
Though Kanis has played no major roles in Clan Arcona's grand victory in Great Jedi War Eleven, he had sewn his own thread of personal victories such as acquiring the courage to ask his Fade to marry him. Which was met with aggression from the Mandalorian soldier whom thought that Kanis had been injured due to the way he'd presented the proposal.

Kanis awoke in an ice cave where his 'friend for the hour' had dragged him to seek refuge from the cold, for a while it seemed that everything would be okay. Eventually the skies cleared and both Kanis and Reina were able to wander out of the cave they were trapped in, though the storm had ended the temperature was still insanely low, but they had to venture out to find food to stock up on in the event of another storm.
===Post GJWXI===
Both were surprised to find a massive heard of some sort of possibly undiscovered species of animal whose fur coat allowed it enough warmth to roam the frozen wastes, it would seem from there that survival was now possible and neither worried too much about being found.
The newly weds lay low performing hit and run assassinations and various other jobs sanctioned by Apex, after the war was over Kanis had discovered he was no longer the child whom had set foot in the shadow academy after his Master Fet'ai'narun pulled him off the rock that he'd been exiled to by his uncle. This called for a revamp for himself which forced him to retire his old light saber and seek out another as well as a new set of robes which he wears proudly representing the man he has evolved into.

=====Friend Turn Enemy=====
[[File:SpectrumObeliskBlue.png|thumb|150px|Right|Kanis new lightsaber]]
Around three weeks after the crash, Kanis began trying to establish contact with the chiss Fet'ai'narun, but he seemingly had no success because the only voice he heard was a garbled mess combined with a bunch of static.
[[File:Ccase13458.png|thumb|150px|Left| "Gaze upon my ribbons in awe, GAZE UPON THEM!" -- Kanis excitedly showing his crusade ribbons to his Wife Maa'ka.]]
===The Beginnings of a Battleteam leader===
After the Dark Crusade had seemingly come to an end baring his Promotion to Obelisk Templar, Kanis was selected to be the head of a new battleteam called Shadow Phyle this was a reminiscent of an older team that had once graced Arcona with its presence, this team was called Prophecy Phyle.

Out of fear of what would happen to her if the Brotherhood found them, Reina went berserk and drew her saber-staff on Kanis who had not raised a finger at her even when he had the chance.
===Deep Cover Alias===
It was later into the brawl between the two that Reina began to see that she'd blindly attacked Kanis without the assurance that anyone was even going to come find them, this drove her to the edge in the way of guilt, she found herself apologizing to her opponent over and over again in her head as he blocked each one of her strikes, she knew that this was indeed the point of no return, one way or the other one of them had to die at the end of this fight.

=====A Beacon of Hope=====
Alias Name: Dralin Keona
Right before the Brawl erupted, Kanis managed to activate his locator beacon which sent out a signal barely strong enough to penetrate the storm.
The Beacon was received by a vessel known as "The Black Star" aboard said vessel was none other than Mandalorean Maa'ka Da'rani who immediately set course for the Locator Beacon's position, The Star rattled, shivered, and shook, but was able to land.

Equipped with gear to combat Rhelg's immediate intense condition Maa'ka set off to uncover the location of the active Locator Beacon, her hopes were high because not even an hour before she'd had momentary radio contact with Kanis.
Physical Description: Dralin is a skinny fellow with a rather effeminate stature. He covers his medium length jet-black hair with a punkish black wig which has short hair all around save for the bangs.  The fringe of his hair covers one of his smoky gray eyes. Usually,  he is draped in a tight black shirt, fitted black jeans with a pair of sneakers and his nails lacquered with a void-black polish. Around his neck is a single silver chain with a pair of rings on it and his ears are pierced with small silver hoops.  In the way of armaments he keeps his lightsaber clipped on the back of his right hip for easy access.  Dralin keeps the Fang as a boot knife, an ornate Katana strapped across his back and on very rare occasions you can find him with an unlit cigarette in hand and

The freezing temperature of the blizzard caused Maa'ka to have to break thin layers of ice from her armor to avoid freezing over within a matter of seconds, her mission was one degree short of suicide, but she had no fear of the cold.
Occupation & Skills: Drug Dealer; Networking, Smuggling, Intimidation, Financing.

