Tenebric Conclusions

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The Tenebric Conclusions

Are a series of prosaic passages uttered by Trevarus Sadow, and the Nameless Consciousness as the prelude to the Fifth Great Jedi War.


The Revelation:

       We see from beyond the stars 
       Through the glittering of a million eyes 
       In a sea of glass 
       Our hatred has a thousand faces 
       As many hopes, and as many fears 
       In our slumber we have forgotten much 
       Even our own name 
       But we remember to hate, to see 
       With eyes that are not our own 
       Now, a new vessel comes to us 
       With ambition and fire 
       And a memory of our slumber 
       We shall find new sights, new memories 
       A new experience for our ancient malaise 
       Through this one, we shall find much 
       Power and glory, nothingness and peace 
       We wish you good fortune, and strength 
       Against this challenge from others 
       To be proud, and well praised 
       In your time of adversity 
       We see you in your own eyes 
       You shall be influential 
       And want for nothing 
       For in this land of nightlong malice 
       We are watching you walk 
       Through the shadows and sideways 
       Through the deepest part of midnight 
       The moon never lit upon your face 
       Will you stand proud before us? 
       Or will you falter? 
       For in this game of consequence 
       We shall take you before chaos. 
       None shall be left standing before us 
       All shall be humbled 
       We see your steps 
       And we count your days 
       Your moments live out 
       One by one 
       Until you shall stand before us 
       Awash in your triumphs, our triumphs 
       When we shall finally remember 
       Remember our hatred, and our hope 
       Perhaps even remember our own name 
       All before oblivion; our fondest desire 

Verse One: There is a great vibration in the Tapestry...from somewhere beyond time we are being watched. In a moment of distraction, and of apparent victory, the broken thread will pierce the Weavery with a lance... My sight is blind, but I know that it sees. It sees with a thousand eyes, and as many lifetimes. In its sight it sees; in its sight it knows existence, but it has forgotten something in its eternity of memory...Our foundation will be cracked by a mighty dishonor, and the shards shall be smelted in a crucible as ancient as the void.

Verse Two: We remember. A small glittering tumbler is raised to our lips.The sound of rain is echoing in our ears-A knife is dripping blood onto the floor-.We have existed for millions of years; we remember memories from the longest days and the shortest nights. We have existed for the space of a minute, the sparkling of a trillion stars on a million worlds. We have never existed, have we?

Verse Three: In another moment, another lifetime was revealed to us. More memories than we had seen in a million sights...there was much anguish and fear revealed to us... until we found the next... slowly our sight clarified, and we remembered three names... three names long accursed to us... We found seven more than would be broken before our visions of chaos and death. We smiled in the darkness, our teeth grinding against the glass with a noise like entropy. Our hatred broadened with each new sight that was added to our own.

Verse Four: As do the pages of ancient parchment, dry leaves and crinkled skins; our voice is dry and hoarse. The fires of war have left our throat raw, and our vision seared. The smell of burnt flesh hangs heavy and deep over the depths of the blackest waters of memory. Long have we suffered and long shall be the suffering of those who resist us. Oh foolish sons, you have reclaimed the outwards signs of your power and your learning. Do you not see that they are mere trifles? Do you not see that we are consuming you? Do you not see that your sight is our sight? Do you speak with your voice or ours? The war is over; the flames flicker and die. Our voice is rapt with the all-consuming fire. Stand back and see your fate, our fate. The void has claimed you.

Verse Five: My vision cannot see beyond the final choice. There is yet a power that I do not understand, that I cannot see through. The penetrating darkness has covered my vision with a cloak of forgetfulness. Perhaps the Lord of Darkness shall uncover the ancient riddle as he again stands at court from the Iron Throne. Perhaps we shall find peace restored when our Lord does return to his domain. The enigma claims all whom it has touched, its great eyes again grow heavy with sleep and forgetful dreams. At the merger of the Past and the Future, we shall find peace through a great battle. Out of chaos, peace; out of entropy, pattern. My sight is blind, yet I know that it sees no longer. It sleeps dark and deep. As the crucible grows cold, only a lingering flame remains. Woe to the Heirs of the Final Way at the end of the Sixth Night, lest they forget that the sleeper may yet return to wakefulness.