Nfolgai Scholae
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Nfolgai System | |
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Around 1 million |
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One of the major Sith space systems, Nfolgai has been a place of Sith tombs and rule for thousands of years. The sentient races, Draethos and Mrlssi are little more than slaves for the Sith who ruled in the past and rule today. It is also the primary objective of four of the major Houses and Clans of the Dark Brotherhood, who have been tasked with wresting control of the system from its current occupants.
System Topography

Nofolgai was a mountainous planet with arid desert climate to the north with swam and jungles in the south, located on the Descri Wris hyperlane in the difficult to navigate Stygian Caldera of the Outer Rim Territories. Located in the Sith Worlds sector and having a long history of Sith presence, the planet was diseased with the Dark Side of the Force and dotted with grandiose monuments to fallen Sith Lords.
- Astrographical
- Region: Outer Rim Territories
- Sector: Sith Worlds
- System: Nfolgai System
- Moons: None
- Orbital Position: 1
- Rotation Period: 21 Hours
- Oribital Period: 212 Solar Days
- Physical
- Class: Terrestrial
- Gravity: 1.0G
- Atmosphere: Type I (Breathable)
- Primary Terrain
- Mountains
- Ice Cap
- Desert
- Swamp
- Jungle
- Surface Water: 2%
- Points of Interest
- Immobilizer 418 cruiser Render
- Sorzus Syn's Mausoleum
Nfolgai is lined from pole to pole with endless large sweeping mountain ranges concentrated in the northern hemisphere, with no bodies of water anywhere on its surface. Due to the higher elevation and endless peaks to the north, the planet has drastically different climate and land cover on each of its hemispheres.
Northern Hemisphere

The entire northern hemisphere of Nfolgai is covered in large sweeping mountain ranges towering into the upper atmosphere. This leaves most of it arid with all moisture contained nearly year round in polar ice caps.
The temperatures are freezing almost year round at the pole covering it in ice caps. As you move south away from the northern pole of the planet, the higher elevation of the mountain ranges create a rain shadow, and when combined with the low temperatures it keeps the rest of the hemisphere covered in mountainous cold arid deserts that sustain hardly any vegetation at all.
The arid biosphere of the northern hemisphere supported almost no animal or plant life. The far northern polar ice caps never reaching a temperature capable of sustaining any life, closer to the equator were hardy mosses and flowers, but no sentient or animal life.
Southern Hemisphere
The southern hemisphere of the planet was also covered in mountain ranges and polar ice, but diverged at the equator creative valleys tucking away jungles and swamps and the only opportunity for sustained life on the planet.
The lower elevation and valleys allow the temperature to reach a level capable of sustaining life. Although semi arid in the peaks, the valleys of the southern hemisphere contain jungles dense with vegetation and swamps where the only standing water on the planet collects. Towards the southern pole of the planet the temperatures drop as the mountain ranges come back together creating subarctic climates with ice caps existing only at the most southern tip.

The jungles and swamps of the southern hemisphere contain their own ecosystems. Due to the mix in minerals in the mountainous terrain covering nearly the entire plane, all flora in these jungles and swamps contains an exceedingly high level and complex mix of metallic content. This result renders all radar and scanners nearly useless.
There were at least a dozen species of trees in the jungles towering high into the air between the mountain ranges, making up a dense canopy. A few of the stronger species of trees with thicker trunks and leaves emerge beyond this canopy seeking the bright sunlight.
The thick canopy of treetops blocked light, but various vines climbed their way up the tall trees reaching for sun making up the understory. Below it on the dark wet forest floor where sunlight rarely reaches are decomposing leaves from the trees above, and an unidentified number of species of ferns, fungi and mosses that have adapted to life with such little sunlight living off the decomposing matter.
In several of the deeper flatter canyons closer to the southern pole, the runoff from the mountains slows and creates two wide and massive swamp forests. Flooding seasonally, the swamps contain several of the same species of trees from the surrounding jungles that are more resilient to flooded conditions. Various unidentified herbs and small shrubs grow throughout and floating in the water.