=====A Disturbing Discovery=====
===Tides of Change===
Maa'ka arrived inside of an icy cave, to her surprise she'd found Kanis along with the remains of the late Reina Thont.
After a rigorous mental struggle in a coma, Kanis found that his family members were never out to get him thorough this revelation he found that he killed them for no reason and sought redemption though changing his entire life and thus he became his old Deep Cover Alias Dralin Keona; however, this didn't last long for he felt that in changing his identity he was running away from what happened and soon changed his name back.
The two had a short chat as Kanis explained the past three weeks in slight detail.
All that was left was for the two of them to head back to the Star so they could get off the frozen planet side, unfortunately Kanis lacked armor with an internal heating system, however he was in possession of slightly heavy clothes, a cloak, and a light saber, all of which could provide him with warmth, also the Star wasn't too far from the snow cave so it was literally a straight shot to the sanctity of the ship's interior.

Once Aboard Kanis made the acquaintance of an Artificial Intelligence construct named Rose, Kanis next stop was the Star's holoterminal, where he would establish contact with either Kratus or Fet'ai'narun.
==Personal File==
===Physical Appearance===
[[File:Inquisitor Armor-Black-Hood (no mask).png|thumb|150px|Left|Kanis' Robes (Post GJWXI)]]
[[File:Kanis Mask.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Dralin's Mask]]

Maa'ka set the Star's course for the Arconan Controlled planetoid Port Ol'Val.
He wears a long flowing black hooded cloak, and beneath that he can be seen wearing The Invicta Armor. Locks of long black hair which approaches mid back flow from his head with his bangs slightly hanging down in his pale face covering his left eye. Smokey gray eyes are set into his head, and his face is composed of delicate features giving him a smooth, gentle charismatic appearance which on most missions are hidden by the mask given to him by his Fade.

=====Home Again=====
Once again in the Jerem Plaza, Kanis wasted no time, he returned to his small studio apartment and flopped down onto his bed where he spent the next five days looking over shadow academy course notes, practicing his hand to hand styles with Maa'ka, and strengthening his skill in the way of Banlanth or Light Saber Form Zero as most call it.

==Physical appearance.==
===Psychological Profile===
He wears a long flowing black hooded cloak, and beneath that he can be seen wearing a high collared black sleeveless vest with gray accents. The gray/silver buttons which close the vest travel down his breast on the slight far right hand side. Beneath the vest he wears a long sleeve blue shirt and blackish gray gloves which travel up his fore arm, on his lower body he wears blue pants which are held up by a gray belt with a silver buckle, his pants possess on button shut pocket on both legs, and going on down he wears a pair of black boots with a slight shine along with some gray accents on the underfoot. Locks of long black hair (approximately 1 ft in length) flow from his head with his bangs slightly hanging down in his pale face. Smokey gray eyes are set into his head, and his face is composed of delicate features giving him a smooth, gentle charismatic appearance. Since he doesn’t smoke, he can sometimes be found with a stick of chocolate pocky holstered between his lips
Kanis strives for perfection on a personal level; he’s not a sociopath but he is more than willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his journey to perfection.

Kanis strives for perfection on a personal level; he’s not one bearing a serial killer mentality, however he is more than willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his journey to perfection.
===Jeran Aa'Valia===

*[[Maa'ka Da'Rani Erinos]]
[[File:MartyrLBlue.png|thumb|100px|Right|Maryx's Lightsaber]]
Maryx was a Human Female of age Twenty-Three, she was a Dark side Practitioner. She grew up in a small space colony somewhere in Hutt Space. Young Maryx had a hard life as a child, her family was poor and she had to learn to fight for what she wanted or needed, this feat made her a small time space pirate. She'd had a few run ins with Krath Epis Legorii Kryotek Entar, the Entar sent Dark Jedi Knight Kanis Da'uul after this Force Sensitive after she'd been spotted on the planetoid Port Ol'Val. This Light Saber is the only piece left of her.

[[Category:Arcona members]]
(None on Record.)
(None on Record.)
(None on Record.)
====Dominant Hand.====

Latest revision as of 16:00, 29 July 2024

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Kanis Da'uul
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

19 ABY

Physical Description







165 lbs/75kg


Jet Black



Personal Information

Maa’ka Da’Rani Erinos, Rrogon Skar, Ayako Da'uul, Fet'ai'narun, Kratus Vahillus, Adi Ka `Taramas


Jeran Aah’Valia

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information


Known masters:

OP Kratus Vahillus, DJK Fet'ai'narun

Known apprentices:

Adi Ka'Taramas, Ellie-Marie Kinsha



[ Source ]

Kanis Da'uul is an Exiled Jedi Knight Padawan who fell to the Darkside after the untimely death of his fiance K'ara; He is now an Obelisk Templar of Clan Arcona and he is an active member of the sub-unit Qel-Droma.

