Shay Thelin

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Formerly featured articleRepublic eraImperial eraNew Order era.
Shay Thelin
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

23 BBY

Physical Description

Otolla Gungan




150 cm


67 kg





Personal Information



New Republic

Chronology & Political Information

Relic Hunter


Holocron Center of the Brotherhood

[ Source ]

Shay Thelin is an explorer, keeper of artifacts, and hunter of relics for the Holocron Center of the Brotherhood. Having a long history working with corporations and historical societies, she has become an adept in the search for relics across Brotherhood space and the galaxy.



Shay Thelin was born with the name Grenda on the moon Ohma-D'un in 23 BBY. Growing up during the Clone Wars, her parents wished to distract her and give her a sense of independence and so they made frequent trips into the swamps and underwater mounds of Ohma-D'un to shelter Grenda from the war going on in the galaxy.

Following the end of the Clone Wars and the establishment of the Galactic Empire, the Gungans, along with Grenda, had to follow more distinct laws that served to oppress their people under the heel of the Human Naboo population. Although Grenda was subservient to this regime, she still fostered independence inside of her.

Her family, having explored much of the planet on their own, reluctantly aided the Galactic Empire in placing strategic stations on the planet. For their service, they were spared much of the oppression that was placed on their friends and extended family. They also secretly became targets of the Rebel Alliance.


The added benefits of aiding the Empire did not allow the same benefits Humans had, but it gave greater freedom that Grenda would gladly accept. At the age of 17 she was given the opportunity to study in a civilian program involving history and archeology for the Galactic Empire. She studied there for 4 years, doing an additional 1 year of research on ancient Naboo artifacts (mostly dealing with the Gungan population).

However, to excel in future endeavors, she would have to take on a more Human-centric name. Rather than being angry, she was excited at the thought of sky rocketing her career, taking on the name Shay Thelin (Shay sounding attractive as a name, and Thelin being a famous Naboo scientist somewhere around 56 BBY). With the name change, she was able to get a job with the Firanor Archeological Organization, with whom she worked with for many years.


Maintaining differing contacts and continuing her education into a plethora of topics and subjects, it would all soon be taken away. Following the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the Death Star, her parents had also been assassinated by agents of the Rebel Alliance. With a massive crackdown occurring on Ohma-D'un, Shay Thelin was recalled by the Imperial authority on Naboo to answer questions regarding her family. Fearing that she may never be able to leave again, and would follow the fate of her people on the planet, she instead ran.

The Empire, believing her running may have part to do with the inability to admit guilt under pressure, slated her as a traitor and an enemy of the Galactic Empire. She became hunted by both the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, not having any allies anywhere for her to gain. It was in this state of existence she soon took a leave of absence from galactic events and became a recluse. But this did not stop her sense of exploration and search for ancient relics.

Traveling between neutral planets and off the beaten path places, she worked for a few different people and organizations just to get by. Searching for artifacts and such would allow her to continue her love of history and art while maintaining her identity a secret.


Eventually Shay was able to gain clients who had grandiose amounts of money and power, wanting hidden relics that went beyond the normal and average things she usually obtained. With the collapse of the Galactic Empire as it once was and the bringing about of the New Republic, Shay Thelin stuck her toes out into the public sphere again. She worked with low level archeological start ups to slowly gain her contacts and popularity back within the New Republic, keeping a usually low profile. She used her previous high level clients as funds to bring up these organizations.

She would never become famous in her fields, unless it was under a nickname. However, the heads of these now corporations were eventually approached by the Jedi Order in order to obtain hidden Jedi artifacts. Having never purposefully searched for holocrons before, Shay took this upon herself to look for the artifacts.


Shay spent the next 8 years (10 ABY - 18 ABY) looking for Jedi artifacts. She had accrued many and was going to use the artifacts as a way to fully display loyalty to the Jedi Order, reclaiming her lost name. However, someone had beaten her to the punch. With a treasure trove of both positive and negative force artifacts and holocrons, someone had revealed her past to the public and used it against her. The New Republic was now on the hunt for her yet again.

However, this time she had a friend and former client who had gotten involved in some secretive work. The client reached out and spoke of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, a secretive force organization that would aid her in her fight against the New Republic, which was already showing signs of crumbling. She trusted the client and he put her in touch with the Shadow Academy on Antei.

Presenting the artifacts to the Shadow Academy, Shay was given a position as researcher for the Shadow Academy. Eventually, when the Holocron Center of the Brotherhood would be given a new home, she would be placed here as the Chief Researcher and Field Advisor for such work.


Shay Thelin is an Otolla Gungan with orange/green skin. She displays wrinkles almost as a mark of pride, because it shows her wisdom and level of stress she has been through. She looks weary to the on-looker, but if one gets to know her that perception is destroyed almost instantly. She wears a dark green tunic tied with simple plated armor for exploration missions (also varying greens). She has a few scrapes and permanent scratches from past run-ins.


Shay Thelin is independent and neutral on most matters. She cares little for politics, but much for her work since it has dominated most of her life. She is subservient only insofar that it gives her freedom. Because of this, she is a happy and usually pleasant person, which distinguishes her from the usual angry civilians that empires attract. She also has no problem with letting people rise above her, considering she would rather keep her life than have it become wasted.

She has a soft spot for Clan Tarentum and Clan Plagueis, considering many of the best employees of the Shadow Academy come from their space, or have been led by Dark Jedi who are from those Clans.