The jungles of the planet are rife with wildlife. Consisting of mammals, including primates in the upper canopy along with countless birds, and felids lurking the jungle floors. In addition to these are various snakes and lizards. Even more numerous than the mammals and reptiles making up over 90% of the diversity within are insects: butterflies, spiders, ants, beetles, wasps and flies.
The swamps contain species capable of adapting to the fluctuation in the water levels. Snakes and various species of frogs and salamanders making up the majority. Several species of larger wading birds live in these areas as well, with a large variety of invertebrates under the surface of the water as well as the larval stages of many of the thousands of insects.
The Force
The influence of the Dark Side on the planet is hard to determine. During its time as a tomb world countless Sith Mausoleums were erected for Sith Lords by the slave populations. The energies emitted from these vary but the impact is real on the populations of the planet.
Every living organism on the planet has been diseased with the Dark Side of the Force. This has resulted in a maddening in some more intelligent species, while adding sophistication to swarming in the case of wasps in the jungles. At all levels of the food chain it has made the entire world slightly more treacherous, but all still hanging slightly in balance no doubt by the will of the Force.
Tomb World
During the height of the Ancient Sith Empire Nfolgai was chosen to be a burial planet for many prominent Sith Lords. Its proximity to both Ziost and Athiss made it a prime planet for the interment of fallen Sith. Nfolgai became home to a very large population of slaves comprised of Humans, Mrlssi, and Draethos. These slaves were at an incredible risk on the planet, both from the harsh environment as well as from their slave masters. Led by the watchful eyes of Kissai priests, the slaves toiled away building great mouments of stone, and carving away mountainsides for the tombs of the dead.
House of Power
Following thousands of generations of study and research, the Kissai priests designed a special mausoleum to house the spirit of Sorzus Syn. This tomb, carved out and deep into one of the southern hemisphere’s mountainsides is the crown jewel of the planet.
Sorzus Syn, author of the Sith Code, still recited to this day was a powerful Sith Lord. It is unknown if her body ever made it to this decadent tomb. It is clear however that it was completed before the fall of the Sith Empire. Powerful Arcane energies emanate from the structure, resulting in the barbaric descendants of the slaves to have a rudimentary ability with the force.
Eventually the Sith Empire fell in 5,000 BBY. This fall led to the total abandonment of Nfolgai by the Sith Lords. The slave populations were left to suffer and succumb to the harshness of the planet. Within a few years, the entirety of the human slave population died out. The Mrlssi and Draethose populations split along racial lines into smaller tribes. Through the millennia these tribes have become creatures of base emotion and instinct. They survive to this day on the planet, surviving in small pockets mainly found within the southern hemisphere, although several have been found in the frozen north, living within the remains of ships crashed long ago.
One Sith
In 35 ABY, One Sith forces rediscovered Nfolgai and encountered the savagery of the remaining tribal populations. Stalked and hunted by the remaining Mrlssi and Draethos, the One Sith were amazed by the species adaptation to the planet and the unnatural connect to the Dark Side of the Force that had been developed. Led by Yobd Nan, the One Sith exterminated any pockets of tribal members they came across in their planetary search for powerful Sith artifacts. This process led them to discover a great source of Dark Side power in the southern hemisphere, the tomb of Sorzus Syn. Yobd Nan and the One Sith have begun to attempt to reach the inner halls of this important sanctum.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
The Brotherhood chose this as one of the two planets with which to begin their Dark Crusade upon the planets of the old Sith Empire. Born as a form of retribution against the One Sith, the military of the Iron Throne along with the various houses and clans of the Brotherhood came to establish a beachhead outside their own systems in order to further branch out into the galaxy.
Points of Interest
There are three main points of interests on planet Nfolgai – the wreckage of the Interdictor Class Destroyer Render, Sorzus Syn’s Mausoleum and Prahit Lake. These locations are suspected to conceal secrets, which probably are of extremely high value to any Dark Side cult, particularly such strong organizations like the Dark Jedi Brotherhood or the One Sith. Scouting teams brought back the following information on each place.