The Beginning.

The Birth

Coruscant, The Planet Kanis was raised on.

Kanis Da'uul was born and raised on the Planet Coruscant, his parents were Karen and Aurelius Da'uul. At a young age Kanis' parents made the discovery that he was force sensitive just like his father, so they sent him to the Jedi Temple where he was taken in almost immediately, at the time he was only six years old. Upon being accepted into the New Jedi Order, Kanis was assigned to be the Padawan of Jedi Master Jeran Aah'Valia.

A Padawan in Love

Kanis would knock down any obstacle which confronted him, once he was paired up with a Master, he began to exceed each expectation that was set for him, and just as everyone does this young boy found love, his heart became attached to another. This was a factor that Master Aah'Valia did not go against, in fact he actually supported it, Kanis didn't show much social strength and this was the first person that he'd seen Kanis open up to, so with Master Aah'Valia's permission the relationship between Kanis and K'ara slowly began to bloom.

As days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to years, the bond between Kanis and K'ara grew in strength until one sunny day in an apartment on Coruscant when Kanis proposed to his lover. With tears of joy in her eyes K'ara undoubtedly agreed, it seemed almost story book, all too perfect to be true. Because of the sheltered life that the young Jedi Padawan lived, he really knew nothing much of pain, and loss, this fact would prove to be his downfall.

Knife Through the Heart

Kanis' fiance, murdered

Nearly two months after the proposal had been accepted the pair were walking through one of the many market districts of Coruscant. They laughed and smiled together just as they always had, but as things are fate had different plans. An assassin after Master Aa'Valia decided to strike at the padawan in hopes it would create a large enough outcome to drive the master out into the open, so with a blade guided by sheer determination and hate. The assassin murdered young K'ara with a single stab wound to the center of the back before fleeing into the darkness. Young Kanis Da'uul was left in the streets on his knees holding his dying lover in his arms, this was the event which slowly began to break Kanis.

The Corruption.

Kanis' heart was crushed upon the death of his lover, followed by his master Kanis barged in unannounced to the meeting room occupied by the Jedi Council. Kanis brought up the murder of his fiance to the council, but they merely shook their heads and told him that it was merely a matter for the proper authorities. This rejection enraged Kanis further, thus he stormed out of the council room again followed by his master who attempted to calm him. Kanis expressed that he would find and kill the man responsible, and his master agreed with him, but brought up the point that holding a grudge and allowing himself to be over come with hate was a path that would lead him only to suffering.

Kanis ignored the warnings his master gave him, and on one fateful day, after Kanis had finished gathering all the information he needed, the young Padawan set out and was unknowingly followed by his master. things only got worse once Kanis had discovered the Assassin in a local Cantina, the Assassin was slain, but not in honorable combat. Kanis merely stabbed him in the back and obliterated his heart in the process, he then began to kill anyone who went after him. At that his master had seen enough and decided to step in. The two battled for what seemed to be hours, they were both obviously well matched in the way of skill, but as the battle ended, Kanis light saber was destroyed and his master had received horrid burns. Instead of ending the life of his Padawan Kanis Da'uul, the Master Banished him from the planet of Coruscant because of the fact that his hate had driven him to the dark side, his is a story of hate and Vengeance

This is where Kanis' Chapter in The Dark Brotherhood begins.

Brotherhood Life

An Interesting Encounter

Kanis spent most of his time in Cantina's on the planetoid Port Ol'Val, while he would await his master's summons for him to come and train. Just as he would everyday at around the same time OP Kratus Vahillus summoned his apprentice, but once out of the Cantina a huge commotion erupted from behind the young man, Kanis having the type of attention span that he did at that point turned towards the commotion only to witness the impossible. A female of around average height and weight was taking down a foe that was almost over twice her size. The young Journey man was astounded by the sheer skill and wits of the woman in the fight.

After the Cantina Brawl had been won, the girl gave Kanis a smile then disappeared almost without a trace.

