HMR wasn't moved to Multi Order until well after the Exodus. --Korras 09:44, 15 December 2006 (Mountain Standard Time)
The Multi-Order argument was during J'Rais reign. --StarLion 5:07, 18 December 2006 (Eastern Standard Time)
actually, it was during mine. I'm the one who finally did it. and that was after the exodus. --Korras 21:54, 18 December 2006 (Mountain Standard Time)
I was Qua at the time, and Korr was PCON. I recall it well, as i thought it was rather a silly reason to go rogue. And seeing as how neither Korras or I were really around in the EH... well, you get the point. --Muz 1:10, 19 December 2006 (Eastern Standard Time)
Looking back at it, i see why i got confused - Rai was around at the time, and would have been one of the people i most remember 'discussing' it with. --StarLion 12:54, 19 December 2006 (Eastern Standard Time)