Sith Bloodfyre/PartTwo
Where... where did it go?
The content of this article is split up among several sub pages as it grew too large. |
Character Information

Standing at 1.85 meters and weighing 108 kilos, Sith is not the largest member of Tarentum, but he is certainly one of the more imposing members of the Clan. The Shaevalian has long, flowing black hair and cold, light blue eyes. His skin has a mild tan to it, and is nearly unmarked -- save a great many scars just above his left elbow. The scarring appears several inches above the elbow, and ends a few inches lower (just above his elbow). The scarring serves as a very visible sign of where his arm was hacked off in combat as a younger man, and replaced by a cybernetic implant, and then in later years by cloned tissue.
Also, both forearms bear banded tattoos -- three rings of text that circle both forearms in an alien dialect; if anyone other than the Shaevalian understands what the bands read, none have revealed the translation. Several other tattoos adorn the body of the Sith Master, though only close friends have likely seen him disrobed to the point of viewing them.
Very little of Sith's physical appearance is actually viewed by the general public. Sith is almost always fully-clothed in his regular clothes and black robes, the hood pulled up over his head, pulled down low over his eyes. The most that the average person will see of Sith is his nose, mouth, chin and neck, as well as his hands. His mouth is almost always void of any sign of emotion, except for infrequent grins that have nothing but contempt and disdain for those who view it. His hands are soft and strong, in some ways almost strangely inviting, as if begging to be touched. Sith's body, though not as large as others in Tarentum (such as Oberst), still conveys a feeling of strength. His form is generally toned, and outward perception is that he has an athletic build.

Sith is a rather solitary individual, and this even shows through in his attire. His robes consist of a matte black outer robe with a hood, which is almost always pulled down low over his face, and reveals only his chin, mouth, and perhaps the tip of his nose. The robes are very simple in creation, and act more to hide the Sith Master from the world than to provide other benefit. However, within the inner folds of the outer robe, Sith does have some hidden pockets that may be utilized to hide small items, about the size of anything that could reasonably be palmed. Items that might be utilized within these pockets would be ID cards, small packets, and other minor baubles.
The inner robes, or combat gear worn by the Sith Master are also simple, but very useful for his needs. Bloodfyre is most often seen in combat gear that is a form-fitting, mostly matte black suit with possible additions depending on his present objectives or missions. Sith wears a black, airtight body glove underneath his robes that is insulated, and with the addition of a sealed helmet, would protect him for a short while if forced into a vacuum situation (i.e. space). The body glove is also for protection against extreme cold, and may also be utilized to disguise the Sith Master's body heat from thermal imaging equipment.
Over the body glove, Sith wears a much-similar form-fitting garment that has a distinct colored pattern that is designed to help break up his silhouette (if he disrobes to this layer of robes). The garment itself is main of a plain material, and offers little more than cosmetic covering for the Sith Master. Over this secondary garment is a robe top that is sleeveless, and is much like any other black fold-over robe top, with some red trim.
Physical Items of Note
- Eyes: Sith's eyes are extremely light-sensitive; any level of light above candle light conditions tend to cause him discomfort, with the level of discomfort increasing with the intensity of the light conditions. Bright, noonday light can actually cause him extreme distress, to the point of being blinded and overcome by the pain. To this end, Sith almost always wears his hood pulled up and low over his eyes, even at night. Sith has not, and does not reveal this to anyone with the exception of his closest allies. (Read: this is not general knowledge available to the Dark Brotherhood as a whole.) Whether this light sensitivity is caused due to the hue of his eyes, or some other physical attribute or ailment is unknown. When there is any possibility that Sith’s eyes may be exposed to light, the Shaevalian actually wears a blindfold or veil to protect himself. How he sees is questionable -- though it is likely through the Force, if not through the use of his other senses.
- Left arm: Sith's left arm was hacked off, just above the elbow, at an early age. The specific details of the incident are scarcely known outside of Tarentum. It is known, though, that his arm was replaced by a cybernetic implant at one point, but has since been replaced once more by a natural cloned limb by the scientists at Arkanian Micro. The arm was grown from samples of his own tissue, and has all the abilities of any natural limb. Any x-rays taken of the limb, though, can clearly show that the bone looks surgically attached above the elbow. In addition, the scars Sith has always had still remain; he chose not to have them surgically cleared.
