Kristen Erinos

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Kristen "Kris" Erinos is the first of Arcona's Mandalorian Clan-Soldiers to be selected for the Fade Initiative. She is one of the Arcona Armed Forces top pilots, and an accomplished martial artist. She is loyal to Shadow Lord Marick Arconae.

Kristen “Kris” Erinos
Biographical Information


Physical Description












Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Mandalorian Soldier


Marick Arconae

[ Source ]

Fade Initiative - Operative #001

Physical Description

Kris has the lean but solid build of a woman who has spent a lifetime wrestling and scrapping with soldiers twice her size. She keeps her medium-length, dark red hair tied back in a neat horse-tail, exposing a round face with freckled complexion, steel-blue eyes, and a dull brown scar over her left cheek. While these features are attractively feminine, her face is often hard to read as she wears a perpetual scowl.


Kris was selected to be the first Mandalorian to be selected under the Fade Initiative. Her exploits as a top starfighter pilot got her the attention of Consul Marick Arconae, who requested her to become his personal pilot. The Hapan Consul had not realized that “Kris” was actually a female (having only read reports and witnessed holovids of her success) until first meeting her. She quickly won her way into his good graces by flipping Marick’s second Fade--Acaelus Del'aran and nearly breaking his arm after an offhanded comment about her gender.

Her loyalty is to Marick Arconae for giving her the opportunity to use her skills without bias.


“Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better”

To say that Kris has a chip on her shoulder would be a great disservice. Kris firmly believes she needs to work twice as hard as the male soldiers in the military, and will never back down from someone challenging her abilities because of her gender. This makes her easy to anger, and sometimes overeager to prove her worth. This determination also drives her to be one of the best pilots in the galaxy, and she won’t let anything (or anyone) get in her way of this goal.

Combat Specialization

  • Pilot -- Kris is considered one of the top starfighter pilots in the Arcona Armed Forces. Her knowledge of space-combat is combination of quick-reflexes and a working grasp of starfighter physics and space combat.
  • Martial Artists -- She has won multiple Verdanaian tournaments and holds her own in the wider-ranged Martial Arts tourneys. Her style is very defensive, focusing on using her opponent's momentum against them rather than trying to force her way through their defenses.