Kat Pridemore

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 20:19, 16 April 2007 by Vladek (talk | contribs)

Template:Krath charinfo

Character History

Kat Pridemore was born on Coruscant in 1 ABY to a family of traders, however - most others called them pirates. When Kat was in her teens, her elder brother in the family chose to join the Jedi Academy, causing the family to separate. Kat stole a small sum from the remaining family savings and ran away, taking only a small bag and her whip.

Kat developed a hatred of her brother and the Jedi for dividing the family,but at the same she was seeking out other adventures and companions. She ran into a few traders, and joined them. During this time, she discovered a knack for slight of hand, and it went well with her use of the whip. She moved from ship to ship, and providing little entertainment to pay her passage.

DJB Facts


  • Kat has an well earned reputation for the usage her whip in Clan Naga Sadow.
  • Kat is a Judge in the ACC.
