Zandro Savric Erinos

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Zandro Savric Erinos is currently a member of Soulfire in Clan Arcona.

Template:Sith charinfo

Character History

Early Life

Born on Yaga Minor as the younger brother of Xayun Erinos, Zandro was similar to his brother in many respects. As they grew up they were close, both staunchly opposed to the Rebel Alliance and New Republic, both wishing to someday become fighter pilots who could go to the front lines and take the fight to the people they believed were trying to ruin them and all they believed in. When his brother left, he began to grow closer to his two sisters, but was worried by their decidedly un-Imperial views and there were regular arguments between Zandro and his sisters over who was doing the right thing for the Galaxy in the ongoing conflict. Their differences in views didn’t keep the siblings from being close, but did worry Zandro that he may have relatives who would end up on the wrong side of the war. However, as he came of age, he forgot this, bid farewell to his family and followed his brother into the Navy, although the one he joined was slightly different than that of Xayun; The Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet was Zandro’s destination.

Using an assumed name in a bid to try and gain a reputation for himself instead of living with his fathers reputation as a pilot, Zandro, now known as Chris Cox to those in the EH, sped through training in relatively quick time before being placed in Viper Squadron aboard the ISD Intrepid. As time went on, his superiors decided to allow the young man to command his own squadron and he was transferred to Asp squadron on the Intrepid and promoted to the rank of Commander. He quickly secured a promotion to the rank of Captain and was beginning to make a name for himself before he had a disagreement with his superiors and was removed from command. Feeling unjustly treated for the first but not the last time, he transferred to Rage squadron on the SSD Avenger, which is where he first heard of the Brotherhood. He was soon given command of the squadron and worked his way up to the rank of Major and the long-standing nickname of ‘Major Cox’, one that has stuck with him to this day. His final act as a member of the Emperor’s Hammer was to join the ‘elite’ Praetorian squadron. It was here that he was raised up to Lieutenant Colonel, but he was subjected to the seedier aspects of EH politics. In the 9 months he spent in the squadron, he realised that the politics behind the EH were just as corrupt and damaging to the Imperial cause as those of the New Republic. On one mission where he had to apprehend a ‘fugitive’, he realised that he was in the wrong organisation. Taking his ship and fleeing, Zandro sold the ship as soon as he made planet fall and made his way back to Yaga Minor. One chapter of his life closed, just as another opened, and he learned of his force potential.

The Fall

On his shuttle ride back to Yaga Minor he was sat next to a woman who he began to talk to on the trip, and discovered that they were very similar in both temperament and personality. They agreed to meet up once they had arrived on Yaga Minor and settled in, and she revealed that she could sense something within him that she would explain at their next meeting. After meeting up with his family and getting settled in, he headed out and met up with the woman from the shuttle once more. She introduced herself as Breshnaa and told him that she was an envoy from the Dark Jedi Brotherhood he had encountered while in the Emperor’s Hammer and that she had been sent to find Zandro himself to offer him a place in the Brotherhood. Perplexed but very tempted by the offer, Zandro asked her to stay with him on Yaga Minor for a while to explain the situation and what the Brotherhood was about. She agreed and moved in with him and as time went on, they began to develop a special bond that they realised was nothing to do with the Force; they were in love. This was the final thing that persuaded the man to join the Brotherhood and he booked a passage to the Brotherhood HQ before confronting his family and informing them of his decision.When he told them of his decision, his parents supported him fully, but his sisters weren’t too pleased to say the least. His last message from his parents before leaving was to find out what had happened to Xayun, as they hadn’t heard from him in several months and were curious. He said that he would and then made his way to the shuttle bay where he would meet up with Breshnaa and then head off to the liner that would take them to their destination. At the shuttle bay he was confronted by his sisters, who pleaded with him not to give into the dark, and were even angrier when they realised that he was being lead there by Breshnaa and his feelings for her. They warned him that once down his chosen path, he could never return, but he told them that the choice was his own, and that his choice was correct. With that they left and Zandro boarded the liner and began his journey to his new home. The journey wasn’t as quiet as he’d hoped however, and things soon turned upside down for the Dark Jedi-to-be.

Two days into the journey, Zandro was asleep when a blaring alarm jolted him into consciousness. He grabbed a blaster and headed to the main foyer to see what the problem was, and as he emerged into the large atrium he saw something which caused his blood to run ice cold in his veins before boiling up with fury.

He saw Breshnaa lying on the floor with a hole in her chest where she had evidently been struck by a blaster bolt. The people who had done the murder were heading over to her corpse to retrieve it, and Zandro knew what he had to do. He raised the blaster he had taken from his room and used it to kill the two men before retrieving his lover’s body and heading towards the hangar bays, letting the force lead him. He entered the hangar and killed the two people who were protecting the shuttle that the apparent pirates had arrived on before stealing the shuttle and launching from the bay. He entered the co-ordinates that Breshnaa had previously given him in case of an emergency, and sent the shuttle hurtling into hyperspace, its destination was Antei.

The Brotherhood

Zandro's journey to Antei went without a hitch from that point onwards, but he knew that he had changed in the short space of time that had elapsed. Upon arrival in the system, he was hailed by the Citadel and asked what his business was, to which he asked to join the Brotherhood. He was brought down to surface and tested to see whether he was worthy, a test which he easily passed, impressing the teachers who watched him with his determination and skill. When finally given the choice of which Clan to join, the man chose to sign up with Clan Arcona.

With that, he was given his new robes, assigned a shuttle (which they had decided would be his old one he had brought to the Brotherhood with him) and given the co-ordinates to his new home. His trip was short and he was glad when he finally arrived and was greeted by the Clan envoy and shown around his new home. He got settled and began his training, which progressed quickly thanks to his determination and natural knack for controlling the Force, as well as the tutorship of his Master, Sashar. He was invited into the Soulfire Battleteam and there he began training with laser weapons as well as his practice lightsaber while also being moved along in his training by Sashar. Before he had even reached the rank of Guardian he was appointed as the new Sergeant of Soulfire after the resignation of the previous Sergeant. He jumped into the roll with his usual enthusiasm, and on his first mission leading the squad, he managed to successfully destroy the Taldryan flagship during the Clan Feud between Taldryan and Arcona, achieving his Knighthood in the process. Although Arcona came off worse in the Feud, Zandro managed to make something of a name for himself and finally emerged from the shadows in Arcona to try and prove that he was worthy of fighting for his Clan on the front lines. However, he never would have expected the next twist in the tale which came shortly after what he believed to be a relatively successful first campaign...


After the conclusion of the Feud and with his elevation to Dark Jedi Knight, Zandro decided to look for his brother like his parents had asked of him. He took a small LoA and travelled to Antei to search the official records, and soon found a match. His brother, so he found out, was in fact stationed in the Brotherhood as well, however Xayun was serving in Clan Naga Sadow. Sending him a quick message, he took his shuttle and headed to a neutral station in orbit around Antei and waited for his brother.

DJB Facts

Current Soulfire Sergeant

Current Chief of Security for House Galeres

2nd Place in Stratagy Gaming Section of GJW6

Won Poetry Section of the Arcona vs Taldryan Feud

12th Overall and 2nd in Arcona for the RoS


Zandro is usually found on IRC with the nick `CC or The_Coff

His favourite gaming platforms are JA, EaW, ACC and ROs

Generally known as the EaW/BF2 enthusiast in Soulfire

Has a brother in the Brotherhood, Xayun Erinos