Elincia Rei

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Krath charinfo

"Sometimes something has to fall, before it can be rebuilt."
―Impetus, during the Sixth Great Jedi War

Krath ArchPriestess Impetus, Loyal member of Clan Scholae Palatinae, currently situated in House Acclivis Draco.

Character History

Childhood on Ryloth

"I’ve never seen a more intelligent girl of her age"
― Tonal’la’s tutor on Ryloth

5 ABY, Tonal’la was born in the underground Ryloth city of Sal’Kaasa. Sal’Kaasa was disconnected from most of Ryloth, and had a lot of different cultures, such as the existence of a royal family to rule over the city, although the monarch was always male.

Tonal’la’s father, Zentu’la, was the king’s most trusted advisor. A Light Jedi who escaped the purge, he was a vital aid to the king, who had no heir. It was common knowledge to Sal’Kaasa that he was the most likely to inherit the Throne should the king die. His fear of Tonal’la falling to the Dark Side prevented him from teaching her the Force, while her lust to use it secretly grew.

Tonal’la herself was one of the most intelligent twi’lek girls on Ryloth, easily able to perform mathematical tasks way beyond her age level, and also excelling at writing stories and poetry in both Ryl and Basic. While lacking any physical strength, she was naturally agile, and skilled at self defence with a small Twi’leki Lyaer’tsa (vibrolance).

At the age of seven, Tonal’la witnessed the murder of the king by the Fosh Assassin, Shaikanetsa. After the murder, he turned on the nearest witness, Tonal’la, with the intention of selling her as a slave. While the fight was brief,, and she was disarmed in a few seconds, she did hold him off long enough for her father to appear, and drive him off with the Force. However the sudden situation caused the girl to faint across her own blade, causing a scar across one lek and putting her into a Rylca tank for two weeks.

When she emerged, big changes had occurred in Sal’Kaasa, though not unexpected. Her father had been crowned king, making her a princess. Also, Zentu’la had become very protective of her, restricting her to a life inside the palace, never leaving it’s walls. Few even knew of Tonal’la’s existence.

The Accursed Prince

"The public can’t know of this. It’s against every rule of our traditions"
― King Zentu’la, after his son’s birth

Three years later, her mother gave birth again, this time to a boy. A boy doomed from birth. Atsak’la was born with only one lek, a despised physical trait. Known as the Accursed Ones, on Sal’Kaasa it was told that they were to bring bad luck, and were a lower form of life.

Legends told of an Ancient King who had one lek removed by the Curse of an evil wizard, and any twi’lek with one lek were said to be a re-occurrence of the curse. The lekku were also said to be a connection to the gods, and anyone who only had one was of lesser divinity. Despite genetic proof of the contrary, people on Sal’Kaasa still believed the legend of the wizard.

Because of this, the Prince was killed within an hour of his life. Believing the legends, Tonal’la agreed with the killing, though she was forbidden to see it. The whole incident was hidden from the public.

A Surprise Attack

"Young and beautiful. You’ll be making me a lot of money, little girl"
― Slaver from Tatooine

As she grew up, her beauty began to develop, making Zentu’la even more paranoid that someone would attempt to kidnap her. Also, after his coronation he had been increasingly reluctant to teach her the Force, believing in a Sal’Kaasan prophecy that if the daughter of a Jedi king was taught the Force she would fall to the Dark Side.

This didn’t stop the 14 year old princess’s lust to wield it, however, and the life in the place was become increasingly frustrating, something was missing from her life. In order to protect her from the details, her father didn’t tell her that attractive twi’lek females are common slaves, and she didn’t see the harm in going outside.

At midnight, Tonal’la escaped her quarters and began to explore the outside world. She had ventured about a mile when she encountered an Accursed One. She panicked and ran back to her home, attracting the attention of an unwanted visitor to Sal’Kaasa. As she ran, Tonal’la was shot in the neck by a tranquilising blaster.

