Kandos Katarn
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Kandos Katarn | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: |
Unknown |
Date of Birth: |
5 BBY |
Physical Description | |
Species: |
Human |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.82 meters |
Hair: |
Brown |
Eyes: |
Blue |
Personal Information | |
Mother: |
Jalie Katarn |
Father: |
Paulos Katarn |
Known Children: |
None |
Spouse(s): |
None |
Allies: |
Rins'zler Sang-Kalinor, Edema R'uh-Kalinor, Ood Bnar Sythe'rae |
Lightsaber Color(s): |
Red |
Lightsaber Form(s): |
Soresu |
Weapon(s): |
Lightsaber, BlasTech A280C Blaster Rifle, Vibrodagger, Grenades |
Fighting Style(s): |
Teras Kasi |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Profession: | |
Era(s): | |
Affiliation: | |
Personal Ship: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Kandos Katarn is a human male, born on a planet he doesn't remember, kidnapped by the Empire when he was 10 years old and trained to be a Force-sensitive assassin. After escaping this brutal life, he drifted for a number of years taking on Bounty Hunting and assassination jobs, before finally finding a home amungst the Brotherhood. After five years in the Brotherhood he went Rogue and has seemingly retired from the galaxy, but who knows if he may return one day.
Character History
Kandos knows nothing about the planet he was born on, and remembers little of his childhood other than his parents and the remote settlement they lived in, but the one event he remembers very clearly is the day the was taken by the Empire.
It was his tenth birthday and his mother, Jalie, had taken him to the market to get some supplies. While his mother had bargained with a trader, Kandos had stood watching a large cargo hauler being loaded with crates of ore from the mine the settlement had grown up around. There had been a commotion and one of the crates of ore had been knocked off the top of the hauler, and fallen directly towards Kandos. He cried out and threw his hands up in a pointless attempt to ward off the falling crate, but a couple of seconds later Kandos realised it hadn't hit him. Opening his eyes he saw the crate was hovering above him, seemingly held up by nothing. Shocked and confused, Kandos stumbled backwards and the crate dropped to the ground, directly where he had been standing. The market crowd that had seen what happened just stood in shocked silence, apart from his mother who rushed over to him, weeping. Unfortunately, a patrol of Stormtroopers that had been passing through also saw what happened, and quickly moved in and stun-bolted both Kandos and his mother before carting them off to the nearby Imperial base.
The local Moff had been informed and had quickly ordered the father rounded up as well, and the entire settlement to be wiped out so there were no witnesses, and ordered his staff to prepare a report suggesting the mine and settlement were destroyed by Rebels. He had then ordered the Stormtrooper squad to take the prisoners to a secret base the Moff had been building on the planet, and Kandos had woken up in the detention cell he would spend many years of his life.
Unwilling Assassin
The Moff, who had secretly been collecting information on the Jedi, Sith, and the Force, in the hopes of one day having his own Force-sensitive assassin had quickly jumped at the chance to use the child his Stormtroopers had unwittingly found. Rather than reporting the child to his higher command, as he should have, he instead had the child and his family listed with the rest of the settlement when he reported its destruction.
For the next five years Kandos was subjected to brutal indoctrination and training to make him into the assassin the Moff so very much wanted, always with the threat of Kandos' parents being tortured or executed if he did not comply being held over him. The Moff did allow Kandos brief visits with his parents as a reward when he did well, although these visits became briefer and briefer until they were but the promise of a visit, which never quite occurred.
It was during this time that Kandos was also pushed to improve his nascent control of the Force using the Moff's secret collection of Force-related materials. Unsurprisingly, Kandos quickly fell to the Dark Side once his control of the Force improved. Fear for himself, his family, and his brutal new life quickly pushing him down a dark path.
Kandos was also taught how to use many different weapons, and to pilot a starship.
His First Mission
When Kandos was 15 he was finally deemed ready for his first mission, and his trainers presented him to the Moff. By this time Kandos was fully indoctrinated to the Imperial cause, and was looking forward to serving the Moff.
The Moff personally briefed him on the mission, that he was to infiltrate the estates of one of the Moff's underlings, retrieve some sensitive information on a data-disk that the Moff didn't want getting out, and to kill the underling. The Moff informed Kandos that he had been specially chosen for this mission as he could not be linked back to the Moff, and that he should not leave any witnesses, even if it meant killing other Imperial personnel.
