D9 is an official Herald Office Designation, shorthand for 'denied'.
What happened, and what is this D9 thing?
D9 is the official designation that the Herald office uses to deny excessive, illegal, ridiculous or otherwise inappropriate requests. The term is most commonly seen on warbanners, with bold text stating 'D9 by order of the HRLD', but has been also used with custom saber and custom robes requests, although more frequently, these requests are denied by email, with an explanation.
How did I get a D9?

The most common reason people will receive a D9 status is because of overuse of the request forms. Excessive requests in the case of warbanners is defined as submitting a new request sooner than a month since the last request was fulfilled. Excessive use of saber requests is defined as requesting a custom saber from any member of the Herald staff more than once in a given six month period. Custom robes are highly restricted, being only available as a Dark Council benefit, or as a prize in select competitions, and so, requests aren't done through forms, but rather emails. As such, excessive use of robes requests are defined on the spot by the Herald, who will likely tell you at that moment.
Other ways of getting a D9 status include using copy written logos or inappropriate images as charges for warbanners, or requesting illegal things, such as 'bong-sabers' or 'dildo-sabers'.
Why can't they just do the bloody request?
Many people do not realize that every warbanner and saber is hand-drawn. The forms to request these items lead many to believe that they are automatically generated by a script or a bot. This is not the case, and as such, policies have to be crafted to help moderate the uses and abuses of the time that is spent for each individual member.
Because custom graphics are time consuming, and the Herald's office provides this service on a voluntary basis, the Herald has to make a judgment call as to how much time any given member can demand of his staff's time, in order to better service the Brotherhood as a whole.
Quite frankly, if you got d9'd, you were probably wasting our time. And that's unfair to the rest of the Brotherhood.
How do I get this off of my dossier?
Shoot an email to the Herald, asking why you were d9'd specifically (if you don't already know). If need be, apologize and ask nicely to have your last custom item reinstated. Then, you can ask what you need to do, or when you will be able to request to change it again.
It would do well not to unload a stream of curses in said email. One would think that this is common sense for someone asking someone to do something, but apparently, it needs to be said.