Turel Sorenn
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Turel Sorenn | |
Biographical Information | |
Homeworld: | |
Date of Birth: |
8BBY, Nar Shaddaa (Currently 45 years old) |
Physical Description | |
Species: | |
Gender: |
Male |
Height: |
1.8m (5'11") |
Weight: |
77kg (170lbs) |
Hair: |
Black with some gray |
Eyes: |
Green |
Cybernetics: |
Right arm from elbow down. |
Personal Information | |
Allies: | |
Enemies: | |
Lightsaber Color(s): | |
Fighting Style(s): | |
Chronology & Political Information | |
Affiliation: | |
Known masters: | |
Dossier: | |
[ Source ] |
Turel Sorenn is a Human male and a Jedi Guardian of House Odan-Urr. Turel grew up on Nar Shaddaa and spent most of his adult life working for the Hutt Cartel rising from low-level enforcer to senior lieutenant. After betraying his employer in 33ABY the Hutts placed a sizable bounty on his head. Turel evaded Hutt bounty hunters for 3 years until crash landing on New Tython. Tired from years on the run and wishing to atone for his checkered past, Turel agreed to join House Odan-Urr and train as a Jedi.
Character History
Early life {8 BBY - 10 ABY}
Turel was born on Nar Shaddaa as the youngest son of a Hutt Lieutenant and a cantina owner. His family was not wealthy by galactic standards but was relatively well off by Nar Shaddaa standards. Turel was immersed into the underworld at a very young age as he spent a lot of time helping in his mother's cantina. His mother tried to keep him away from his father's unseemly work but as Turel grew into a teenager he grew increasingly curious about the darker side of the family business.
As a teenager Turel began to learn how to fight and shoot from his father and older brother. He would try to apply his fighting lessons in the streets of Nar Shadddaa with mixed success.
The 'Family Business' {10 ABY - 32 ABY}
After Turel turned 18 his father felt he was ready to start working in the lower echelons of the Hutt cartel. He started out as extra muscle on simple jobs like protection rackets, spice deals, and smuggling. As he proved himself an effective foot soldier he graduated on to bigger tasks like raids against rival gangs, high value asset security and complex heists.
By 20 ABY Turel had accumulated a voluminous criminal record and thoroughly proven himself to his Hutt superiors. He was elevated to his father's former position as chief enforcer for the Hutt Underboss Vreecha Anjiliac. He excelled in this position as he was the chief of security and de facto commander of the organization's muscle.
Turel was forced to evacuate Nar Shaddaa during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The destruction of Nar Shaddaa by the Yuuzhan Vong in 27 ABY had a profound impact on Turel as nearly everything and everyone he knew in his life now lay in a smoldering ruin. Turel and the surviving members of his organization relocated to Tattoonie and joined the Hutt underground to fight the Yuuzhan Vong. While his prior experience in the underworld had made him a adept guerrilla fighter, his war record contains little of note beyond a few successful raids against the Vong.
After the war Turel resumed his position in Vreecha's organization and played a large role in reestablishing it on the recovering Nar Shaddaa. Despite his nominal return, the war had changed Turel. The Yuuzhan Vong had shown him the true face of evil. Fighting the Vong had given temporarily given Turel a higher purpose than simply expanding a corrupt criminal enterprise. The destruction of Nar Shaddaa had also placed Turel in the role of victim. For the first time in his life he began to seriously question what he was doing. The destruction of his own life had forced him to confront the times where he had destroyed the lives of others. At this point he did not know what he wanted to do with his life, but he knew he did not want to continue down the path he had been on.
Turel continued to work for the Hutts but focused more and more on the physical security aspect of his position rather than leading actual jobs. In 32 ABY he was secretly approached by his brother Zephon and asked to provide critical information on Hutt security protocols and procedures. Turel provided the data which Zephon used to conduct a successful raid against a Hutt Crime Boss on behalf of the splinter Imperial Remnant faction Emperor's Hammer. The Hutts found out that Turel had provided the insider information and quietly ordered his assassination.
The bounty hunter hired to kill Turel opted to use a firebomb in his apartment. The bounty hunter was sloppy as he failed to verify that Turel had actually died in the bombing. Turel narrowly survived, but only because he got a "bad feeling" as a result of his force sensitivity and was on his way out of the apartment when the bomb exploded. Turel lost most of his right arm in the attack and bears heavy scars to this day along the entire right side of his body from the incident.
Turel spent 6 months under an alias recovering from his injuries. He contacted Zephon after his initial stabilization who used his connections to get Turel off-world and into better medical care in the Aurora Sector. Zephon also funded the fabrication and surgery installing Turel's prosthetic right arm. Turel was grateful for his brother's assistance and for a chance to reconnect with the only real family he had left. This renewed affection made Turel's decision to refuse Zephon's offer to join him in the Emperor's Hammer strike fleet that much more painful. Turel was still unsure of what he wanted to do and was very hostile to joining up with Imperials, who he viewed as agents of oppression. Turel said his goodbyes to his brother and left to pursue his own path in the universe.
The one thing Turel was sure of was his personal need for vengeance against his former employer. Turel returned to Nar Shaddaa and set about locating his former employer Vreecha. It didn't take long for Turel to find Vreecha and to realize that little had changed in the organization during his absence. Using his inside knowledge of the organization security protocols Turel was able to successfully plant a bomb in the Hutt's audience chamber. Turel planted a small, yet sufficient, amount of explosive in Vreecha's throne. The small explosive detonated during Vreecha's morning meeting with his lieutenants. The Hutt's corpulent form absorbed most of the force of the blast thus saving the witnesses from serious injury. Vreecha's massive body exploded covering every inch of the audience chamber and it's occupants in Hutt entrails. A holophoto of Turel making an obscene gesture with the caption "payback!" was found in Vreecha's quarters after the bombing.
On the Run {33 ABY - 36 ABY}
A Fresh Start {36 ABY - Present}
Physical Appearance
Turel is a human male of average height. Standing at five feet and eleven inches, he weighs in at around one hundred an seventy pounds and possesses the svelte build and muscle tone of a welterweight fighter. Turel keeps his salt and pepper hair in a short, military style cut. Turel hates shaving so he usually has stubble or a short cut beard in the same salt and pepper color as his hair. His bright green eyes and cocksure smile convey the confidence of a man who has beaten the odds multiple times and knows it. Despite his outward confidence and initial warmth Turel also has the face of a man for whom the passage of time and countless fights have taken their toll. He has light scarring on the right side of his face, heavy scarring on the right side of his torso and a cybernetic right arm from a failed attempt against his life. His prosthetic right arm extends from the elbow down. Turel opted for a reinforced metal finish as opposed to a skin graft making his prosthesis plainly visible when he doesn't wear long sleeves and gloves.
Turel prefers function over form when it comes to attire. He typically wears dark colored clothing of a utilitarian, yet stylish, nature. He wears a form-fitting jacket, gloves, pants, and boots. He also wears a functional belt containing his lightsaber, grenades and two holsters for his blaster pistols.
- Turel's Warbanner and the fact that he named his blaster pistols "Celestia" and "Luna" are not-so-subtle nods to the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
- Turel's occasionally referenced in-character brother Zephon is actually a reference to the author's alternate persona in the EHDB