That night, fully kitted out with a vibro-knife, blaster pistol, and various other gear, Kandos was shuttled to a spaceport and took a Speeder-bike to the outskirts of the estates. After spending some time scouting the area and taking note of the guard's patrol routes he found his opening, a gap in the patrols where the guard's were lax and not really paying attention.
Moving quickly and quietly through this opening, Kandos silently killed first one, then the other of the Stormtroopers that were meant to be guarding the area, and stashed their bodies in some nearby bushes so they wouldn't be found. He then made his way deeper into the estates, avoiding the guards and other personnel where possible, but killing them where required, until he made it to the underling's private quarters.
Moving into the room as quietly as possible, Kandos found his target seemingly passed out of a bed, with various bottles scattered around the room. When Kandos moved in closer for the kill, his target suddenly rolled over, and on seeing an assassin standing over him, yelled out and scrambled backwards, falling off the bed. Not being close enough for a quick kill, and not wanting to risk a blaster-shot, Kandos reached out with the Force, his ever-present rage fuelling his abilities, and crushed the target's neck.
Not wanting to wait around to see if anyone had heard the target's yell, Kandos quickly searched the room for the data-disk, and on finding it, went back the way he had come in, and made his way out of the estates, heading for the rendezvous coordinates for pickup.
The Aftermath
Kandos stood before the Moff and reported what had occurred during the mission, before handing over the data-disk. The Moff in turn was very pleased, after all the time and money he had invested into it, he now had his Force-sensitive assassin, the only souring point in the whole affair was when Kandos persisted in asking to see his parents again.
Over confident in his assassin's loyalty, and the indoctrination that he thought guaranteed it, the Moff bluntly informed Kandos that he would not being seeing his parents again, as they had been executed years before for some infraction he barely remembered.
Something snapped in Kandos, the pain of loss and rage built in him to breaking point, and with a cry of utter loss and pain he lashed out with the Force, crushing the two Stormtrooper guards against the wall, shattering a number of pieces of furniture, and throwing the Moff across the room. The Moff had but seconds to realise his mistake as he was lifted off the ground and thrown through the window behind him, but that didn't stop him screaming all the way to the ground.
The door behind Kandos opened and a squad of Stormtroopers rushed in, but their confusion and shock at seeing what had happened was their undoing, as Kandos scooped up a fallen blaster rifle and burned them all down. What followed was a blur of rage and pain, but when Kandos resurfaced, he found himself in the Moff's personal hanger, the bodies of countless personnel and Stormtroopers scattered around.
Mind still fuzzy and working mostly on instinct, Kandos ran to the closest fighter in the hangar, one of the Moff's personal collection and jumped in. He quickly familiarised himself with the controls of the Mandalorian Fang fighter before taking off and blasting his way out of the hanger.
Skimming over the Imperial base, Kandos was quickly engaged by two TIE-fighters that had been on patrol, but the pilots had little chance as the Moff had been very exacting in his requirements that his assassin be able to pilot a ship and be more than competent in a dog fight. After destroying both fighters in a hail of blaster fire, Kandos turned the ship towards space and engaged full burn.
As he left the gravity-well of the planet, Kandos suddenly realised he had no idea where he was in the galaxy, or where he was going, so he picked a random planet from the navi-computer and engaged the auto-pilot. As his fighter jumped to light-speed he slipped into a deep sleep, finally free for the first time in five years.
Drifter / Bounty Hunter / Assassin for Hire
Kandos spent the next three years as a drifter, moving from planet to planet, finding what work he could to survive, stealing where necessary and killing anyone who got in his way. The rage still consuming him meant he was quick to anger, and more than one outburst had forced him to move on.
In this time he did some work as an un-licensed Bounty Hunter and assassin for various criminal organisations, although this generally required a display of his abilities before he was taken seriously, as after all he was still young, and more than one gang leader paid with his life after trying to take what little Kandos had.
The skills he had so brutally been taught, and the equipment he had found in the fighter's small hold, served him well and he was soon gaining a reputation in certain circles as a ruthless and skilled killer, despite his age, although one that tended to opt for the 'dead' part of 'dead or alive' contracts.
It was during this time that Kandos first met Rins'zler Sang-Kalinor.
Kandos and Rins'zler Meet
It was on a planet Kandos barely cared to learn the name of that he first encountered another Force-sensitive. He had been living on the planet for a few months, and had found work as an assassin for a local crime lord. He was tasked with killing a slicer that had gotten themselves in huge trouble while doing work for the crime lord, and had ended up with a bounty on their head. The crime lord couldn't afford to let the slicer be taken alive, so had sent Kandos to kill him.