Personality and Traits
Above all else, Sith is driven by two main things: the power of Tarentum, and mastery among the Sith. In these two pursuits, he will give everything, devote anything, and sacrifice himself if needed to assure either, and in that order. In all things, Tarentum comes first. When among the Tarenti, Sith is focused, supremely in control, and exudes complete confidence. In his eyes, all things are possible with the Clan of Life and Death. Beyond that, Sith is motivated to ensure Tarentum's victory and success, and he will exert every effort to motivate the rest of his Clan.
It is worth noting that Sith considers Tarentum his Clan. While others may lead, and the Clan as a whole is bound as kin, he is entirely protective of Tarentum as though it is his personal property, and will get violent in its defense.
At most times, Sith is cold and calculating, yet beneath the surface, he is a raging cauldron. Such violent emotions boil beneath the surface of his very manicured facade. There is very little that is capable of making him lose his cool. He may comment about always being very near a breaking point, very near unleashing his full powers upon his foes. This is perhaps the greatest source of his power -- his limitless rage. He doesn't generally speak of the source of his anger, though rumor does suggest it likely has to do with his people, or his father. Any questions regarding his people or his family are met with icy stares and dismissive gestures at best.
Where Sith walks, most hear his foot steps; they are most often slow and even, almost like the measured footsteps of a stalking predator. His presence is always felt before it is seen. Those who know him and are accustomed to his presence generally know when he is approaching, when he is near, and (consequently) when he is not near. Those who can feel his presence often notice it as a warming sensation; perhaps it is their own mind that convinces them that his name has mystical properties and effects to it. The closer he gets, though, and that warmth becomes overpowering, worrisome, and constricting, to the point where his close proximity will cause tension, great anxiety and terror. Very few individuals can stand to be within several meters of the Shaevalian if he does not wish it, and will require great resolve to remain in his presence,
Sith's voice is rather cold and unfeeling. He has a strong, audible voice that can be heard for several meters even at a whisper. His voice is mildly deep, but has a sense of strength to it as well. Though there is rarely emotion in his words, Tarentum's members often find comfort and courage whenever he speaks. When he does speak, he often carries his words as though he sees and understands the future, and disbelieves that failure is an option for the Clan of both Life and Death. The Shaevalian is generally straight forward in his words, and rarely does he wax cryptic or poetic, though it has happened on occasion.
On those rare occasions when Sith has raised his voice, only one word can aptly describe his tone -- thunderous.
The Ghost Dragon, Death
It is worth noting that, in coming into the world, Sith became Death; his life began by ending his own mother. Throughout his personal history, he has seen death and destruction surround him. Then, after finding himself under the direction of Chi Long, Sith realized that, more than being surrounded by death, any who came in contact with him were consumed by death, and actually fueled a rise to his own greater power. The Fire Dragon opened his eyes to a truth that the entire universe would seek to keep hidden -- Sith Bloodfyre was a living embodiment of Death, the very part of the Force that consumed all life.
Unlike some of the other Dragons, Sith does not believe he is possessed by another entity or spirit that is named Death, or that he is a reincarnated version of such a being. However, he does see himself as a portion of Death, that facet of the Force given a mortal form. There is no split in personality or otherwise -- there is only he who is sometimes called Gwei Long, the Ghost Dragon, the living embodiment of Death.
And his name is Sith Bloodfyre.
Powers and Abilities

- "It is weakness rather than wickedness which renders men unfit to be trusted with unlimited power."
- ―John Adams (1735 - 1826 AD)
The ancient Sith Empire was divided into castes, separating those with power and placing them above those without it. These castes were brought into Sith society by the very Dark Jedi who subjugated them and became the first Dark Lords of the Sith. Among these castes were laborers, masons, manufacturers, hunters and more. At the top of the caste system were the Dark Lords and their chosen servants -- these were the Warriors, the Sorcerers, and all those gifted of the Dark Side of the Force and Sith Magic.
The Sith Warriors were powerful soldiers and weapons of war. They possessed powers of the Dark Side and Sith Magic, but tended to use these powers sparingly, and instead chose to dominate their enemies with their physical prowess. The Sith Sorcerers, however, were those who focused their might through the darker powers, and were able to create powerful storms through the Force, able to call mighty strokes of lightning from their fingers tips or balls of flame from their hands, and much, much more. The Sith Sorcerers were a mysterious sect, one that kept secrets even from the Dark Lord and his Council of Sith Lords. Only the Sith Alchemists were even more mysterious than the Sorcerers.