Interdictor Class Destroyer Render
Interdictor Class Destroyer Render has been discovered on planet Nfolgai in 35 ABY, by the expeditionary force of the One Sith. Its current state suggests that it has crashed on the polar areas of the northern hemisphere of the planet. However, the cause of its crash remains unknown.
Thanks to amazing abilities of its Captain, the damages to the ship have been greatly limited, leaving the hull of the ship relatively intact. Throughout the millennia from its crash, the ship has decayed and became useless, but it still possibly contains useful data or artifacts, which may be utilized by the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
The scouting teams of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood have encountered signs of at least one recent battle, during which modern blasters have been utilized by one side. It is believed that the leaders of the One Sith have sent teams to infiltrate the wreckage, but the soldiers have been attacked by the Mrissi, who have been observed by the scouts.
It seems that the remnants of the ship have been colonized by these flightless bird-like creatures in the unprecised time between the crash of Render and the current times. It is clear that the Mrissi have been maddened by the influence of the Dark Side, which still may be easily sensed on the surface of Nfolgai.
Sorzus Syn’s Mausoleum
It is almost impossible to provide an exact time of creation of Sorzus Syn’s Mausoleum, but it definitely dates back to the era, when there were numerous Sith Lords in the Galaxy. There is very little known about the Mausoleum itself, as very few records about it have remained safe from the Jedi, who were doing their best to retrieve all and any artifacts and records about the Sith throughout the Galaxy. It is even a mystery, whether Sorzus Syn or any other Sith Lord has been buried inside the facility. However, there are several certain details, which are known about the Mauselum.
It is located in the southern hemisphere of planet Nfolgai. It has been carved out in a mountainside by thousands of slaves, who come from the races of Mrlssi and Draethos. From the outside, the Mausoleum is protected in two ways. While dense forest canopy makes an aerial approach impossible, the jungle is inhabited by the descendants of these, who built the facility. These creatures have been affected by the Dark Side and will definitely protect the Mausoleum with no fear nor mercy.
However, even if one manages to bypass this lines of defence, there are countless surprises waiting for intruders in the interior of the complex. Corridors, quarters, libraries and meditation chambers are probably patrolled by ancient, but still deadly war droids. Their only goal is to protect the Mausoleum from any intruders, who would dare to enter the facility in attempt to steal anything of the heritage of the Sith Lord.
Prahit Lake
Located twenty miles from the Sorzus Syn’s Mausoleum to the West, Prahit Lake takes almost sixty square kilometers of surface. Its depth is unknown, because attributes of water contained in the lake prevent any long underwater research.
Deeply tainted with the energies of the Dark Side, water of Prahit Lake is not drinkable. The tests carried out on gathered samples have proven that it is a strong poison itself. It is also known that the water of this lake displays strong caustic characteristics.
There have been no life forms observed nearby the lake or in its waters themselves. However, it is not known, if any lifeforms have adapted to the hostile environment of the lake. It is also not know, if the waters of the lake do not conceal useful treasures, like precious lightsaber crystals of unique features.
Native Species
No native intelligent species. The harsh environment of the planet has allowed for some basic life forms in the dense and dangerous jungles of the southern hemisphere. There were however several important species to the planet during the Ancient Sith Empire.
Imported Species
Human were one of three slave races brought to Nfolgai during the Ancient Sith Empire to erect the many Sith Mausoleums that dot its surface. Found throughout the galaxy humans were easily replaceable slave labor for the Sith Empire.
In the years following the fall of the Sith Empire on the planet all of the enslaved humans quickly died out. Unable to cope with the harsh environment and without the support of the Sith Empire for supplies, they stood little chance of long term survival.

Mrlssi are a feathered bird like species found from the planet Mrlsst. While as a young species their planet of Mrlsst was geologically unstable. Any buildings and possessions were destroyed with regularity. However, the Mrlssi discovered that knowledge would endure. They are famous for their high intelligence and ability to quickly reverse engineer technology.
