While the original builders are unknown, many think the fortress of De’hnaalia was built by now extinct locals long ago to take refuge in, store weaponry, and as a seat of power. Used later on by pirates for must of the same reasons. Current dating suggests the fortress is thousands years old; possibly predating the Galactic Republic. Evidence to support this was found in one of the caves deep in the catacombs under the fortress. There a weapon museums can't even get their hands on was found. It predates all energy weapons and its name has since been lost to time. The fortress was literally carved into the side of a mountain on Yridia IV. The stone is extremely resistant to weathering forces and so it had not changed much since the day it was created. When House Tarentum's explorers found this fortress it was considered as a place for the Clan to reside until it was discovered that it can easily be detected from orbit. Wanting more secrecy, the Clan foundered moved in system, forgetting about the stone fortress until recently.
A Detailed Report
With a growing population on Yridia IV the fortress suddenly became more of an importance. Not wanting any extremists claiming residence within the walls, the Clan quickly set to work securing the facility. It is now under the jurisdiction of the reverted house.After Time and consideration, the leadership of Tarentum decided to send a scouting team into the mountains do uncover the secrets of the complex. Under original observations on the structure of the facility initial reports suggest that this complex has been vacated for some time. Previous reports dates, the original structures (cave and built in structures), at about 1000 years old. Preliminary tests on geological and soil samples suggest that this complex has been settled and leveled thousands of times over thousands of years. Sonic and ground mapping devices shows complex network of caves and structures not seen from above ground. Also the permafrost is solid at this altitude, meaning that this place at one time must have been buried by the heavy glacier activity in this region of Yardia.
Scans and Probes
Satellite imagery suggests heavy glacier movement through the valley and on the mountain side just north of the complex. This suggests that this was designed to hide the facility from space observation. Two other entrances to the facility have been found but since have been closed off by heavy ice buildup due to how they face the climate on that face of the mountain. Strong energy signatures have been detected deep within the mountain. This signature suggests some type of thermo-hydo power facility. From the signature analysis everything still seems to be working at safe levels. From the last failed scouting report from inside the facility were reports of “worker robots” looped to continually repair essential systems in the complex. These were rumored to be left by the eccentric pirates that inhabited the facility previously.
Hangars and Access
Indications from orbital scans have found heavy traces of fuel and known outdated technology radiation signatures. However no visible indications of a dock or an opening exist. Speculation on whether the outdated technology still would work or the cost of rehabbing the old docks would take. The size of the structure from orbital sonic scans suggest that 3 or 4 freighters could dock or a squad of star fighters could do turn around repairs in the space provided. Rumors are that local pirates used this facility and this would have been their main entrance point.
Areal approach is limited by the ever changing arctic climate. Strong winds continually blow swiftly around the cliff faces, making this a tricky insertion to the facility. Also there is barely enough room in front of the gates to land any craft larger than a speeder.After dismantling the outer secure door on the northwest face entrance the recon team noticed that the outer rim of cave structures was left primitive and cut directly from the native mountain rock.
Preliminary defenses seem crude at best. All forms of technology on the outer scans suggest that poor upkeep and the elements have degraded over time. Many of the outer defenses are the complexity to gain access to the inner sanctum. The complex itself is situated on the peak of a large mountain. There are no roads so approach on foot would be treacherous with the local vegetation and beastly dwellings.
There are checkpoints and robotic gun encampments. These structures seemed to have been left seemed to have been left active and had to be disabled manually. After making way to the command and control center, detailed reports suggested that the primitive computer infrastructure was encrypted using an archaic algorithm. After the mainframe was sliced and rerouted using a data collecting recon android.
Archived Data
Extensive records were kept in the mainframe regarding the pirate activities. Major reconstruction and repurposing efforts have been made to the complex. However deeper diving into the data suggests that there is a hidden cavern deep in the storage cavern. First recon teams sent to map and explore the deeper caves were turned back by what was described as a “strange sensation”.
Strange Feelings
Rports talked about how when they broke the original seal that they felt as if they were shrouded in darkness.

The second team brought back images of ancient Sith cave drawings and ancient tools of construction. Evidence suggests that slaves were used to build this complex using primitive tools. The paintings suggest that space faring peoples enslaved the populace.
The report goes on to describe how there are indications of a temple built underneath the main complex. These are unfounded as since the second team could not venture past the first atrium cave. A sith exploratory team needs to be dispatched to explore deeper into the deeper cave system. Geological reports deeper in the cave system there is immense crystalline structures which could be very valuable in the creation of Sith technology. Also there were reports of anomalous biological readings however no contact was made.
Into the Unknown
The Gathering
After delivery of the survey report Anshar quickly rounded up a group of Tarentae to head to the complex. The orders were to figure out the origins of the deep rooted force energies felt emanating from the complex. After using a quick insertion skiff the Dark Jedi quickly gained access to the main hall on the upper level. Assembled with Anshar were Tor'fel, Jason Hunter, MERLANCE, Dranik, Egregious, Saronyx and a few other lesser house mates.
Divide And Concurred
There was then the order of them to split into team to search the complex for usefull Items that Tarentum could exploit. One Team Lead By Egregious to ferret out the power systems of the complex. Jason Hunter to investigate the hangars, and Anshar him self to go to the supposed temple with "Strange Feelings". Both the generator rooms and the Hangar were infested with the force sensitive beasts known as Ice Devils. Using their resistances to cold and their force sharpened cunning to hunt in the frozen peaks of the mountain complex. The Beasts seemed to have a pack mentality that led to the ambush of the two groups. However being Dark Jedi and having the force on there side they made short work of the beasts. Egregious, Merlance and Saronyx made headway in the generation room bringing systems online in the complex.
The droid Rx-9, left but pirate squatters that lived in the upper reigions in the past, was tasked with maintaining the structure. Frogotten over time the droid retasked the other droids in the complex to loop and repair key systems to the complex's main function. The droid was useful in re tasking the droids to bring power systems online but was destroyed by MERLANCE's blade. Meanwhile in the hangar Jason Hunter and Tor'fel found a ship of ancient design. After Tor'fel hacked the ships computer he was able to gain access the origin matrix of the systems navicomputer.
Releasing the Beast
Anshar and Dranik were tasked with searching the vault room with the large seal on the floor. Dranik inadvertently released the terror know as Tarcotak. The beast had unknown powers and was then reveled it was a servant of the keepers. It is still unknown if the place was built to restrain the beast or if the place was just converted to hold the creature. The beast claimed the lives of two wayward house mates that were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Their bodies were mutilated beyond recognition. After further investigation it would seem that the best can transform its limbs to adapt into a formidable weapon.
Killing with Sacrifice
With great effort the members of Tarentum destroyed the Tarcotak. However what the beasts origin and true propose is still a mystery. Anshar used an unknown technique to further kill the beasts spirit presence. Further investigation is still being preformed by the members of the house. The courageous efforts of Jason Hunter, combined with the quick thinking of Egregious, Jason Hunter sacrificed his arm and planting a thermal detonator in the chest of the beast, through the hole created by Egregious's exploding Vibro-sword.