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"Never break the neutrality of a port or place, but never consider as neutral any place from whence an attack is allowed to be made." - Horatio Nelson
Template:Individual ship infobox
The Platorm
Omicron orbits the planet Kapsina in the Jusadih System. The platform is to serve as a place of neutrality where the Clan can conduct negotiations with the Dark Council, or members of other politcal groups. It will aslo serve as the main quarters of the Clan Envoy. From here, he/she can monitor all happenings in the system. There are several types of accomadations and special points of interest within the platform.
It contains 6 wards that hang from the main platform dock. Each ward is responsible for a specific task. They are seperate nodes which can detach from the main platform hub and have limited thrusters for maneuvering and entry/re-entry. They can land on the planet and become planetary stations that can later re-join the hub. They have no weapons systems and are usually escorted by a fighter squadron or a nearby Clan Star Destroyer.
Main Points of Interest on the Platform
There are several important places aboard the platform. Each has a purpose and each makes the station more unique than other stations in the galaxy.
The Tel'Vasa Room
The Tel'Vasa Room is the main conference room of the platform. This room allows for the larger parties of dignitaries to gather and discuss business in an open forum. The meeting is always governed by the Summit member of the highest position on the platform. If the Consul is not present, the duty falls to the Proconsul, and so on down the line.
The Tel'Minros Room
The Tel'Minros Room is the secondary conferenece room. It is mainly used for smaller meetings with few diginitaries.
Ward 1: Par Donik
This ward is the Science ward. It is responsible for research of new technologies and study of the Jusadih System and its many resources.
The name Par Donik means 'of discovery'
Ward 2: Par Vorsa
This ward is the Medical ward. They are responsible for developing new vaccines for diseases and enhancements to bio-weapons. They are also responsible for the welfare of the station's personnel and crew.
The name Par Vorsa means 'of healing'
Ward 3: Par Sakra
This ward is the crew housing ward. All crew members have quarters here. There are recreation facilities and training facilities on this ward that allow the crew to keep in shape and hone their skills.
The name Par Sakra means 'of defense'
Ward 4: Par Yorin
This ward is where the State and Grand quarters are.
The name Par Yorin means 'of honor'
Ward 5: Par Zaranys
This ward is where the general station compliment reside.
The name Par Zaranys means 'of necessity'
Ward 6: Par Jyla
This ward is the Entertainment ward. It contains casinos, recreation facilities, cantinas, holo-suites, and other pleasurable endeavours.
The name Par Jyla means 'of pleasure'
Living Quarters
There are four types of living quarters on board the platform; State, Grand, General and Crew Quarters. Each has a specific level of comfort and furnishings.
State Quarters
There are 30 State Quarters, reserved for members of the Clan Summit, the Clan Envoy and Dark Council members (should they be on the station) Each room is fully funished (bed, three seated couch, loveseat, vidscreen, table, desk, workstation, lavatory, soaking pool, and small supply of Plagueis' finest spirits and beverages) and in some cases, decorated according to which House the member is from.
Grand Quarters
There are 100 State Quarters, reserved for honored diplomats and political members. Each room comes furnised with a bed, twin seated couch, table, desk, workstation, lavatory and have minimal decorations.
General Quarters
These make up the bulk of the living quarters on the station. Each ward boasts appox. 500 of these. They are more sparse than the Grand quarters, and come only with a bed, workstation and lavatory.
Crew Quarters
The crew quarters are very sparse and are shared between two crewmen of the same sex. Contained within it are two bunks, a lavatory and shared terminal.