A human slaver from Tatooine approached the lifeless twi’lek, cutting down a foolish onlooker who tried to intervene. He hoisted Tonal’la onto his back and took her to his ship, then left Ryloth for Tatooine.

She awoke as the ship was half way through it’s journey to Tatooine, with no memory of anything after the meeting with the Accursed One. She had also been unclothed, her royal dress removed to revel a pair of shorts, a sleeveless shirt, and lots of pristine yellow skin. For the first time since the king’s murder, Tonal’la was genuinely scared.

The ship landed in Tatooine’s Capital of Bestine, one of the few cities in the Galaxy worse than Mos Eisley. Like a criminal, Tonal’la was handcuffed and led through the streets of the city, up to a building called ‘The Oasis Cantina’.

The Oasis Cantina

"This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this"
― Savdo Nelik, before showing Tonal’la what her new life involved

The door of the building opened into a large hall, packed with a variety of races, mostly male. Tonal’la was pushed into a door beside the hall, a corridor led round the back of it. She was taken to the human cantina owner, still trying to work out what was happening.

After a minute of negotiations, Tonal’la was sold as a slave to the human, Savdo Nelik. She was given an injection, and started to feel drowsy. When she awoke, she was on a bed in a crimson room, lavishly decorated. She had also been re-clothed, she was now wearing a small, translucent yellow bra, and short yellow skirt that matched her skin colour, and barely reached her thighs. She was astonished to find she was wearing nothing underneath.

Savdo Nelik was waiting at the door. She was told that those were her quarters, and that she could never leave under any circumstances. Men would come in, and she would dance for them, or whatever else they wanted. She then told she was going to be given a taste of what was to come. After begging for clothes, Tonal’la was raped by her master.

It quickly became clear that this would be her new life. Depression took over. Every night she was forced into sex by about 15 men, and at that time she felt suicidal, every night having to do things of which the very thought would have disgusted her weeks before. She was paid for her work in food, though it was deliberately sparse to keep her slim figure. She wanted to kill herself, but didn’t know how to go about doing it. Every time she had a positive thought, it was interrupted by someone who wanted to use her.

For 8 standard months she went on like that, until she realised something. If so many people wanted this, there must be some enjoyment to it. From then on she stopped thinking of it as slavery and put some effort into her job, trying to make the most of it. While it was still a nightmare job, it became far more bearable. Her clothes also got too small, though they only prolonged things anyway, so they were discarded.

The Birth of Impetus

"Fall to the Dark Side? Look at where you are, and is it still a fall?"
― Scept’ine
Impetus, at 17 in the Ryloth Academy

She was 15 and a half by the time the next pivotal even occurred, having endured the cantina for over a year, though gradually enjoying it more. She was visited by a blue skinned twi’lek. Thinking he wanted nothing else, Tonal’la jumped on top of him, to seduce was better than to be seduced.

To her surprise, she was thrown off. The male explained that he was Scept’ine, and he visited cantinas in search of Force sensitive twi’leks, to bring back to a Sith Academy on Ryloth. She could get away from slavery and learn the Force. While she was taught about the ‘fall’ to the dark side, she didn’t consider this opportunity a fall.

Scept’ine took Tonal’la back to Ryloth, giving her his armoured robes to cover herself up. She knew her new life would revolve around the Dark Side. Nothing of her past was needed. Including her name. Going over various Ryl words in her head after learning the Sith code, she settled on one, meaning instant passion or attack. Tonal’la was nothing but a memory. Impetus was born.

The reached the Ryloth Brightlands, where a cave dug into a mountain marked the site of the academy, an underground complex. Inside there were 3 students, including Impetus. It was run by a pair of masters, one of which was Scept’ine. Impetus was to be taken to see the other.

By what could only be fate, the other master was none other than Shaikanetsa, the Fosh who murdered the Sal’Kaasa king and scarred one of her lek, a wound now barely visible. While their relationship was fiery at first, after she got to know him she came to understand Shaikanetsa, and they developed a close bond. After coming out of slavery there was a flirty part of her personality that couldn’t be controlled, and she ended up falling in love with Shaikanetsa, under the most unlikely circumstances.


