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Zednich is an Sith Jedi Hunter currently serving on Battleteam Ajunta Pall in House Plagueis.
Character History
Early Life
Zednich Wolfram was born on a cold unforgiving planet called Garnib. Garnib is a moonless planet covered in glaciers and one main ocean at the equator. His father and mother ran to the Outer Rim in search of sanctuary after the Hutts put a bounty on his father’s head. Together they made a nice life for themselves and gave birth to Zednich. Zed did not remember much of his father because he died when Zed was thirteen years old. Zed’s father worked for the Garnib Crystal Corporation and died when the mine where he was working caved in. Without a father Zed became very self reliant. As a result of suffering such a loss, he formed strong bonds with friends. Zednich’s loyalty can be seen in his devotion to fellow troops and Brotherhood members. As Zed got older he wanted to do his duty for the galaxy and joined Alliance Defense Force. Zed’s mother comes from Taanab. After the death of her husband and the departure of her son, she moved back to Taanab. She lives on a small farm raising animals. Zed still visits his mother, but he does so in secret. With all his enemies in the galaxy, he does not want any one following him to her home. If any enemy were to harm Zed’s mother, they would face a wrath never before seen.
31-37 ABY
Zed joined the Galactic Alliance Defense Force as soon as he was of age. He was placed in the Army due to his excellent marksmanship, and served in many battles climbing to the rank of Lieutenant before resigning his commission. In 36 ABY Lieutenant Zednich Wolfram was decorated at the Battle of the Murgo Choke during the Swarm War. Zed and his men boarded one of the Killiks ships in an attempt to kill or capture Lomi Plo. The Defense Force Company battled their way through the ship. The company of men worked their way to the control center and while on the way there the company was cut in half. Zed used the airducts to crawl down the corridor and link up with the surrounded men. Zed coordinated a counter attack and crawled back to the main body of troops. On the way back the Killiks troops knew Zed was in the airducts and shredded them with blaster fire. Zed escaped with only burn marks on his hip and shoulder from blaster rounds grazing him. Later in the control center a thermal detonator was thrown in. Zed dove at the explosive and threw it back before it went off. Although Lomi Plo was not in that ship Zed and his company collected critical data on the Killiks.
37 ABY - Present Day
Darth Plagueis Urn
Zed joined the Dark Jedi Brotherhood during the Dark Crusades. Zed chased down a demented Jedi Knight named Xirpoc to Ziost. Xirpoc was a corrupt Jedi selling Jedi and Republic military secrets. When the Jedi were closing in on Xirpoc he orchestrated an ambush on Athiss to fake his own death. All of the men in Zed’s platoon were killed during the ambush. Zed survived but not without injury. In the recovery center Zed asked permission to go after Xirpoc but was told the situation was “Jedi business” and to stay away. Zednich resigned his military commission and went after Xirpoc anyways. Zed and Xirpoc had the final showdown at Ajunta Pall's Citadel. Zednich carved his way through eight platoons of Churhee's Riflemen guarding Xirpoc. Zed stealthily killed only the riflemen required to meet his objective. Xirpoc was responsible for the deaths of all Zed’s men in the Galactic Defense Force. Zed was hell bent on revenge for his men, and killed Xirpoc by cutting off his head with his own lightsaber. Zed suffered heavy internal injuries and dislocated bones from his battle. Zed was captured by the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and escorted to a prison camp. Valhavoc came across the former soldier in his cell and sensed his latent Force abilities and strength. Val put Zed on the shuttle and sent him to the Shadow Academy to prove his merit.
During his time at the Shadow Academy Zed excelled. Valhavoc wanted to see if the Sith was worthy of being his apprentice and sent him on a special mission. Zed was sent to Iridoniato retrieve a piece the urn that held the remains of Darth Plagueis. The urn clip was on the top of a mountain which Zed had to climb. At the start of the mountain trail Zed battled three Zabraks which he killed. Once reaching the top of the mountain Zed was met by an unexpected surprise. A fellow Shadow Academy student named Ski wanted to be Valhavoc’s apprentice. Her plan was to kill Zednich and take the piece of urn back to Val becoming his apprentice. Zed suffered burns on his neck from Ski’s Force shock attack. Zed killed Ski by cutting her legs off and using the Force to push her into an acid pit.
File:Ajunta Pall’s Citadel.jpegAjunta Pall's Citadel on Ziost
Currently Zed is traveling the galaxy completing his Dark Jedi Knight Trails.
Personality and Traits
Zednich is completely loyal to the members of House Plagueis. Everyone else is an enemy waiting to be destroyed in his eyes. Zed lives to be a warrior and war is his drug. Zed fights honorably but will kill ruthlessly. When not in battle Zed is doing whatever he can to earn promotions and learn more warfare. Zed is a smart fighter who never attacks without having a plan. He is driven and should never be crossed. Zed has a long memory and does not forgive.
Zed carries a armory style lightsaber with a red blade. Along with his lightsaber he carries a DL-44 blaster as a backup. Zed is proficient in Hapan martial arts and trained in Broken Gate martial arts.
Zed wears black and grey sentry style robes with his cloak up to cover his face. The red trim symbolizes Zed belongs to the Order of the Sith.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Loyal soldier for the House Plagueis in Battle Team Ajunta Pall.
Outstanding Achievements
Zed is most proud of the Gold Nova he won during The Dark Crusade in 37 ABY.
Zednich Wolfram is named after a mineral called Wolframite. The chemical formula for Wolframite is (Fe,Mn)WO4. It is an iron manganese tungstate mineral. The minerals Ferberite, Huebernite, and Scheelite make up the wolframite series. This series of minerals are the most important tungsten ore minerals.