Crimson Angel

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 20:19, 7 November 2016 by Selika (talk | contribs)
Crimson Angel
Production information

Vibre-class Assault Cruiser (VAC)

Technical specifications

100 Meters

Max speed (space):

Attack Speed

Max speed (atmosphere):


Hyperdrive rating:

x1 (Backup x15)


140 SBD


300 RU

  • Sensor Mask; Fire Arc: n/a; Attack Bonus: n/a, Damage: Special (+6 to DC of all Computer Use checks to find ship with sensors); Range Modifiers: n/a.
  • 4 Heavy Ion Cannons; Fire Arc: 2 front, 1 left, 1 right; Attack Bonus: +8 (+0 size, +4 crew, +4 fire control); Damage: Special; Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M +0, L -2.
  • 4 Light turbolasers; Fire Arc: Turret; Attack Bonus: +6 (+0 size, +4 crew, +2 fire control); Damage: 4d10x5; Range Modifiers: PB +0, S +0, M -2, L -4.
  • 2 Tractor Beam projectors; Fire Arc: 1 right, 1 left; Attack Bonus: +8 (+0 size, +4 crew, +4 fire control); Damage: Special; Range Modifiers: PB/S +0, M/L n/a.

60 Spacetroopers




Cargo capacity:

500 metric tons


Naga Sadow vessel

[ Source ]

Unknown History

Vessel Info


This Vibre-class assault cruiser is an honored and veteran combatant. After the official fall of the Empire, the weakened Imperial Remnant needed to find ways of making smaller vessels more efficient. The lure of much-needed resources grew too great for the Remnant Moffs to deny.

The Silvuit Corporation had the answer. This austere ship began her life as a commerce raider, crippling New Republic vessels in the Outer Rim and taking their resources for the struggling Imperial Remnant. The veteran ship saw service in many “acquisition and appropriation” operations before being boarded and taken by Clan Naga Sadow operatives when it strayed too far into the Orian system.

The lucrative mineral and personnel resources of the Dlarit Corporation were too much for the Remnant to ignore, and the assault cruiser was sent to steal and take what it could stealthily. The excellent design of sensor masks, tractor beams, heavy ion cannons, and turret-mounted weapons allowed the ship to steal some assets before the Nebulon Cruiser Foresight and her attendants caught it red-handed.

A subsequent boarding by Clan Naga Sadow troops and Dark Jedi stripped her of “operatives” and rendered the vessel fully into the loving hands of Clan Naga Sadow. Those willing to forsake their previous allegiances were press-ganged. Those that were not were summarily executed.

She has subsequently served her adopted Clan well, including service in many Clan and Brotherhood operations. The finest space troopers and Clan Naga Sadow assault assets grace her minimalist corridors. This hungry vessel greedily longs to gulp more resources for her Clan.