Orbiting Bodies
The Rybanloth System, was awarded to Taldryan as the prize for First Clan in the Rite of Supremacy Second Darkness. The system is relatively small, having only four orbiting bodies, but is reputed to be tainted with the Dark Side and home to many secrets waiting to be uncovered. It lies near the Subterrel sector in the Outer Rim Territories.
Overview of System
The G0 V main sequence star, named Rybanloth, has four orbiting bodies: Aris, Kalus, Omus Massa, and Sarmus. It burns a bright, rich orange color which bathes all the planets in ample levels of light. While the System is mostly devoid of life, there is a small amount of evidence to suggest that a primitive culture of Dark Side worshippers existed at one point on one planet.
Special Privledges
as well as House Elders reserve the right to at will pay for and oversee the construction of personal villas on any planet of their choosing, though Sarmus is highly encouraged. Elders are entitled to pay for out of personal funds the construction of a single dwelling with no property rights other than the land immediately surrounding them or choose an existing dwelling at no expense. Taldrya are given Grants of Land and a stipend to build and cultivate their holdings. On these grants, the Taldrya is the supreme word of law. All personal dwellings and grants will be devoid of personal defenses and security forces, with all Security provided by the House.
The Taldryan Security Service reserves the right to three exclusive resorts on Sarmus and the large swaths of land directly surrounding them for the private use of non-Jedi. The stress of extended service and the omniscient presence of their Dark Jedi overlords is understood by the powers that be and have created a retreat for Service personnel on Shore Leave, though they are not limited to these locations.
Taldryan Security Service Presence
The Taldryan Security Service maintains an active force in the Rybanloth System to ward off piracy and defend the House’s interests in the area. At any given time, a full Battlegroup or smaller will be deployed within the system. Based from the Rybanloth System’s Fleet Station and Naval Dock on Jarri, the present forces will patrol the entire system. All ships are rotated back to Kr’Tal and replaced in due time.