K'hamar'an Crisis

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 16:55, 14 March 2007 by Xanos (talk | contribs)
The K'hamar'an Crisis
Conflict: The mysterious K'hamar'an cult infiltrates the Dark Brotherhood to steal back several of their precious texts and artefacts.
Date: 22 ABY
Location: Brotherhood Territories, K'hamar'a

Brotherhood Clans

K'hamar'an cult


High Priestess Unknown

K'hamar'an Chieftain


Several hundred Dark Jedi

Several hundred cultists

K'hamar'an cult

[ Source ]

During the K'hamar'an Crisis (also known as the last Krath Rite of Supremacy) members of the mysterious K'hamar'an cult infiltrate the Dark Brotherhood and steal back many of their texts and artefacts. The Krath High Priestess leads forces of the Krath order to the K'hamar'an homeworld of K'hamar'a to reclaim the artefacts and put an end to the K'hamar'an nuisance.


Brotherhood Clans

K'hamar'an Cult

  • K'hamar'an cultists

War of the Star Chamber Major Brotherhood Conflicts
22 ABY
Invasion of Coratua