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Lanchi resides in the Kr'Tal System, which is currently controlled by Clan Taldryan.
An extremely mountainous planet, Lanchi wasn't part of the main colonization plans of Clan Taldryan until just recently. Initial settlements have succeeded far better than hoped for, as explorers are interested in moving away from the mountain continent of Var Tiest and trying to move to the more agreeable southern continent of Var Nifr. While mountains still prevail in the south they're not the only feature of the continent. For now Lanchi will remain a colony world, used as a waypoint between the capital Karufr and the home of Dinaari at Altur.
Var Tiest
The largest continent on the planet, Var Tiest has no natural level plains. This mountainous continent covers the entire eastern sphere of the planet and any city built onto this continent has to be carefully constructed to conform to the landscape. Some peaks of the mountains reach high enough into the atmosphere that travel without breathing support equipment is impossible.
Var Nifr
This continent lies directly opposite of Var Tiest and remains largely unexplored. Some forestation is present on this continent along with valleys and mountains. These mountains aren't as large as the ones on Var Tiest, they're more towards the sea level and satellite images have shown what appears to be a large depression of what could be a mountain that collapsed in on itself thousands of years ago. Lakes and ponds dot the land randomly and a few scales of plains with a strain of grass/grain cover the dirt.
The first city to be established on Var Tiest, Norsth is built into the largest cliff face in the continent. All buildings are carved from the stones of the mountain with hover craft and half dugout tunnels are the only was of getting around the city. This remains to be the smallest city on the continent with a population of only a few hundred people.
This city is actually on the inside of the mountains instead of being built into it. Artificial lights are strung throughout the numerous tunnels that connect the city and in the main area large industrial sized lights are used to simulate night and day for the inhabitants. The mainstay economy of this city is the mining of Jenraux crystals. These precious gems are used in the manufacturing of light sabers this city is highly prized by Clan Taldryan.
A large chunk of Var Tiest was leveled and flattened by construction equipment to make room for the city of Pilth. This city is encased by mountains and more portions are flattened out as needed. Pilth is the city that produces a hearty type of vegetable that is able to survive in the mountain terrain and can survive long times in containment. A small military port resides here with a transportation system for the Jenraux crystals to be shipped to Ateliuc for special cutting and export to economic allies.
Mountain Ranges
Yu'Kul'Baz Mountains
This mountain range covers all of Var Tiest and is made of a fairly stable but workable rock. Every single edge and facet of Yu'Kul'Baz forms an angled slope and some of the peaks of this mountain go very high up into the atmosphere while some chasms have been believed to run halfway down to the core of the planet.
Dorminse Ocean
Hardly an ocean due to its depth, Dormisne is large in size but is only thirty feet down at its deepest spot. Filled with more plant life than animal gives this ocean a more greenish hue than other bodies of water. Shallow edges are home to small purple and red fish that devour all forms of plant life in their path, but due to their small size and numbers the plant population is very stable. No canyons or chasms line Dorminse, this ocean is composed of smooth silky sands that layer the floor.
Unlike the planet it orbits, Eutuotti is a little more than a frozen ball in space. Constant blizzards and snow storms blanket the moon with snow and ice as sunlight is a rarity keeping the moon in a constant freeze. Mountain ranges cover most of the eastern and southern portions of Eutuotti while on the west and north contain hundreds of small frozen lakes and permafrost plains. Typical native animals resemble wompas and tauntauns but so far researchers haven't been able to establish a genetic link to those two beasts. One small winter resort lies on the face of a western mountain offering ski slopes and hunting trips for the well to do of Taldryan.