Scholae Palatinae Assault Regiment

Stationed on the planet of Judecca, the Scholae Palatinae Defense Regiment is one of three posts of the Royal Clan. Established during the rule of Emperor Braecen, the Regiment is under the strict command and supervision of the current Clan ProConsul - The Grand Marshal - a military backing to enforce the Emperor's control on the planet and surrounding space within the Cocytus System.
These units can mobilize and react to any uprisings or conflicts within the immediate area of Judecca. Easily deployable from their position, the Emerald Fortress, these advanced soldiers generally are roused into action when the Clan Summit, the Leaders of Clan Scholae Palatinae, are on the march. These soldiers are not employed to police the general populace, but often maintain a sense of Imperial pride and rigidity.
Total Strength: 2,500
Fighting Force: 2,000
Total Strength: 2,432
Fighting Force: 1,882