"This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this"
― Ironically said by Impetus, before slowly killing Savdo Nelik

As Impetus developed at a rapid rate in sword fighting, telekinesis and other Force powers, it was time for her first mission, to find and recruit a Force Sensitive. Allowed to keep Scept’ine’s robes and bracers from Tatooine, and after taking a katana from the armoury, she travelled back to the Oasis Cantina. Revenge would be extracted.

After one and a half years she still knew the way. She entered the Oasis Cantina and approached her old master, Savdo Nelik. The second they engaged in combat, two of Nelik’s guards jumped into the fray.

Had the clash of blades and armour not alerted a nearby Wookie, Impetus would have likely died then. The furry cantina regular got to his feet, drew a great sword and crushed a guard with one strike. The confusion allowed Impetus to sever the head of another guard, before Laurus disarmed Savdo Nelik.

After torturing him with the Dark Side of the Force and stabbing him in painful places for several minutes, Impetus pressed her katana through his neck, smiling as she watched the life fade from his eyes.

After the combat, Impetus turned her attention to the Wookie, Chalirr, sensing the Force coming from him. While conversation was difficult at first, Impetus didn’t speak Shyriiwook, she convinced him to join their academy. Chalirr, like Tonal’la, changed his name to something in Ryl, Laurus, meaning victory.

Impetus took him back to the Academy, where they developed a close bond across the language barrier. Her feelings for Laurus were unlike the love she had for Shaikanetsa, yet she knew she could trust him. To this day, Impetus and Laurus are rarely seen apart.

The True Dark Side of the Force

"I’m can’t delay my escape any longer, my love. You have to survive this Impetus, there’s no way I’m losing you here."
― Shaikanetsa, to Impetus before fleeing Ryloth.

The two trained together, Impetus’ speed and Force proficiency and Laurus’ raw strength made them a lethal team. Their time on Ryloth lasted two and a half years, until Impetus was 18.

Shaikanetsa started shouting from outside, and left in the Academy’s only ship, valuing his life above everything else. Through telepathy he told Impetus of his reasoning, trusting his love to understand. By that time there were 7 students in the Academy. They all rushed outside, to see four men walking towards the academy, in black robes. The activated their purple lightsabers upon sight of the inhabitants.

After a brief and pointless battle, only Laurus, Impetus and Scept’ine were left alive against the four Dark Jedi. Scept’ine had learned the Dark Side for himself, but these were true Dark Jedi. In a final stand, Scept’ine and Laurus managed to take down two of the attackers, but as they made to behead a third, the saber of the last cut through Scept’ine’s heart.

After that Laurus and Impetus were given a choice by the leader, Kschamehellan. To make up for the ones Scept’ine killed, or die like he did. They chose to accept the offer. They were searching for a Sith holocron, but Shaikanetsa had taken it with him.

Kschamehellan took them back to Judecca, and to Clan Scholae Palatinae, for them to continue their studies of the Dark Side of the Force.

An Unexpected Oppertunity

"I was pretty confident in you actually. HAD was slowly going downhill and we needed newblood like you."
―RevengeX, looking back on Impetus' time in HAD.

Upon training with the other students of Scholae Palatinae, Impetus soon realised the flaws in her Arcane Education on Ryloth. While she advanced to Protector in a matter of days, she stayed there for months, making slow, steady progress under the Mastership of Archpriest Kschamehellan, and in the company of Laurus.

There was nothing special about her beside her appearance. While she was fast, and skilled with the Force, she was overwhelmed by how many people surpassed her greatest skills. As she was just getting used to the life of a lowly protector, her career changed in a flash.

After her master deemed her proficient enough in the Force, Impetus was elevated to the rank of Guardian. But that was not the onlyy honor she recieved that day. In a move that stunned Scholae Palatinae, Mune Metsukai appointed Impetus his Aedile.