A new Friend

The girl from the Cantina had taken an interest in Kanis, so she began following him and studying him. Though fascinated by him she failed to become obsessed with the Obelisk Trooper. Over the next few months, the young Mandalorian female grew closer to Kanis as she worked alongside him during different assignments.

Maa'ka Da'Rani Erinos

Maa'ka Battle Dress


Light Saber given to Kanis by Quaestor Legorii Kryotek Entar

Kanis Fought tooth and nail against the One Sith in the Dark Crusade. The young Human Male was forced to hit the ground running as the Shadow Clan was constantly going to war. Kanis remained motivated. He'd seen his fellow Arconans Achieving his goal, reaching Knighthood and it was no secret that he longed to be like them, he craved power even if it wasn't that much more than he already had, but most importantly he longed to have a light saber of his own instead of the armory issued saber he'd been hauling around since his promotion to Protector.

After his actions in the length of the Crusade and his willingness to go to the front lines and cause hell for his clan, Kanis finally achieved his goal, He was finally a Dark Jedi Knight; however he had no time to rest as the Crusade was hardly over just yet and his career in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood was just beginning.

The Dark Crusade

Kanis felt a strong sense of defeat when the Shadow Clan lost the Battle for the Planet Krayiss II, but he used the sensation he felt then to fuel his determination to ready himself for the next time he hit the battlefield, He wanted to win more than anything, that was one of the many things that he'd picked up after joining the brotherhood it was a known fact that Kanis hated to lose a fight and that is one of the many things that made somewhat of a valuable asset.

Following his crash on the icy planet Rhelg. Kanis was stranded for close to Three months with a member of the One Sith who called herself Rei'ana; however nearing the end of this nightmare Rei'ana became extremely paranoid and attacked Kanis, the Guardian fought back without hesitation. The bought was short lived however as Rei'ana lost her double-bladed saber in the conflict as well as a hand and her head. Standing in the mouth of the cave was Kanis companion who'd received the signal of his distress beacon.

The Crusade took Kanis to Svolten, a Planet with an atmosphere that was deadly to oxygen dependent life forms, the planet's atmosphere held a parasitic element that would take over one's mind turning them into a crazed zombie like life form.

Kanis job on this planet was to infiltrate a One Sith Mining platform alongside his battleteam, the young Coruscanti planted IED's on each and every anti-aircraft battery on the east wing to clear things up for void squadron. After which he made his way deeper into the platform where he set up IED breaching charges to make an entry for the Soul Fire strike team whenever Loki D'Tana knocked out the power.

"Love Is..."

Whole Again

Kanis Da'uul and Maa'ka Da'Rani Erinos had been fighting alongside each other since Kanis' entrance to The Dark Crusade, they'd known each other for nearly more than a year since then, but what they did not know is that they both felt the same for each other.

Rrogon Skar went out on a limb and talked to the young Mando'ade Maa'ka about her "'Obvious'" feelings for the Dark Jedi Knight and in turn she ended up punching him. A short while later the Kaleesh ended up talking to Kanis about his "'Obvious'" feelings for the Mandalorian. This time he wasn't attacked.

Rrogon Skar had been triumphant in his main task which was to get the two young warriors together since he was tired of seeing their "'Obvious Attraction'" go unnoticed by one another.

Kanis was devastated a few years back by the death of his fiancee K'ara, but now another heart was filling the emptiness left by the tragedy that now felt so far away.

When K’ara was murdered Kanis became bitter and closed off, but now because of Maa’ka he is starting to open up again which could lead to many different things including worry. There’s a war going on around them and they have no clue if they are going to live through it or not, all they are able to do is rely on each other and fight for their lives through the remainder of The Dark Crusade.


It is common knowledge to anyone who knows the Coruscanti that he'd been disowned by his family and banished from all Jedi controlled territory on the capital planet of Coruscant following the feat he performed upon falling to the Dark Side after the traumatic death of his fiance K'ara. He accepted that he no longer had any family members to turn to, The young human tended to spend most of his time in a cantina or back at his apartment studying. In 37 ABY the Dark Jedi was located by his younger sister Ayako Da'uul who'd been searching for him for two years. Kanis accepted her plea to stay at his side as she'd left their family behind by choice to pursue her goal of finding her older brother.

A strange Pair

A few months after Kanis and Marrek found the Cathar Adi Ka'Taramas, Kanis found himself paired up with her in a master and apprentice relationship, but it was possibly one of the most odd match-ups he'd ever seen, Kanis wasn't a very happy person one could say, and his apprentice was a kind, fun-loving girl of the age of twenty-six, for the first few months all they did was argue and disagree on every possible point, but starting on the later months they began to see eye to eye, but at a very slow pace.


