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Imperial eraNew Order era.
[[File: |250px]]
Haran Urr
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 BBY (age 58)

Physical Description





1.9 m


81.6 kg





Personal Information

The Daegella Sisters, Jastra Vel, Wamaw

Fighting Style(s):

Imperial Standard

Chronology & Political Information



Councillor of Urr


Imperial era, New Order era



[ Source ]

"Tens hikikne. Hoko ruya pulyana oolwan spa steeka gush shuku ponoma three pe."
Greedo, a former bounty hunter

Haran Urr is a Rodian smuggler who currently operates under an exclusivity contract with Clan Odan-Urr. Hailing from Rodia, he grew up exposed to the strong anti-Imperial sentiment which permeated the steamy jungle world at the time of his adolescence, and operated within these circles. He flew a RZ-1 A-wing interceptor during several major and many minor engagements during the Galactic Civil War, until turning to a life of crime, shortly after the New Republic declared victory against the Empire and began to downsize its military. As a crack pilot and willing smuggler, he was in high demand, particularly within the Hutt Cartels, but yearned for the days of moral clarity he spent fighting for the Rebellion.

Character History

Growing up on Rodia (14 BBY - 0 BBY)

File:Rodia canon.png
The jungle world of Rodia

Haran was born to the Chosam Clan on Rodia--in the capital city of Iskayuuma--during the height of anti-Imperial sentiment on that world. Growing up in the most cosmopolitan region on Rodia, he was exposed to a plethora of both non-Rodians and comparatively advanced technology, and he showed an affinity for both, learning a number of alien languages (including Basic and Huttese) as well as learning to pilot basic air- and landspeeders. His parents, both heavily involved in clan politics both within and outside of the capital city, tailored his education to support these particular aptitudes, and, by his twelfth birthday, he was fully fluent in Huttese and Verpese, which he took up in order to better communicate with the clan's Verpine mechanic, while letting his Basic slip due to the anti-human attitudes popular at the time.

It was during this period of early adolescence that Haran's parents were both killed in a violent move against their property by a rival clan. While in most societies, this would leave the young Rodian an orphan, Rodians grow up quickly, and Haran was absorbed into the larger membership of Clan Chosam. His aunts and uncles enrolled him in what passed for a flight academy on Rodia, choosing to cater to his warlike tendencies over his diplomatic potential. They maintained the hope that he would graduate and pilot one of the, by this point, badly outdated [[starwars:z-95_headhunter|Z-95 Headhunters fielded by the clan in a variety of piratical activities throughout the Savareen Sector.

While at the Iskayuuma Flight School, Haran excelled as both a pilot and a technician, earning high praise from a variety of instructors and officials, including Peebb Ghos, the academy's top administrator, and a freighter pilot during the Clone Wars. It was this executive who, despite the young pilot's acclaim, prevented him from graduating and entering clan service in 1 BBY, citing a variety of paperwork and administrative issues. While, within a year, a third of what would have been Haran's graduating class had been killed in the brutal clan wars across both Rodia and the Savareen Sector, Haran remained at the academy, befuddled and forlorn at the humiliating halt in his academic progress, but unable to challenge the decision of the old and politically influential Rodian.

While repeating his final year at the flight school, Haran was mostly left to his own devices by the rest of the academy, students and instructional staff alike. He had already completed all of the required coursework and passed the required active and written exams in order to graduate with full honors, but remained in limbo. Much to his surprise, Peebb Ghos gave allowed him full access to the academy's resources, including its motorpool. As such, the young pilot passed the year continuing to hone his ability, pushing the simple and low quality training craft to their absolute limits, often shattering both long-held academy records and the internal workings of the starfighters. Above all, he became obsessed with pushing the limits of their speed, racing them above the dense jungles and fecund swamps, as well as through violent storms ever present across the Rodian planetscape.

It was after the destruction of Alderaan that Peebb Ghos approached Haran while the rest of the cadets slept and revealed his authentic motivations in preventing the candidate's graduation, as well as his ties to the growing Rebellion. While sympathetic, and much to his later embarrassment, Haran was unconvinced by Ghos's moral plea, but the promise of flying some of the most modern and nimble fighters in the galaxy swayed him almost immediately.

Rebellion and the Hutts (0 BBY - 28 ABY)

Rebel Alliance and New Republic (0 BBY - 14 ABY)

Despite being a talented pilot, and the destruction of Alderaan immediately preceding his "enlistment" in the Rebel Alliance, Haran was not sent to Yavin, but rather to the Mako-ta Space Docks in the Calamari Sector. Here he was commissioned as a lieutenant and he began his service to the Rebellion in a test squadron, known simply as Ochre Squadron. for a variety of modified R-22 Fighters, including the RZ-1 A-Wing variant.

Service to the Hutts (14 ABY - 28 ABY)

Smuggling for Odan-Urr (28 ABY - Present)


Appearance and Attire

Speech and Mannerisms




Jastra Vel


Positions Held
Before Position After
none High Councillor of Odan-Urr
28 ABY - 30 ABY
Drodik Va'lence al'Tor
Ronovi Tavisaen Proconsul of Tarentum
26 ABY
Who knows?
none Director of Satele Shan
33 - 34 ABY