While there was alot of members sceptical about the leadership ability of the new Guardian, she put them right quickly, and went on to perform admirably in her new role. She also had a unique weapon crafted for her, The Lightwhip. The name was misleading, the weapon itself was merely a metal whip that glowed when activated, but it was lethal enough to stay as the twi'lek's primary weapon for quite some time.

A Foreign World


"Don't judge me too soon. You won't be sceptical when we're back even with Acclivis Draco."
―Impetus introducing herself to Caliburnus.

Impetus had served as Acclivis Draco's Aedile for about half a year, when a war broke out between the Sith Caliburnus and the Obelisk of Dorimad Sol, the other two houses of her clan. In a one sided battle, Caliburnus emerged victorious, and they merged with Dorimad Sol, keeping the HC identity.

Shortly after this, the Quaestor of Caliburnus, Warhunter, resigned from his post and went rogue. Even with the merge of Caliburnus and Dorimad Sol, Acclivis Draco was still recognised as the superior house in Scholae Palatine.

Then Consul Timbal Palpatine approached Impetus, believing the Krath Jedi Hunter was the one who would bring glory to the Sith House. Out of loyalty to Acclivis Draco, she at first rejected the offer, but then Timbal convinced her it would be best for the clan if she accepted.

To bring equillibrium to CSP was her task, and it looked to be by far the toughest task she had ever faced. She was given a rather hostile response by the Sith of Caliburnus, who were outraged that a Krath Jedi Hunter had been chosen to lead the Sith house.

The only Krath in her entire house, and surrounded by Sith and Obelisk. She didn't let herself be intimidated, just got on with her job, and was soon knighted. Even with her lightsaber, her Lightwhip was still her weapon of choice. It took about two months for her to ruely settle in Caliburnus, but even then, there was still a part of her missing after leaving Acclivis Draco.

Accelerated Inheritance

Impetus spent much of a tedious Great Jedi War behind her desk, planning the battles rather that actually participating in them. For her part in this, she was elevated to Priestess at the end of the war. As far as the brotherhood went, this was the peak of her life. She had found something that stretched her abilities to the limit, and where she was needed. But something was still missing. She had sworn vengeance that her father would pay the price for not teaching her the Force, and not saving her from slavery, but she had never done anything about it. Until now.




Coming Soon


Usually Impetus is seen in one of three sets of garments. The most common being the picture at the top of the page, typical black twi'leki clothes. These give no hiderance to her movement at all, and are often worn in a lightsaber duel, but the amount of yellow flesh shown often draws attention.

Impetus' Robes

On other occassions she is seen in deep grey robes, with detachable bracers, shown above. These are primarily worn whenever she wants to keep a lower profile, or where blades or blasters are likely, in which case the bracers would come in handy.

Finally, on formal occasions, Impetus will wear her Dark Jedi robes, pictured left.


Her calculating mind and occasionally blunt manner of sppech has left many to consider her cold and heartless, although those that actually know her see Impetus rather the opposite way. In casual conversation, she has a strong sense of etiquette and is usually very polite. She has an unshakable faith and loyalty to Scholae Palatinae. Since her first reckless act resulted in one and a half years of slavery, she has been left extremely cautious. Impetus will not hesitate to use any method when needed, often saying that she lost all sexual dignity on Tatooine, and she will almost always place the needs of her clan before that of her own. Often when faced with a difficult situation, Impetus will look to use her inhuman agility to find a quick way out of danger. As with all CSP members, she is especially fond of most animals.


High speed and agility.

Stronger Force abilities than most Krath Priests.

Is not afraid to use her voluptuous appearance to her advantage.

Unbreakable will.


Incredibly low physical strength and constitution.

Blind Loyalty to CSP.

Poor Force Resistance.

Removal of one lek will cause instant death.

