Talk:Power Comparison
Whee - good to see the chart put somewhere. Thanks Shadow!
I came up with all this in an afternoon shortly after a discussion on how powerful characters should be. I picked on DJMs - saying they'd be only as strong as Luke Skywalker at Jabba's Palace, but then I reconsidered how to accurately show the comparison.
I used only film characters to make it more accessible to members. Chances are they are most familiar with what they see in the movies.
What is here is the 1st draft, so don't critique it too hard! :)
(BBN/ABN) = Before/After the Battle of Naboo.
-- KM
Didn't Anakin defeat Tyrannus at the Battle of Coruscant? So his power at Mustafar would be greater than Dooku's at Geonosis? --Shadow Taldrya 16:13, 12 September 2007 (MDT)
Yeah - this was something I was flopping around a lot and I see now that specific one was in the wrong place. Changed it to Anakin at Geonosis. --KM
Anakin Skywalker, Geonosis is on there twice at JH and EQ4. --Impie 10:16, 18 August 2008 (MDT)
Changed the second iteration to Mustafar, which seems about right. --
Added character images for each rank. -- Raimi
You have Luke during ROTJ as equal to a DJK, yet he defeated Vader, who is claimed to be equal to a DP by then, on the Death Star II. Little off I think! Andrelious 10:40, 14 August 2012 (MDT)