Tribal Protectorates
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Tribal Protectorates
A member entrusted with a Harakoan Tribe's protection is a valiant guardian of peace and justice for the Harakoan Tribe.
Assignment as a Tribal Protectorate is an honor bestowed on members who have shown devotion to their House and an interest in being assigned a Harakoan Tribe. Outstanding performance or contributions will be the key determining factor in the assignment of a Tribal Protectorate. Examples of contributions include, but are not limited to:
- An outstanding term as a leader of House Odan-Urr.
- Exceptional performance in House-Wide Events.
- A constant drive for activity in competitions.
- Contributions in projects.
- Work in other positions (Praetors and Magistrates.)
If a member believes themselves qualified for a Tribal Protectorate, they may be contacted by the House Summit, or may ask permission for the assignment of a Harakoan Tribe. Alternatively, a member might recommend someone who has shown exceptional activity to be assigned a Tribal Protectorate. Any member charged with the protection of a Harakoan Tribe will be expected to write an article, detailing the culture or back story of their tribe.
Content Guidelines
A Harakoan Tribe is created by an individual holding a Tribal Protectorate. As such, the only requirement of taking on a Tribal Protectorate is the creation of its history and culture. Created as an article, the content of the Harakoan tribe is decided by those entrusted with a Tribal Protectorate. As such, the member is free to create the tribe as they choose. However, a few questionable guidelines exist to ensure that a tribe's content does not conflict with established Harakoan lore. If a member wishes to include any of the following, the best course of action is to contact the House Summit for approval. At this point, the Summit will decide on the best course of action to take. Note that a good reasoning for any of the following will often be taken into account in such decisions.
- Usage of modern weaponry, such as blasters or slugthrowers in large quantities.
- Usage of organic, flying mounts.
- Usage of non-organic vehicles, such as tanks, armored transports, speeder bikes or speeders.
- Usage of starfighters or starships.
- Usage of lightsabers.
- Usage of a 100% (Or similar) ratio of revocant Harakoans.
While not a strict guideline, Harakoan Tribes usually have names beginning with Iwu, which roughly translates into "Clan."