Notable Possessions

The Dragon's Tail

The Dragon's Tail

A segmented whip with a low power adegan crystal in each shard, causing it to burn to considerable temperatures. The Dragon's Tail is a replacement for her 'Lightwhip', despite the name Impetus' lightwhip was merely a weaker version of her new whip. The lightwhip was destroyed in a duel with rival Quaestor RevengeX in the Caliburnus - Acclivis Draco feud. Upon her return, RevengeX ordered a replacement for her, The Dragon's Tail, as she was to become his first guard in the Dragon Order.

Dragon Hide

The Bracers on these armored robes have saved Impetus' life on many occassions. The robes and armour are the same that Impetus was given by Scept'ine. The robes were stolen and improved, then returned about the same time The Dragon's Tail was created. The material in the robes has become tougher, yet somehow more flexible, and the knife compartments allowed for more powerful weapons. With the return of the robes were Twi'leki lek bands, made to resist weak attacks to her lekku. WAfter these changes, she guessed Acclivis Draco involvement. In honor of this, the armor was re-named 'Dragon Hide'.

The Dragon's Whisker

Personalised for Impetus, 'Elegance' was a traditional Twi'leki Lyaer'tsa, a staff with a vibroblade on the end. It was created for her after her ascencion to the Sal'kaasa throne. while it was damaged in the HAD - HC feud, it was repaired and improved upon her return to Acclivis Draco with a more powerful and sharper vibrating blade. After this it was re-named 'Dragon's Whisker'.

Crown of the Sal'kaasa royal family

Rather obvious really, the ancient crown of Sal'kaasa, passed down through each royal bloodline.


No Explanation needed.

The Echo

Impetus' Personal starfighter

Feral Impetus

With extensive practice in her Clan's power of Animal Alteration, Impetus has developed a second form, pushing the power to it's limit. When Impetus uses the power, she will grow thick light brown fur over her yellow skin. Her hands will re-shape into paws, her nails growing into long, cat claws. Also, her face changes shape, her eyes narrow and start to emit light, her ears sharpen into points.

While still humanoid, Feral Impetus bears many features of a cat, in appearance and ability. Her agility is enhanced even further beyond the normal, and Augment Force uasage as Feral Imp can allow her to be one of the fastest movers in the Brotherhood. Her physical strength and reactions are also slightly enhanced, however she also takes on certain animal instincts, and fights as someone with no training at all. Also, her connection to the Force is weakened, but not cut off completely. Since Impetus often wears bracers on her arms, Feral Impetus also bears this armor, although doesn't know how to use it effectively. Lightsaber skill is reduced to jumping out of the way and making wild swipes until the weapon flies out of her hands.

The first to fight Feral Impetus was Archpriest Scorpius, in the ACC section of the RoS. The immaculate twi'lek spontaneously turned and dived through a blood fountain, becoming Feral Impetus in mid jump. She proceeded to maul Scorpius to death with her claws in the winning deathpost.

DJB Facts

Positions Held

Aedile of Acclivis Draco

Quaestor of Caliburnus

Outstanding Achievements

Impetus brought complete equilibrium to Clan Scholae Palatinae, by her leadership of House Caliburnus in a house feud. A feat thought impossible by some.


  • Unknown GRD Impetus was introduced to leadership the day after her promotion from PRT. At this point, she had no leadership experience at all, was hardly active besides IRC, and had little to no db knowledge, when Mune offered her an Aedile position. Questioning his sanity, she accepted the position and prospered in her new role, to the surprise of the house.
  • Impetus was the first Krath in Caliburnus, and was also named Quaestor on the day of her initiation (Feburary 1st, 2006)
  • 'Impetus' was originally a game name, Latin for attack or sudden motion. Later, after choosing the Brotherhood character of Impetus, Laurus discovered that Impetus was also a dance move, reflecting her history as a dancer.
  • Impetus obtained every Cross award without doubling up on any of them.
  • She is also the student of Kschamehellan.
  • Impetus has trained two students to DJK, Cethgus and Malaki, and has another in training, Dirus.