In the modern era, most Sith practiced the teachings of Darth Bane and his hermetic Rule of Two. Some Sith seek to keep their power to themselves, and find another to seek after their knowledge. Sith Bloodfyre is different.
During his initial training in the Brotherhood, Bloodfyre became almost obsessed with the ancient Sith. As his experience and powers grew, so did his quest to uncover the secrets of the Sith (even though he was Krath at the time). Time went on, and though the Dark Side powers grew with study, his hunger was never abated. Sith soon went to train with the Obelisk. Within the sect of fanatical warriors, Sith learned a great deal about combat and martial prowess, and still his desire for more was not quelled. Bloodfyre became a member of the Sith Order, and found his true calling. When the time came for him to ascend to the position of Sith High Warrior, all of the secrets of the Order were opened unto him. And there, Sith found dark powers, indeed. The knowledge of the ancient Sith was laid out before him, and powers unknown to any except the High Warriors before him and the Dark Lord increased his skills and abilities exponentially. And then Bloodfyre had an epiphany of sorts.
As his friend and ally, Maxamillian von Oberst has often said, armies need generals at their heads, not warlocks. With the powers opened unto him, the Shaevalian realized their true potency lay not in using them at every opportunity and showing the universe the extent of his powers, but by keeping them shrouded in mystery and rumor, and letting his enemies be defeated by their own imaginations. Sith's views on the Force changed in that instant.
Sith Bloodfyre is a minimalist in his view of the Force. Though the powers of the Dark Side are opened completely unto him, he does not use the majority of his powers often at all. He prefers to use his physical strengths, sometimes enhanced by the Dark Side, to show his enemies that he is a warrior without peer, and that his skills with any manner of weapon are unmatched. When Sith does use the Force, it tends to be very subtle, or is outright vulgar in existence, calling forth Sith lightning and other dread abilities. When it comes to Force powers, Sith Bloodfyre is almost unstoppable.
There is one sort of weakness in Bloodfyre when it comes to the Force. Sith is an extremely strong-willed person, and very few individuals have ever shown the ability to bend him to their will; the only person ever known to bend Sith Bloodfyre to his will was Grand Master Jac Cotelin, and even then, it was a difficult feat for the Grand Master. As such, mental powers through the Force will not work on the Shaevalian by those of equal or lesser rank. Only those of substantially greater power have any potential to manipulate his will. In addition, perhaps due to this immense willpower and resistance to mental powers, Sith is unable to use many of the Dark Side's mental powers. Bloodfyre finds it difficult to read the minds of others or communicate with them through telepathy. Only those powers that rely on Sith imposing his will on others have any chance of succeeding.
Sith was also considered one of the foremost Masters of Tarentum's brand of Necromancy, and was considered one of the few members of Tarentum who knew perhaps all of the secrets available to the Clan of Life and Death. With the rather strange disappearance of Tarentum's Necromantic powers, and a movement towards utilizing smoke and demonic powers, as well as the ability to create the dreaded Rakghoul, it seems rather strange that Bloodfyre has not hoarded the knowledge of these powers, and learned to utilize them to their fullest extent. It is whispered that the Shaevalian has shunned these powers entirely, and may still be seeking after the darker arts.
Sith Bloodfyre is generally a warrior first and a sorcerer second. In combat situations, he prefers to mount both an offense and defense primarily with his lightsaber and other weapons before using the Force. However. As one of the foremost powers of Tarentum, he often allows allies like Darth Aeternus to engage at the front lines while he utilizes Battle Meditation or other powers to ensure victory. Sith does not generally speak at length when involved in combat, and is blunt and direct when he does speak. Unless he is shouting commands out to his Clanmates or otherwise, he is an almost eerily silent opponent. Some of those who have faced him have remarked that it was somewhat unnerving to fight someone "as quiet as the grave."
Of note -- Bloodfyre does not generally kill his opponents, unless he considers them a true enemy. Except for those who will not surrender and must be culled, the only members of the Brotherhood he would execute would be the blood hunted of the Longs, as well as Arania and Kaiann.
Lightsaber Combat

Sith's weapon of choice is the lightsaber, and has been for some time throughout his Brotherhood career.