The Fang

Around the time the Dark Crusade began going into closing, Ernordeth Puer-Irae Quaestor of House Qel-Droma alerted Kanis of his acceptance into the secret organization belonging to the House, this group was known formally as the Nexum. Acceptance into this elite organization granted him access to use a blade known as the Fang, Essentially a standard issue knife of sorts that is handed off to all members who are accepted into the Nexum.



Kanis' armor for the GJW

Kanis is depicted clothed in storm trooper armor bearing the insignia of his clan on the right shoulder of his armor and his Battle Team's logo on the left shoulder, a tabard draped from his belt down to his knee on the right hand side and is identical to his war banner in appearance.

Though Kanis has played no major roles in Clan Arcona's grand victory in Great Jedi War Eleven, he had sewn his own thread of personal victories such as acquiring the courage to ask his Fade to marry him. Which was met with aggression from the Mandalorian soldier whom thought that Kanis had been injured due to the way he'd presented the proposal.


The newly weds lay low performing hit and run assassinations and various other jobs sanctioned by Apex, after the war was over Kanis had discovered he was no longer the child whom had set foot in the shadow academy after his Master Fet'ai'narun pulled him off the rock that he'd been exiled to by his uncle. This called for a revamp for himself which forced him to retire his old light saber and seek out another as well as a new set of robes which he wears proudly representing the man he has evolved into.

Kanis new lightsaber
"Gaze upon my ribbons in awe, GAZE UPON THEM!" -- Kanis excitedly showing his crusade ribbons to his Wife Maa'ka.


The Beginnings of a Battleteam leader

After the Dark Crusade had seemingly come to an end baring his Promotion to Obelisk Templar, Kanis was selected to be the head of a new battleteam called Shadow Phyle this was a reminiscent of an older team that had once graced Arcona with its presence, this team was called Prophecy Phyle.

Deep Cover Alias

Alias Name: Dralin Keona

Physical Description: Dralin is a skinny fellow with a rather effeminate stature. He covers his medium length jet-black hair with a punkish black wig which has short hair all around save for the bangs. The fringe of his hair covers one of his smoky gray eyes. Usually, he is draped in a tight black shirt, fitted black jeans with a pair of sneakers and his nails lacquered with a void-black polish. Around his neck is a single silver chain with a pair of rings on it and his ears are pierced with small silver hoops. In the way of armaments he keeps his lightsaber clipped on the back of his right hip for easy access. Dralin keeps the Fang as a boot knife, an ornate Katana strapped across his back and on very rare occasions you can find him with an unlit cigarette in hand and

Occupation & Skills: Drug Dealer; Networking, Smuggling, Intimidation, Financing.

Tides of Change

After a rigorous mental struggle in a coma, Kanis found that his family members were never out to get him thorough this revelation he found that he killed them for no reason and sought redemption though changing his entire life and thus he became his old Deep Cover Alias Dralin Keona; however, this didn't last long for he felt that in changing his identity he was running away from what happened and soon changed his name back.

Personal File

Physical Appearance

Kanis' Robes (Post GJWXI)
Dralin's Mask

He wears a long flowing black hooded cloak, and beneath that he can be seen wearing The Invicta Armor. Locks of long black hair which approaches mid back flow from his head with his bangs slightly hanging down in his pale face covering his left eye. Smokey gray eyes are set into his head, and his face is composed of delicate features giving him a smooth, gentle charismatic appearance which on most missions are hidden by the mask given to him by his Fade.

Psychological Profile

Kanis strives for perfection on a personal level; he’s not a sociopath but he is more than willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his journey to perfection.


Jeran Aa'Valia



Maryx's Lightsaber


Maryx was a Human Female of age Twenty-Three, she was a Dark side Practitioner. She grew up in a small space colony somewhere in Hutt Space. Young Maryx had a hard life as a child, her family was poor and she had to learn to fight for what she wanted or needed, this feat made her a small time space pirate. She'd had a few run ins with Krath Epis Legorii Kryotek Entar, the Entar sent Dark Jedi Knight Kanis Da'uul after this Force Sensitive after she'd been spotted on the planetoid Port Ol'Val. This Light Saber is the only piece left of her.