Drake Starfire

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Revision as of 17:56, 27 February 2015 by Drake Starfire (talk | contribs)
Drake Starfire Jr.
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

22 ABY

Date of Death:

never, lol

Physical Description





1.778 m


72.574 kg





Personal Information

Dr. Poopernickel

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):

Form Zero

Fighting Style(s):

Broken Gate

Chronology & Political Information

Pilot, Dark Jedi


Jedi Hunter


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era

Personal Ship:

"Storm Hawk" (X-Wing)

Known masters:

Zagro Fenn



[ Source ]

"Some men fear the idea of revolution, because if it were working properly, they'd be dead."
―Drake Starfire Sr.

Pre-Birth/ Childhood

Drake Starfire is the son of Damian Starfire, and the grandson of Jedi Master Drake Starfire (deceased from order 66.) Damian was a hot shot Rebel pilot ace, his X-Wing was specially war painted and was famously called "Storm Hawk". Damian entered the Rebellion at a very young age, and not much sooner after enlisting, he was assigned to one of the most elite Rebel pilot squadron known as "Dragon Squad". Starting as Dragon 4, Damian earned his way up into Dragon 2. But when he signed up for a highly dangerous mission, he had no idea it would be his last. The empire found out about the mission, and the Rebel death toll was catastrophic. Damian's X-Wing was heavily damaged, so he hyper-drived to the nearest planet, his home world of Tatooine. Not knowing if this would work, he prayed to the spirit of his father, Drake. Not knowing if he would listen, he pledged he would never fight as a soldier or a pilot any longer and would name his first born son after him. When Damian arrived at Tatooine in a barely successful jump, he crash landed. Still alive, Damien was rescued by a poor farm girl named Lily. Lily recovered Damien over the course of 3 months. When Damien was finally healed, he confessed his love for her and she confessed hers. They then got married, Damien retired from the Rebellion, and they opened up a Blue Milk factory (with Damien's money, and the cattle from lily's farm of course).

The Blue production became a hit success on Tatooine and pretty soon Damien and Lily were rich, sorta...(see, when you have a very large business, taxes and fees and salaries take up alot of the income from the business. So Damien and Lily were only seeing like 20% of the profit, which was still alot. They had no financial issues, no debt, but they were definitely NOT rich). After some years, Lily wanted to have a child more and more. When Damien finally agreed to stop wearing Space Trojans, they soon had her preggies, and Drake Starfire was born.

Drake was a gifted child; he learned how to fly at a very young age, and was one of the top students in his class. And he was even able to skip a few grades. As the heir to a great blue milk empire he became known as the mascot during commercial advertising. He became well known on tatooine and helped his father create armor that dispensed blue milk, and a starfighter with two cup holders.

"Come on guys, you don't wanna see a poor handsome kid in the streets right? So buy my Blue Milk!"
―Drake Starfire Jr.

Early Career

Graduating top of his class, the young teenager had options given to him, join the academy for the republic military, or join the academy to become a diplomat. He choose neither, and instead followed a encrypted message to Aurora Prime and met Landon Cruise, who then was the commander of the Auroran Aces, Alpha Squadron, of the TIE corps.

Drake joined the TIE corps, an elite Imperial Navy that only accepted the best. Most recruits never make it past cadet and get put into the regular program as enlisted being mediocre or are just thrown away. But of course, Drake graduated, beating every requirement and was assigned to Alpha Squadron.

Physical Description

Drake, being probably the only human you will ever see with natural blue hair, isn't all that special physically. He his tallish for a human yes, and weighs at an average standpoint. Though he wears robes that cover his entire upper and lower body, you cannot see that his figure is chiseled and fit to its peak, he is not however a bulky and body building giant. he just is physically fit, and has the abs to show for his hard work.

Personality and traits

Aside from being a rampaging warrior on the battlefield, and a destroyer of unimaginable heights as a pilot, he his still and always will be that off the wall guy that you may hate to love. But he is always serious when it comes to combat, and may tend to still underestimate things when he becomes prideful.

Drake is easy to adapt to harsh climates and conditions, and due to strenuous training in the form of the Broken Gate, he is able to perform tasks while burdened with heavy weight. he has also been boasted to have Iron Skin and Lightning Reflexes.

Powers and abilities

Though Drake is new to his Sith training, he has picked up some force powers to help him along the way to becoming a master of the dark side, like Amplification, Mind Trick,and Control Self.

Drake has had some experience with fighting in his early career as well as being a pilot, He is proficient In piloting Star fighters, using Bladed Weapons, And In his primary Martial Art, Broken Gate.


Drake Starfire was originally a Star Wars D&D pencil and paper RPG character. As a Jedi Padawan during the "Clone Wars". During the campaign,Drake had become a power ranger, owner of an ancient parasite that gave him sith powers (pretty much Spawn, you know, that black guy with that weird cape thing...). Defeated werewolves and vampires, Tag teamed with count dooku (because he was a good guy in the campaign), and eventually became a Jedi Knight and had to carry around his "Padawan" because he would be knocked out in one hit. Oh and btw, he got to meet superman... And killed an entire race by dropping a building on them... and even saw his home ship crash into the building he just jumped out of.

Drake Starfire also had a debut in the Emperors Hammer, and was an accomplished pilot in the TIE corps, before leaving to join the DJB.