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Appius Wight, dossier 15685

Appius Wight
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Date of Death:


Physical Description





6ft 4in









Personal Information



The Collective

Lightsaber Color(s):

Green, Single blades

Lightsaber Form(s):

Soresu, Sokan

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Sorcerer, Bounty Hunter




Clan Taldryan

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Farrin Xies Tarantae

Known apprentices:

Trenkyp Zkig



[ Source ]

Early Life

Appius Wight was born on Mandalore in 10ABY to Mandalorian Janeesa Clars and former Jedi Knight Sterion Wight. Janeesa died during childbirth and Sterion was left to raise Appius as a lone parent. When it was discovered his son was Force sensitive, Sterion began his training in the ways of the Jedi and the Force. Instilling the Jedi dogma of pacifism and peace into his son, thus leading to him experiencing the cultures of both the Mandalorians and the Jedi at the same time. Sterion also began Appius' training, but unfortunately he never got the chance to finish it with his son.

Appius grew up as a member of Clan Clars of Mandalore. During his young life, Appius was exposed first hand to the brutality of the old Galactic Empire as Mandalore struggled to rebuild itself.

Clan Clars is a clan of Mandalore that specialised in Vehicle customisation and dealership and was no stranger to violence as attacks occured frequently from bandits, thugs and even fellow Mandalorians looking to steal valuables. Sterion Wight would gain a reputation for thwarting these atracks, as would Appius once he became a teenager.

This exposure to Family and Violence did a lot to Appius in his young life. On the one hand, it made him kind, loving, caring and sensitive but on the other hand made him reclusive and introverted. Though he managed to retain much of his innocence until the death of Sterion Wight in 25ABY.

Leaving Mandalore

Up until 25ABY Appius lived on Mandalore with his Father and fellow members of Clan Clars who were pacifists by nature. However, word had spread throughout the Outer Rim territories and Appius and his father Sterion had gained the attention of a group of a splinter sect Collective group who hated Force users more than anything. They hunted down Sterion and Appius and a battle ensued resulting in Sterion Wight sacrificing himself so that his son could escape the planet. Appius was presumed dead by his family after this encounter.

On the Run

For 12 years following the battle on Mandalore in 25ABY Appius travelled from planet to planet in order to attempt to outrun the Collective. However, Appius was eventually caught and once again a battle ensued, only this time Appius was rescued by members of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. More specifically, from Clan Vizsla. After the battle he felt indebted to those who saved his life and was given the opportunity to join the Clan itself. He accepted, and was given means to transport to Zsoldos where his abilities would be put to use. Eventually, he would begin to embrace more of his Mandalorian heritage as he became more exposed to Clan Vizsla.

Physical Description

Appius is a relatively tall Mandalorian Force using human that stands at six foot four with pale skin and a slender body build with brown hair that he chooses to keep short to hide the fact his hairline is receding at the sides. He has deep blue eyes which display all that he is feeling at any given moment. He has long arms, hands and legs which are natural given his height. He has a horizontal scar across the left side of his body located where his left kidney used to be. The result of a plasma arrow that embedded itself into him during GJW XIII that destroyed his left kidney.


It came in the night...

After reaching the rank of Acolyte, one of Appius' first jobs within Clan Vizsla was to deliver a HH-Starhopper with resources to Yuanming. However, the ship was hacked and crash landed in the desserts on Jasper within the night.

With seemingly no where to go, he was attacked by Drax Callian, a Chiss riding a 74-Z speeder bike and the one responsible for hacking the ship in the first place. Appius was able to defeat him and spared his life after discovering Drax's reason for the attack, which was to take the ship itself and himself and his wife off planet to find a cure for his wife's infertility.

Appius convinced Drax to fix the ship and together the two made for Yuanming, with the promise Appius would put in a good word to the Vizsla leadership about him.

Great Jedi War XIII

During Great Jedi War XIII in the Lyra system, Appius managed to catch the attention of the man who would become his master, Farrin Xies Tarantae. During their first training session together on the Moon of Thillon they were ambushed by a group of Shikari Huntresses. They survived, though Appius was impaled by a plasma arrow in his left kidney which left him fatally wounded. He was taken to a nearby Vizsla Raider II-class Corvette for healing.

Lyra Colony

After being healed, Appius was left responsible for securing a landing zone on Lyra Colony for Clan Vizsla. He was successful and elite members of the Clan were able to launch an attack upon the Collective on Lyra Colony.

After the War

Harmonic Growth

At the end of Great Jedi War XIII, the Clans of the Brotherhood returned home to their base systems. The Vizsla forces were ordered by Declan Roark to return to Zsoldos and Appius went on ahead to give himself time to return to Mandalore for the first time since he left twelve years prior.

Upon entering the atmosphere his ship was attacked by two Firespray-31 Class patrol ships. Once Appius revealed his identity to them, he was given permission to land. Upon landing he was immediately surrounded and taken to the main chambers of Clan Clars where he was confronted by the sight of his older half brother, Brennius Clars.

After a heated discussion regarding why Appius did not return sooner and the current state of the family, which after being attacked repeatedly, now only contained them. Brennius was informed of a gang of Zabrak Mercenaries were holding several Clan Clars civilians hostage and were demanding to speak to Brennius himself. He left to confront them and Appius followed.

Upon reaching them. The Zabrak Mercenaries demanded Clan Clars weapons in exchange for the lives of the men, women and children being held captive. Brennius refused and after seeing no other alternative, Appius activated his lightsaber and threw it at the gang as it arched and decapitated the gang. The leader of the Zabrak Mercenaries, a man by the name of Grol, drew his blaster upon Appius only to be shot down by Brennius wielding his WESTAR 35's.

Several hours later after ensuring everyone was safe, Brennius saw Appius off as he left to return to Clan Vizsla and Zsoldos. The two reconciled and Brennius gave his younger brother his father's lightsaber which he had held onto since Sterion's death. He swore to help Appius find his wife, claiming her to be family too and Appius left Mandalore once again, this time knowing he could return at any time.

Confrontation with Mortuary Djale

After the war in the Lyra System, all units of Vizsla were ordered to return to Zsoldos, the Clan Vizsla base planet. However, he received a private message on his datapad from fellow Jedi and Vizsla clansman Mortuary Djale, asking him to meet in private on Kashyyyk. Upon arriving, Appius traversed the many canopies that still remained from the Clone Wars. When Mortuary confronted him, he discovered that a misunderstanding led to Mortuary accusing Appius of being a secret Collective agent. A tense battle ensued across the Kashyyyk canopies, which ended when Appius stabbed the Zabruk Jedi through the gut.

Being a Zabrak, Mortuary survived the injury, and Appius healed him enough to enable him to recover from the injury on his own. Thus allowing him to return back to Zsoldos uninterrupted.

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