At present, the Sith Master primarily utilizes a custom double-bladed lightsaber called the Deathsaber. The double-bladed weapon that Sith carries was a gift from Grand Master Muz Ashen, before Muz had attained that vaunted position. This lightsaber is a rather morbid-looking collection of miniature skeletons and black metals, all that draw upon the Sith Master's reputation as one of the darker Necromancers of Tarentum. The Shaevalian also has a mixture of custom, single-bladed lightsabers that looks surprisingly benign. All of his lightsabers have dual phase settings, and can increase or decrease both length and density at the press of the button in combat.
Sith had studied many forms of lightsaber combat throughout the years. His initial choice of form was Shii-Cho. Though certainly ancient and studied widely, the form offers very simple, yet powerful offense and defense to the wielder. It is said that one of Shii-Cho's greatest boons to its wielders is the simplicity. In anticipating strikes and preparing for them, other lightsaber-wielding warriors may often be misled by how simple and straightforward the attack is coming from one who utilizes Shii-Cho. As Bloodfyre is blunt and straightforward, this attack style suits him. Though other forms are available to him, while he is wielding a single-bladed weapon, he often reverts to this form simply to catch his opponents off guard, and to shake the situation more to his favor.
While Shii-Co is the Shaevalian's preferred form for single-bladed or double-bladed combat, there is much to be offered in the way of Shien. Shien stylings also help switch from quick, incredible defense to offensive velocities, and is the Sith Master's form of choice when he utilizes both blades of his infamous Deathsaber. The benefit of being a master of both Shii-Cho and Shien affords the Shaevalian a great boon in being able to wield a single lightsaber, dual lightsabers, or his double-bladed lightsaber at any given time.
Miscellaneous Combat
Sith has studied Hapan Boxing, as well as various grappling forms including Paonga. Though he prefers to remain on his feet where he can make the greatest use of his fighting techniques combined with lightsaber skill and Force powers, he is quite competent should the fight go to the ground. He prefers choke holds in ground situations, generally those that make use of either his own clothing, or the clothing of his opponent. As such, the sleeves on his clothes are reinforced to withstand the strain from being used in choking situations. The other edges of his robes have also been reinforced to withstand the strain of chokes and other techniques that would tear most fabrics.
Special Notes
The Deathsworn

- "Think not disdainfully of death, but look on it with favor; for even death is one of the things that Nature wills."
- ―Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 - 180 AD)
A cult has arisen around the powers of the Sith Master of Tarentum. Calling themselves the Deathsworn, these nihilistic members of Mortis and Tarentum are obsessed with death, and expanding the dark arts through grim and macabre means. At present, only sparse rumors of this gathering exist outside of Tarentum, but information continues to gather and grow.
Within Tarentum, the Deathsworn are known to be murderous, and bent on inflicting suffering on all of their victims. They believe that causing wounds upon the Force through dark, genocidal acts will not only strengthen the Dark Side, but will also prevent the Force from feeding on them and eating away at their own powers. In this manner, they will grow by being a blight upon other parts of existence.
The Deathsworn follow after the beliefs and teachings of the Sith Master, though they are generally lead by the so-called Vicar of Death, Etah d’Tana, a close ally of Bloodfyre's.
The Dragons
The Long family are, outside of Tarentum, perhaps the closest allies Sith is known to have. While his ultimate loyalty resides with his Clan, there has never become a situation that would put the two at odds. Sith is one of the eldest remaining Dragons, and there is a certain code of conduct or loyalty that all of the Longs abide by. As one of the few remaining apprentices of the Fire Dragon (Cyris Oscura, the Black Dragon Hei Long being the other) still active within the Brotherhood, Sith certainly holds a place of honor among the family. Yet, when he was the eldest remaining member (after the disappearance of Trevarus Caerick), Sith did not seek leadership of the family, and supported the claim of Shan Long’s apprentice, Xia Long (sometimes known as Sildrin).
There is no family fortress or family holdings, and the Dragons rarely meet in person, preferring contact over the holonet for such things. However, there is a seamless bond that exists among the Longs that, when forced together for common benefit, creates a deadly fighting force that knows no equal. When gathered as such, Sith generally fills a sorcerer’s role, allowing those like his brother Shi Long -- the accepted family master or bearer of Long Shan Zhi -- to bear blades at the front lines. The Ghost Dragon is more widely known for his mastery of Battle Meditation and other powers that help claim victory in combat scenarios.