Following the fall of the Ancient Sith Empire, the Mrlssi continue to survive on Nfoglai to this day. However they have very little in terms of commonality with their modern Mrlssi counterparts. The Mrlssi of Nfolgai have become creatures of basic emotion and instinct living in primitive tribal packs. While the species genius surely helped the original slaves survive on the planet, that ingenuity cannot be found in their descendants today. While more primitive, the One Sith discovered upon arrival that the Mrlssi had an unnatural connection to the Dark Side of the force.

The Draethos are an incredibly long life span humanoid species from Thosa. Noted for their comical appearance of an drastic overbite, The Draethos also possessed the ability of telepathy.
As with the Mrlssi on Nfolgai, the Draethos can still be found on the planet today. Life on the planet has driven them to be primitive and basic tribal members. As well, upon the arrival of the One Sith it was discovered the Draethos had an unnatural connection with the Dark Side. This connection, along with the one found in the Mrlssi led the One Sith to discover the mausoleum of Sorzus Syn. Although primitive, the Draethos are savage warriors utilizing crude weapons and even basic force powers developed from the long years of life on the planet. In particular the Draethos make claiming the mausoleum of Sorzus Syn incredibly difficult for One Sith and Brotherhood members alike.
At the time of the Sith Empire the pure tongue language of Sith was used by the Sith overlords on the planet. Basic, Draethos, and Mrlsstese are assumed to have been used as well to communicate with the Humans, Draethos and Mrlssi slaves on the planet.
Presently the Mrlssi tribes continue to use a more devolved form of their native language. The Draethos continue to use the clicky native language of Draethos in addition to their telepathic abilities.
It is currently unknown what the total population of surviving Mrlssi and Draethos are on Nfolgai. Both species of former slaves live in racial tribes in pockets throughout the southern hemisphere. A warren of Mrlssi has been found in the wreckage of the Render in the north, it is unknown if any of the other crashed ships house other small communities.
While at the time of the Ancient Sith Empire there were safe havens and structures to house the slaves working on the mausoleums, these have all been eroded away with time. Currently there is no real form of Urbanization. Both the Mrlssi and Draethos live in racially defined tribes throughout the southern hemisphere. All the tribes reside within the Southern Hemisphere, relying on the dense and harsh jungles for sustenance.
In the northern hemisphere a warren of Mrlssi have been found to be surviving within the crashed remains of the Interdictor-Class Destroyer Render. After over 3,000 years of subjection to the harsh frozen elements in the northern hemisphere, the Render is one of the only places of safe haven for the crazed Mrlssi who call it home.
While renowned for their intelligence throughout the galaxy, the Mrlssi of Nfolgai have lost much of their ability for learning. Both Mrlssi and Draethos have demonstrated remarkable abilities at adapting to the planet, it does not appear there is any form of actual education in either of the races tribes. Both rely on a hands-on approach with younglings to learn to survive on the planet. This envelopes the most basic tribal needs such as hunting, shelter building and communication between tribal members.
- Currently: None
- At the time of the Ancient Sith Empire Nfolgai was a planet reserved for mausoleums for Sith Lords. Slaves were imported to work on the tombs and eventually left to fend for themselves when the Empire fell.
Major Imports
- Currently: None
- At the time of the Ancient Sith Empire: Slaves, foodstuffs, tools for building
Major Exports
- Currently: None
- Sith Knowledge is found upon holocrons littered throughout the Mausoleums on the surface which is what attracted both the One Sith and the Dark Brotherhood to the planet.
Space Presence

None from species on the planet.
One Space Station housing a small settlement of spacers in low orbit, most likely pirates hiding here due to the lack civilization on the surface. Station is also protected with two squadrons of aged Ugly fighters. Cobbled together from various fighters, these two squadrons as well as the station itself pose little threat to Brotherhood Forces. Main threats to the Brotherhood in space are any One Sith ships that can be brought in system to defend the planet.