
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Template:Krath charinfo

Blood for blood and pain for pain; misanthropy is the soul and fear murders the mind ~Dalthid

Character History

Some would pay homage to a traumatic upbringing, using it to forestall the need for decency or interpersonal contact of a civil sort, Dalthid would not be counted among them. Instead, he is the embodiment of his childhood, the maturity of its discontent and the lack of propriety that he embraces.

Born of a lying, deceitful whore, a young Dalthid learned quick to settle matters in all ways that suited his needs, at all times, no matter the cost. She bred him on the values of self preservation and gave no heed to family or honor. From the murder of her own husband, to her own death for failing to repay her debts, she forced her son’s hand into a life that was almost without escape.

A created entity of experiment, Dalthid exists within the constructs of Human and Stennes Shifter DNA. Set to be sold as an embryo before a failing marriage took a chance on a child saving the union; their union failed. A husband chose the life of a servant to the Republic before being murdered by his wife who abhorred the decision. In turn, she fled from her home world to find solace among the dregs of the universe. Scoundrels and vagabonds shared her bed; strung out and addicted to gambling, she made her way throughout the galaxy with no goals and a price on her head, Dalthid in tow. Finally, at the pinnacle of her debauchery, she was executed by a bounty hunter on Tatooine. As his mother’s hand slipped from his, Dalthid was traded for the bounty her flesh could not pay and forced into the pits of those who fought for profit.

Survival became his mantra, and survive he did. Dalthid became the pinnacle of fighters within his small group, training, learning and winning. He made millions for the Hutts, until a failed business deal saw the reigning family disbarred in lieu of another. Unwilling to allow the Stennes Variant to make anyone else rich, he was released and allowed to leave with the clothes on his back and his wits. For a time Dalthid lived as a nomad, with no place to call home. His paranoia and suspicion made it impossible for him to ally with anyone or have decent relationships, but truth be told; he didn’t mind. Finally, as if fate had finally dealt a hand he could play, Dalthid met Page Meridian, a Priest of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.

The Stennes was no protégé, and barely Force sensitive compared to the pure-bloods of his species, but Meridian took him in, nonetheless. After what seemed like an eternity, Dalthid was initiated into the Dark Brotherhood.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Tetrarch: Spirits of the Night Phyle (House Aleema, Clan Satal Keto)

Aedile: House Aleema (Clan Satal Keto)

ProConsul: Clan Satal Keto

Tetrarch: Loreseekers Phyle (House Oriens Obscurum, Clan Arcona)

ProConsul: Clan Arcona

.:Antei Combat Centre:.



Senior Judge

Combat Master

Outstanding Achievements

First Champion of the Antei Combat Centre
