
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Sith charinfo

"Quiet destruction, rendering you helpless"
―Calden Fayette describing his pupil to a class.

Character History

The Beginning...


Born and raised on the planet Hapes, Quejo and the lives of his siblings were all but normal in the eyes of many Galactic Systems. Hapes was a planet controlled by women and protected by the might of the Royal Hapan Navy. Quejo being the only male of his family was taught to hold women in high regard and did so without question. His Mother, Dhalia Drakai raised him and his sisters in the rich Hapan Culture, his interestes including music, clothing and the finer thing's of life.

While the household was run by Dhalia, a very powerful woman whom often went to Fountain Palace and offered aid and assistance to the respected Queen Mother, Quejo's father was living the life of a pirate. He, along with his crew preyed upon unsuspecting vessels in the Transitory Mists and built a small empire of his own. He refused to view women as the dominating members of society and shunned himself from the Hapan Culture.

The Hapans despised all that was blemished and unpure, their neurotic love of beauty seperating them from companionship or relationships with species not of the Hapan race. Quejo was brought up with these beliefs and was viewed only as someone who would grow to breed and remain quiet within the household, allowing whomever he married full control of all thing's family or government oriented.

The Short Goodbye...

The year was approximately 11 bby making Quejo roughly eleven years of age. By this time he was accustomed to the way the Government of Hapes worked and was fully willing to make his Mother happy by taking care of his three younger sisters. In their eyes he was their protector but even though he protected them he was still considered obsolete. Because of being born a male he was looked down on despite everything he did to secure his place in the family.

A Child always seeks the praise of their parents, however being raised by a Mother who followed the Matriarch system he rarely ever got any praise or respect at all. He would run errands and do what his Mother asked or be whipped for defiance. It was almost as if he was viewed as a Slave in his own house. Sure his family was rich and he grew up in a majestic palace like estate, he was still unhappy, slipping ever so slightly in a state of depression.

Night after night Quejo was haunted with nightmares of his own Mother murdering him in his sleep. This was no way for a child to be raised and he knew that he was different than most of the other Hapan citizens. He taught himself how to read and write because his Mother was always too busy with his Sisters to pay him any mind. He was an outcast, shunned by his own family, however despite the Matriarch system, his three younger sisters adored him.

He told his sisters, Thia, Thiona, and Selandra about the dreams he was having and his words were matched with the eye's of a Child. His Sister's didnt want to see their Brother leave but they all knew that he was being treated unfairly. His Sister's believed and followed the Matriarch system but were still young and couldnt figure out why they were supposed to look down on their own flesh and blood, the same person who protected them from bullies and told them bed time stories.

They would cover his retreat while he slipped aboard a Trade Ship bound for the Transitory Mists. He spent about a week hidden within the vessel before it was assaulted by a series of Freighters which were later identified as Pirate vessels.

Black Hawk Territory...

The Black Hawks, a notorious Pirate gang run by none other than Xathian Drakai, a man so cold and malicious that he was viewed as untouchable. His crew prided themselves in quick destruction, devestation dealt within minutes.

It was by coincidence that one of their missions would involve taking control of the vessel which Quejo was aboard. After an unstoppable volley and hit and run tactics employed by the Black Hawks the Trade Ship was easily taken hostage as well as it's crew.

Ensign Demetry Valorun was ordered to search the crew quarters of the ship and was greeted by a small boy who looked to be about eleven years of age. The Ensign brought the boy before Xathian and the boy introduced himself as Quejo Drakai, the son of Dhalia Drakai. Xathian was amused by such an accusation and forced the young boy to remain in a holding cell until further investigations had taken place.

After hearing on a local transmission that a young boy was missing, Xathian began believing that the boy in his holding cell was indeed his son, whether he wanted to believe it or not.

Wanting nothing to do with the child, Xathian set a course for Nar Shadaa. The Black Hawks were well known in the Cantina's that littered the planet and thought that this would be one of the safest places for a Pirate Gang to dock.

After reaching the spaceport, Xathian looked at his son and spoke three words that Quejo would never forget "Pugna Vel Intereo" Fight or Perish...It was only a short ammount of time and the young boy was once again alone. His mother didnt want anything to do with him and his father obviously didnt want anything to do with him either.

Forced to walk the streets of Nar Shadaa alone and confused, Quejo was greeted by a cloaked figure, shrouded with shadow. "Come here child." The voice spoke. "Are you alone?"

Quejo looked on curiously before beginning to speak in his native tongue. He had no idea what the man was saying to him but there was something about him that was different than anyone else he had seen on the planet thus far. Little did he know, his life would be changed forever.

A Sith Born...

Quejo training with Master Fayette

The man's name was Calden Fayette and he was a former Imperial Officer, found to be force sensitive and trained to be a Warlord. After ruthlessly murdering his Master he became one of many to fall to the seductive lure of the Dark Side, Nar Shadaa being his safe haven. A place where he could study and learn the teaching's of the Sith Empire. He was strong and malicious, his mind focussed on chaos and destruction. It was this man that found the young boy alone, wandering the streets of Nar Shadaa with but a name and the clothes on his back.

The young boy would be taken to an Academy that Fayette had constructed, an Academy where he taught a select few about the mysteries of the Dark Side and the false teachings or lies that established the Jedi Order. Among teaching Quejo how to speak Galactic Basic, Calden taught him how to wield the force and manipulate it to his will. He taught him how to use a lightsaber and taught him how to use the weak minded as pawns. Quejo grew to accept his fate and was pleased that someone would offer to teach him when his own parents wouldnt. Thoughts of his family built rage which festered within his heart, eroding coherent thought.

Years had passed within the Academy and Quejo was everything but a kind hearted person. Thoughts of deceit already crossed his mind, to kill the Master meant that he would in turn become the Master. Plans were made but not capitilaized on until much later.

Terror Reigns on Raxus Prime...

The years rolled by and Drakai knew that he was getting the short end of the stick in the Academy. Calden was holding back in his lessons and rightfully so, by now word had already reached his ears about someone wanting to overthrow him. He knew that it had to of been none other than his star pupil so in turn, Calden sent the young warrior on a mission to Raxus Prime. A mission that Fayette had hoped his Apprentice would never return from.

Quejo unwillingly accepted the task and voyaged to the forsaken planet. Shortly after landing in the colonized sector of the polluted planet, Quejo's devestation began, his armada destroying and capturing what was left of a small industrial complex. For a few weeks, Drakai lead a campaign on the planet. His knowledge of Ulic Qel-Droma and the Great Sith War doubling during his stay as well as his knowledge of the Force Harvester and the Clone Wars, Raxus Prime being the staging grounds for the War and Count Dooku's safe haven.

Going to such a place and learning as much as he did was surely not what his Master had intended. He was a brutal tactician and swept aside the warriors who intended to end his life with one swift stroke. Draygo Delmont, a captured Soldier who fought against Drakai's small army was soon captured and tortured until the source of the invasion was brought to his attention. Calden Fayette, his own Master had signed contracts and put a Bounty on his head. Rage swelled within as he thought of those who wanted nothing to do with him, his thoughts falling upon the man whom he intended to kill, more now than ever.

Scepter of Kaltrosis...

DJB Facts






Nero Pennant