Kandos tracked the target to a nearby city, and had found the safe-house the slicer was hiding in. After finding a good vantage point, he was setting up his A280 for a kill-shot through a window when the door of the room he was watching blew in and a Mandalorian Bounty Hunter strode in. Not wanting to lose his target, and the contract, Kandos scrambled down from the building he was setting up on, and sprinted towards the safe-house, just in time to see the Mandalorian walk out.
Not waiting to see if he had been spotted in return, Kandos opened fire with his rifle, not caring about the people walking in the street, but the hasty shots missed the target. The Mandalorian quickly ducked into cover, dragging his bounty with him, and returned fire, sending Kandos scrambling for cover in return.
After trading shots for a moment or two, Kandos sprinted from cover, charging in recklessly, heedless of the danger and drawing his vibrodagger. After trading a number of blows and blocks with the Mandalorian, Kandos suddenly realised he could feel the Dark Side of the Force emanating from the Mandalorian. The shock of meeting another Force-sensitive threw Kandos off for but a split second, but that was all the Mandalorian needed, and soundly punched Kandos in the face, knocking him out.
Sometime later Kandos awoke in an unfamiliar apartment, jumping to his feet immediately, he went for his vibrodagger, but found it was not in its sheath, then memory of the fight with the Mandalorian returned and Kandos wondered why he was not dead.
It was then that the Mandalorian entered, and introduced himself as Rins'zler Sang-Kalinor. The two spoke at great length, and it soon became clear to Kandos that he had found a kindred spirit in this Mandalorian, as Rins'zler himself had suffered similar loss, and they both walked the darker paths of the Force.
During this talk Rins'zler mentioned that he was going to join the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, and suggested that Kandos come along as well, as it may be the new start Kandos needed. Still wary of Rins'zler, but starting to warm to him, Kandos agreed, and soon they were both on their way to join the Dark Brotherhood.
Joining the Brotherhood
When Kandos joined the Dark Brotherhood he tried his luck with the Obelisk order but soon found he had an affinity more attuned to the Krath Order, so soon after Kandos transferred to the Krath and joined House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona. By the time Kandos started as an Apprentice there was already a Great Jedi War happening, and while Kandos and his new friend Rins'zler came late to the fighting, they did their part where possible and when the fighting ended Kandos had already proven himself enough to be promoted to Novice.
The Exodus
As Kandos continued his training with the Dark Brotherhood he settled in with the rest of his house and eventually joined the Prophecy Phyle. However, the everyday life in the Dark Brotherhood were shaken when they split from the Emperor’s Hammer, but Kandos knew that his loyalty was firmly with the Brotherhood and left with the rest when they moved to the Antei system. Throwing himself fully into his training within the Brotherhood Kandos was soon promoted to Acolyte and then to Protector, and made full use of the Antei Combat Centre when it was established.
Clan Feud
Then came the feud between Arcona and Satal Keto. Kandos again threw himself into this and engaged in many fights against members of Satal Keto, unfortunately he lost all the fights but he gained experience doing so. Kandos did however help in other ways and was rewarded with a promotion to Guardian.
Kandos continued his training and was soon promoted to Jedi Hunter.
Fighting Continues
Kandos again helped his Clan in the Third Sith War, his Phyle in the Qel-Droma Phyle war and again helped his Clan in the War of the Star Chamber. For his activities and loyalty Kandos was promoted to Dark Jedi Knight, finally constructed his Lightsaber and finishing his training.
As the Krath members of the Dark Brotherhood once again fought for supremacy over each other Kandos was not found wanting as he fought for his Order in the Krath Right of Supremacy. Not long after the entire Brotherhood celebrated another year of independence from the Emperor's Hammer by hosting the Independence Games, Kandos also took part in this and competed for himself, his clan and the Brotherhood as a whole, and was soon rewarded with a promotion to Krath Priest.
When the Third Brotherhood Civil War engulfed the Brotherhood Kandos sided with 'Blue' Jac, and fought against the forces of the 'Red' Jac, although his contributions to the fighting were fairly minimal.
Withdrawing from the Brotherhood
After many years of training and fighting for the Brotherhood, Kandos felt he needed to step away from the Brotherhood, and find his place in the galaxy again. While Kandos has currently left the Brotherhood, one day he may return.