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- "My name is Wes Biriuk. You may have heard of me."
- ―Wes Biriuk, speaking to the Erinos family members at the funeral of Xar'Kahn
Character History
Wes Biriuk was born Wesson Lyall Rikkr in 15 ABY as the first child of Dhet Rikkr, his father, and Aliasa Rikkr, his mother.
<massive story missing><will endeavour to complete at some point soon>
Once Soulfire had been decommissioned, Wes found himself with no direction and no purpose. Never in his life had he not known what to do with himself. He spent a lot of time alone, simply passing time. In this time he has withdrawn into himself, others would say he is somewhat different to the man they knew in Soulfire.
Physical Decription
Wes' tall and broad-shouldered physique is the perfect frame from which to build up a large, if slightly under-toned, body of muscle. His mid-length black, wavy locks and rugged but well-kept beard draw your focus to his piercing blue eyes that create a striking contrast with his bronze skin. His skin seemingly glows slightly to enhance his figure.
As an Erinos and a Mandalorian, Wes wears his full battle armour (see Armour below) in most circumstances. When appearing in formal Arconan or Bortherhood events the Corellian will wear his "Wraith" robes (an Arconan award for winning 1st place in the Horizons vendetta). Otherwise when doing personal training or where combat armour is excessive he prefers clothing that will give him the full range of movement he requires should he need it. Black loose-fitting pants held up by a belt and heavy soldiers boots are the extent of his attire. Bare-chested and brutal.
Wes has always been quietly angry, but has put on a happy face for as long as he has known how to control himself. He finds being happy is a chore but definitely makes life easier. Wes likes to be the "funny guy" and his humour comes in the form of cracking one-liners. In battle, Wes will give away with conversation for the most part, preferring to focus on the task at hand. His facade could come off as overly nice and often lands him with people not liking him because they feel that it is forced. Wes has a very short span for idiocy, so short that even his exceedingly nice facade cannot contain it. Part of the reason he took up Xar's offer of Dark Jedi training was to be able to let the curtain fall. He wishes to be able to be himself, although he doesn't really know or understand what that means. He will never intentionally hurt or betray those he feels are on his side.
During his time under Xar'Kahn and further when he was in Soulfire, Wes became infatuated with the Mandolorian culture and language. Wes can hold a basic conversation in Mando'a with his Erinos brethren and often finds himself thinking in his second-tongue.
Since Soulfire was disbanded one could say that Wes has not been the same person. He has withdrawn into himself is less "himself". He is more aggressive and less tolerant. He still tries to wear his mask of happiness but it is fracturing.
Wes serves Arcona as a heavy assault gunner and demolitions expert. He is also a capable sniper. No matter what the situation Wes always carries a meat cleaver (called "Da'Vaab") at his right hip for the up-close and personal combat instances. Wes, as an ex-member of Soulfire Strike Team, has become accustomed to a certain standard and level of operational preparedness. Depending on the mission and circumstance Wes will gear up in the following ways.
Upon attaining the rank of Jedi Hunter, Wes was presented with a choice of blueprints in order to create his own lightsaber. Creating it would be one part of his required service in order to attain the rank of a full-fledged Dark Jedi Knight. Wes chose the "Shadow" and his last act as a Jedi Hunter was to ignite its royal blue blade.
Neo-Crusader Armor, Wes' is bigger
Wes has kept his Dar'Verd Combat Environment Suit (DV-CES) from his time in Soulfire and wears it religiously on combat missions.
Heavy Assault Gunner
- KX-80 Modified Blaster Rifle (Locris Syndicated MGL-1 MicroGrenade Launcher)
- PLX-2M Missile Launcher
- Silenced SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)
- Flashbang/EMP Grenades (6)
- EAGs (2)
- Explosive Tape (20 meters)
- Breaching Charges (4)
Demolition Equipment
- Shaped Explosives (4 kg)
- Explosive Tape (100m)
- Proton Grenades (10)
- Thermal Detonators (3)
- Remote Detonator (5)
- Motion Detonator (5)
- Timed Detonator (5)
- Adhesive Spray
- Verpine Projectile Rifle
- Silenced SSK-7 Heavy Blaster Pistol
- Fragmentation Grenades (5)
- Flashbang/EMP Grenades (6)
- EAGs (2)
- Explosive Tape (20 meters)
- Breaching Charges (4)
- Directional Eves Dropper (1)
- MiniCam (3)
- Bipod
- Ghillie Suit
- spotter scope
- for Verpine Rifle -
- Standard Round Clip (5)
- EM Dust Clip (1)
- Explosive Round Clip (3)
- 2-stage Round Clip (1)
- Smoke Grenade Rounds (3)
- AP Round Clip (2)
DJB Facts